After graduating from a school like this, you’re ready to expand your horizons with Glenn. Another article on GBU has suggestions from readers on classes he should offer. What are your suggestions?

Conservative Fox News television host, author, and radio host Glenn Beck has started a university.

Sort of.

According to an announcement on Beck’s Web site, “Beck University is a unique academic experience bringing together experts in the fields of religion, American history and economics.” In July, August and September, interested parties can participate in “captivating lectures and interactive online discussions” in which “experts will explore the concepts of Faith, Hope and Charity and show you how they influence America’s past, her present and most importantly her future.”

[…]To be clear, calling it a university is more than a stretch: It is actually simply an opportunity to watch online classes taught by three men, among them the controversial David Barton.

Barton is described on Beck’s site as “the founder and president of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage.” He is an evangelical minister and GOP political activist who has pushed hard against the separation of church and state and been embraced by conservative Republican politicians.

For your final exam, you have to cry on cue as you pick up your diploma.

  1. Shubee says:

    I don’t believe that we can influence the past.

  2. phiend says:

    Uh, No.

  3. Stan says:

    About the same as Executive Producer of No Agenda

  4. bobbo, what values/double standards are shown says:

    I wonder if he will cover the mystery of electricity in any greater depth?

  5. Zybch says:

    I use to think this guy was a joke, then a creep, and now he’s just a nucking futball!

  6. derspankster says:

    The rubes will buy into ANYTHING!

  7. Dallas says:

    Looks like Beck is on his way to becoming a televangelist.

    Can’t argue there’s lots of $$ in sheep herding.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    Wow. I’d never heard of David Barton. Apparently he’s associated with racists and he likes to make up quotes from the founding fathers in order to support his ideology

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Well, at least Beck didn’t start his “University” the likes of Specter, Byrd, and Ayers!

    Which one is worse, Barton or Ayers?

  10. Fed Up says:

    “Ah_Yea said, on July 5th, 2010 at 8:26 am

    Well, at least Beck didn’t start his “University” the likes of Specter, Byrd, and Ayers!

    Which one is worse, Barton or Ayers?”

    Please refrain from common sense comments. It interrupts the stream of useless name calling and uninformed slurring.

  11. right says:

    IQs not a prerequisite for acceptance to “courses”.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Ah_Yea said,
    Well, at least Beck didn’t start his “University” the likes of Specter, Byrd, and Ayers!

    Which one is worse, Barton or Ayers?

    Well the bad things Ayers is famous for were done 35+ years ago and the bad things Barton is famous for are still being done. And Ayers is actually a professor unlike Barton.

  13. KMFIX says:

    I’m sure all future hires at Fox News will be have to had graduated from GBU.

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Uncle Dave wrote, “For your final exam, you have to cry on cue as you pick up your diploma.”

    I think the more heartfelt tears will come quite naturally as graduates realize that their “diploma” isn’t the huge boost to their résumé that they had imagined it might be.

  15. clancys_daddy says:

    The mystery of electricity. Where does it go when you turn if off. I was actually asked that.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    WOW! I just realized how slanted the CBS article about the Beck University is!

    Look at it again. It’s a hitpiece, not “reporting” per se.

    Couple of giveaways here. First, a great deal of attention was given to Barton while next to none was given to Stoner and Buckner.

    And what does Arlen Specter have to do with anything?? Does ANYONE care what this clown has to say??

    And here is the hitpiece giveaway. “features a variety of pictures of Beck mugging for the camera.”

    Is this what passes for journalism nowadays? “Mugging for the camera”??

  17. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #16–Ah Yea==you surprise me. Defending Beck? Is Palin next, or did I miss that outburst??

    Journalism in its best action is ALWAYS a hit piece. I think you have your aluminum party hat on to post otherwise.

    No sane person could write about Beck and not have it come out a hit piece. When Beck looks into the camera, would you call that a “presentation” or a mug?

    Move to the Left Ah Yea before the forces of darkness totally consume you.

  18. Uncle Dave says:

    Don’t forget, Glenn Beck is a entertainer. He’s not a politician or anyone who does anything important other than provide entertainment. Just like with any comedian or whatever (say, Carrot Top), you either like him or not. This is just his latest shtick. Gotta change up the routine every once in a while or people get bored.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, I am defending journalistic integrity. (If there is any left, that is).

    So what, exactly, did Barton say in the Beck University that was so bad? So wrong??

    What? Silence?

    This reporting from CBS isn’t journalistic integrity, it’s not even news. It’s a hit piece masquerading as news.

    I miss the days of Walter Cronkite. Although he in his personal views was very liberal, he in his professionalism was a true journalist. Impartial and reporting the facts.

    Remember “The CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite”? Would he EVER have allowed something like this to pass his desk?
    Even NBC in it’s day had more integrity than this.

    I miss those days. Probably gone forever, along with most news outlets.

    Oh, and although this is entertaining, it’s at least as bad as anything Beck has done.
    Olbermann, again.

    Oh, how far we have fallen.

    (Ah_Yea, Keeping the forces of Darkness at bay!!)

  20. right says:

    GB is a smart carney and scamming money from the uneducated is his pathetic, vile, disgusting way to make money.

  21. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #19–Ah Yea==like the guy with shit on his upper lip, you are looking for journalistic integrity in all the wrong places.

    Beck, Burton, Olberman are not journalists. Beck is an ass clown, Burton is a fruit loop, and Olberman is a news analyst.

    None of them claim to be a journalist and Beck and Olberman often take the time to explain their non-journalist role in the infotainment world.

    Nice link to Olberman==how do you critique it other than fair and balanced?

    Any link you feel puts the fruit loop in a good light? I googled and can’t find a single positive reference even from other conservative religious types or any money grubbing evangelicals. I’ll grant you the distinctions there with fruit loop are pretty slim and the negative reviews may just be jealousy.

    Where do you send your kiddies to school Ah Yea? Please take care of my emotions and tell me you home school if you know I can’t take the truth. I do have kiddie protective services on speed dial. Just need your area code.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, I think you may have missed a very important point.

    I’m not referring to any of those guys as journalist, but to the CBS newsroom and all others like it. NBC, Time, and most major newspapers. All gone. It was Brian Montopoli of CBS News that posted the article. Not Glenn Beck. Twenty years ago this Brian Montopoli would never have been allowed to post such a piece of trash because his editor would have said “So what do you KNOW about this Beck University?”

    Such is the sorry state of journalism today. And it does make me sad.

    Thanks for the link compliment. How do I characterize the video? Pure entertainment, in the same league as EXTRA! and the National Enquirer. Not news at all, but it was entertaining.

    As for my kids. I, uh… home school them. Yea, that’s it!

    Where do I live? Ok, you found me out! Here’s where I am:

  23. howard bral says:

    I would love to see the MST3K guys on the bottom of the screen during his show

  24. qb says:

    Glenn Beck is a fat, smelly, douchebag milkshake. Or is that Cartman? I can never tell the two apart.

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Howard, how about a running commentary by Jon Stewart?

  26. bobbo, speaking of intelligent right wingnuts says:

    #22–Ah Yea–I think you have missed a very important point. The “article” you refer to is the “Political Hotsheet” blog effort of CBS to compete with every other blog on the internet.

    Again===its VERY obviously NOT journalism.

    More Kudo’s on Rush’s house though. Nice Digs. I have spent hours google earth/flying around the Greater Miami Area. I wonder if Rush ever gets out to the beach? Probably only when his dog drags him out there to bury him?

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    I thought you would like the pic. I hope it gave you a chuckle.

    Rush getting out to the beach? I noticed the path from his house to the beach seems a bit overgrown.

    El Rushbo probably got tired of the “beached whale” jokes.

    Digging deeper on the analysis, why does CBS feel the need to “compete with every other blog on the internet.”?

    Are they not supposedly in the business of news? Doesn’t the headline banner read “CBSNEWS”? Isn’t this site hosted by CBS?

    Doesn’t the “About” section say specifically “Stay up to the minute on the latest news … with the best political reporters from CBS News and”

    So this “blog” is run by CBS News and contributed by the “best political reporters” sanctioned by CBS. One of these sanctioned reporters is Brian Montopoli.

    “Blogs” now pass for news. Little if any editorship or oversight. Little if any peer review or verifiable sources. This is what passes for news, even from CBS.

    At least it’s cheaper than having a real newsroom.

    Ergo, I have not missed the point. In fact, you have made my point.

    RIP journalism and journalistic integrity.

  28. Benjamin says:

    It is a hit piece. Next you will be saying that Rush Limbaugh is starting a school because he sometimes calls his show the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.

    Beck is just saying you might learn something if you listen or hear the Beck University lectures. The purpose is not to confer a degree, but to actually learn something.

    #12 jccalhoun said, “Well the bad things Ayers is famous for were done 35+ years ago.”

    Not true. Ayers fund raised for Obama to get him elected as President. One might argue that that action did more harm to our country than what he did 35+ years ago.

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Benjamin, one might argue (successfully) that Beck spews more pure BS per minute than any host on any major cable network. The guy is off his rocker, and wrong on just about everything, especially history and political analysis. Assclown is an accurate description…he’s Howard Stern with politics instead of sex.

    Why are conservatives so enamored with Ayers? Are real issues that hard to find?

  30. Guyver says:

    22, Ah_Yea,

    Such is the sorry state of journalism today. And it does make me sad.

    Journalists don’t seem to report the news anymore… it’s all editorialized.

    That being said, I have to wonder if Cynthia Tucker were a Republican / Libertarian instead of a Democrat and criticized Obama much in the same way she did with Steele, would those journalists be all over this as news? (5:06 to 5:31):

    Taxes will be going up for those making under $250k now. Where are Chairman Obama’s Truth Squads now?:

    But will the mainstream journalists point out hypocrisies? Nah. They like the guy. They’ll be praising Obamanomics and keep pushing the hopey-changey thing.


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