After graduating from a school like this, you’re ready to expand your horizons with Glenn. Another article on GBU has suggestions from readers on classes he should offer. What are your suggestions?

Conservative Fox News television host, author, and radio host Glenn Beck has started a university.

Sort of.

According to an announcement on Beck’s Web site, “Beck University is a unique academic experience bringing together experts in the fields of religion, American history and economics.” In July, August and September, interested parties can participate in “captivating lectures and interactive online discussions” in which “experts will explore the concepts of Faith, Hope and Charity and show you how they influence America’s past, her present and most importantly her future.”

[…]To be clear, calling it a university is more than a stretch: It is actually simply an opportunity to watch online classes taught by three men, among them the controversial David Barton.

Barton is described on Beck’s site as “the founder and president of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage.” He is an evangelical minister and GOP political activist who has pushed hard against the separation of church and state and been embraced by conservative Republican politicians.

For your final exam, you have to cry on cue as you pick up your diploma.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    WOW! Guyver, what a find!

    When Cynthia calls Steele a “Self aggrandizing gaffe prone incompetent who would have been fired a long tima ago had he not been black.”

    Such an arrogant hypocrite! If anyone had said that about Pelosi, who is Steele’s counterpart, oh! can you imagine the woman-hating torrent of garbage from the media!

    What makes this all the more ironic is the intense hypocrisy of not being allowed to say anything negative about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Isn’t that how Obama got elected? How many times did Reid and Pelosi badmouth Bush on this very thing? It was ok then but not now??

    About voter intimidation. This link adds to list of miscarriages of justice the Obama Administration has carried out.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    I meant to imply the torrent against whoever said something similar about Pelosi, painting the commenter as a woman hater.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    One more comment. On the link above note this huge zinger.

    “the administration moved to dismiss the charges the following month after getting one of the New Black Panther members to agree to not carry a “deadly weapon” near a polling place until 2012.”

    UNTIL 2012!!! Specifically the Black Panthers were terrorizing voters with threats and weapons, and got off free and will be allowed to carry out more threats and weapons during the 2012 pres. campaign!

    Obama should be impeached. Now.

  4. Guyver says:

    31, Ah_Yea,

    WOW! Guyver, what a find!

    And you’ll note that just like the mainstream media, the liberals here will turn a blind eye when it’s one of their own. LOL.

  5. Johnny America says:

    People need to wake up the fact that Glenn Beck is simply another opinion pushing charlatan who is a product of mormon cult theology that he mixes with parts of Catholicism and his personal core as a dry alcoholic. And for the record, he is a Mormon and not a Christian. The two are not the same as one is a cult and the other is a religion. This makes Glenn Beck one very twisted screwed up moron who sold his soul to the lowest common denominator of personal stupidity. The religion of Islam has more in common with Christianity than the mormon cult.

    The truth about Beck is that he a dry mormon alcoholic who never got the counseling required for alcoholics. Because he does not possess a single ounce of journalistic integrity, this makes him the perfect abortion poster child for Fox Network. Considering the fact that Beck’s personal views are extreme Marxist Libertarian, his form of patriotism is false and he is a person who has no real substance or depth.

    Glenn Beck consistently demonstrates all the unstable behaviors of a dry alcoholic which include grandiosity, judgmentalism, intolerance, impulsivity, ADD, indecisiveness and blindness to truth. In short, Beck, Limbaugh, O Reilly, Hannity, Palin, O Donnell, Coulter and others like them frequently pervert truth, history, facts, religion and the US Constitution when they open their big mouths. Beck is simply part of a national league of pseudo-conservative idiots who make big money by selling lies and half truths to impressionable fools that occupy the lowest levels of society. Basically…tea baggers and registered republicans who are condemned to repeat the mistakes of history.


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