If only more politicians had these kinds of balls:

  1. RTaylor says:

    The man nailed the situation in Afghanistan.

  2. TThor says:

    Ron Paul 2012!

  3. Jeanne says:

    I want to know the real reason why we are in Afghanistan. From what we have been told, it doesn’t make any sense. Did Obama change his mind once he took office? And, if so, why?

  4. JMRouse says:

    Ron Paul’s a hack. His followers always like to give him credit for predicting the economic meltdown, but fail to mention that he had been predicting it for so long that he is the equivalent of the guy you see on the side of the street holding up a sign that says “The End is Near!” Sure the world is going to end at some point, but do you give that guy credit? That’s the problem with Ron Paul. He had been saying the economy is going to collapse for so long, about everything, that he has lost his credibility.

    I will of course be hated on here for point this fact out. Enjoy and have fun.

  5. Jmrouse says:

    Also, before anyone says it. I do realize this video has nothing to do with what I said above. I was just making a general point about Ron Paul and the love he gets.

    I don’t necessarily disagree with the point Ron Paul makes in the video about. 🙂

  6. Fishguy says:

    JMR, good point. Too bad you’re wrong. The economy has been going in the toilet since Ron Paul began talking about it. It has just taken this long for everyone else to realize the damage.

    The most interesting thing about this clip is the news anchor’s defense of Obama. He simply ignores the fact that Obama did state it is a just war. Another classic case of the liberal media at work busily re-writing history.

  7. Reverse Engineer says:

    #3 We’re there to protect the vast reserves of Ice-Nine hidden deep in the hills.

  8. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    Why is a fish the sweetest smelling offering to post so far?

    You other’all are quite incorrect. “This War” referring to Afghanistan Invasion, War, and Current Nation Building does not change impetus and History with each new election of a President.

    Ron Paul did a better job than Mike Steele did in twisting away/spinning/BS’s/Lying/Rewriting History, what is ON TAPE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FRICKING LISTEN TO IT!!!!, but HE is wrong and Lemon, while whining like a little bitch, did the admirable job in trying to nail him to his position.

    What?–you think Ron Paul the LIEberTARD and Mike Steele are the ony two right people on this issue?–oh, and the idiots on this blog too. OK–Ron Paul, Mike Steele first two above plus the Galt du Jour.

    Speaking of retards rewriting rehistory: #2–Jeanne==Obama is doing just exactly what he said he was going to do.

    What is the TRUTH to you people???? Just a canvas for you to write whatever BS you want to?

    Seems so.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  9. A Patriot says:


    Steele did not say Obama started the war. He is saying that Obama is continuing the war for no apparent reason. Stop blindly following Obama. He has done nothing but drive America down the hole further than Carter ever did.

  10. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #9–A Patriot==you and Ron Paul may want to think that is what he “meant” to say but that is not what he actually SAID. I am, was, and always will be to the LEFT of BushLight, so I am NOT an Obamatard. Interesting you can’t see the world any other way.

    No, when Obama campaigned and said he was “for” the War in Afghanistan I thought he was lying to give himself COVER for his anti-Iraq stance. Sadly, he was telling the truth.

    Disagree again, or anyone else, and we’ll just have to transcribe from the video exactly what Steele did say. Steele is a loose cannon as full as gaff’s as Joe Biden==but Joe Biden is in charge of staying out of the way while Steele is supposed to be the leader of the Repug Party/Policy Wonk/Fund Raiser. Precise in the use of language.

    If Steele meant to say what you would like him to have said, he needed to use different words.

    Words have meaning.

    BTW–I had to laugh. Katherine Weymouth, CEO of Washington Post asked by Karen Dunlap, President of whocares: “Do you angst over blah, blah” and she replied: “Yes, I do angst over blah, blah.”

    Our media. No wonder you people can’t tell shit from shinola.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    First Paul is pro offense with his Letters of Marque and now he is a dove?

    Just like all politicians. They will change at the drop of a hat if it suits them.

    Afghanistan was lost when we turned our backs on them after the Soviets pulled out. We got from them what we wanted and then left them to twist in the wind.

    Serves us right that we get screwed for it. As we screwed them first.


  12. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    “…his is a war of Obama’s choosing. This is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in.” ((Ron Paul is correct that this is (now) Obama’s War but catch the “wanted” in Steele’s Stateent. Idiot Americans/Congress supported our idiotic invasion and staying in Afghanistan.))

    McCain finally right about something (re Steele’s comments) said: “Those statements are wildly inaccurate…”

    Republicans are for war. War all the time. Bankrupting War for glory, right or wrong. When treading on such thin ice, Steele should have chosen his words very carefully==along the lines that Ron Paul suggested. But Steele got caught up in thinking he was only talking to his base, and to the Republican Base, you can say anything, the more retarded/anti-Obama the better. He’d get away with it too given the intellectual rigor of the American Public displayed on this thread, were it not for the senior Politicians paid for by the Military-Industrial complex.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  13. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #11–cursor==mostly correct. Leaving Afghan the first time was correct. Actually, invading Afghan to oust the Taliban was also correct or at least was justifiable. ((I would have been more surgical–just decapitate the leadership or put them on the run with missles and airstrikes is an alternative. Boots on the ground is so 20th Century.)) Our biggest/main error then is staying in Afghan to do nation building with a narco thug. Why do we do that so often? What new group of freedom fighters are we supporting with drug money elsewhere in the world? Given that 2 Billion that just got airlifted from Afghan to DuBai–are we geting our appropriate cut from the Heroin Trade we provide cover for?

    Non retards want to know.

  14. jccalhoun says:

    I didn’t listen to the whole thing. However, I was shocked to hear a republican be antiwar even if i was a fringe republican like Paul. I think that both Paul and the host were spinning things their own way.

  15. DA says:

    I see that bobbo the government apologist is out in full force today.

  16. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:


    In this thread, I challenged the Republicans and Obama. Please state the words you think constitute an apology?

    Do you understand what that words means or do you just use any negative sounding words against whomever you see as an opponent without thought as to what you are actually saying? Kinda like Michael Steele?

    Go ahead. I’ll wait.

  17. just me says:

    We won’t be leaving Afghanistan anytime soon–the CIA is not about to give up control of the poppies.

  18. Zybch says:

    And all the lithium they’re thinking of using to dope up the entire population so they’re meek sheeple.

  19. Buzz says:

    Manomanoman. No matter who started the war (out of whole cloth, remember?), it’s Obama’s fault now!

    And green is the new red. Sunset is the new sunrise. A pure salt diet will do wonders for your waistline and you can buy happiness for a penny!

    To Republicans, the Truth is anything you can speak.

  20. DA says:

    #16-bobbo==yes, really.

    For someone who claims to be an almighty master of words you seem to have missed the boat entirely on this one.

    An apologist is someone who defends and makes excuses for someone or something, typically doctrine, religion, or dogmatic in nature. Often twisting words to fit their idea of the way things should be perceived.

    It was my way of saying that you twisted what Paul meant to make excuses for lemon. Who I believe you actually think is incorrect in his analysis…I could be wrong though, I’m not gonna read through your convoluted musings on this subject again, rather I’ll just let you point out where I went so wrong, and I’m sure you will.

    Sometimes you have to take what someone means, not what they say. Not everyone is a master of words.

  21. fargonaz says:


    Doddo’s being mean again.

  22. qb says:

    I rarely watch CNN (or any US TV actually) but I ran across this anchor (I don’t know his name) last weekend for a few minutes. I am amazed anyone that dim and condescending is on a national new program. He’s pathetic. I’m so sorry for all my American chums.

    On the plus side, Men With Brooms was replaying on Canada Day. There is nothing more Canuckish than a mushroomed up Leslie Nielsen.

  23. Boolez says:


    The above video of is representative of Obama’s campaign. He was voted in as an anti-war, pro-diplomacy but he as only done what the Bush administration did only more enthusiastically. Gitmo is still open, we still have troops in Iraq and will for some time, and we have only doubled our efforts to go at war with all 20 or less people in Afghanistan. What’s next? When do we begin full troop deployment in Pakistan? We have a pretext and we need to go secure the nukes there. This is just more of the same no matter what the Obamatrons say. Where is the outrage over the confirmation over Petraeus? The libs where frothing over him under bush But now he’s their guy because Obama said so? Talk about sheeple. This might well be the future of America. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204482304574219813708759806.html

  24. cloewe says:

    DA said

    bobbo won’t be happy till America is just a bigger Cuba. The right is wrong. blah blah Ron Paul is the real deal. Smart, works hard, I’ll admit he gets a little crazy about the Fed but hey he’s one of the lone points of reason in government.

  25. roastedpeanuts says:


  26. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #20–DA==well done. Sorry I left for a couple of hours. You say:

    1. “For someone who claims to be an almighty master of words you seem to have missed the boat entirely on this one.” /// I have never claimed that. By inference only but if directly challenged, I recognize we all stumble on our way. Those closer to the path and searching for a light certainly are better off than those howling in the dark that they have the light of sweet reason. Perhaps some of my “nom de flames” have thrown you off? Many of those are jokes, or irritations, or challenges. Rarely do I claim any special expertise or argue from that perspective. Just questions or challenges.

    2. Agree on the def of apology. Thats great because some common ground is necessary before a house of learning can be built.

    3. “…you twisted what Paul meant to make excuses for lemon.” /// No. I stated directly what Paul said and Paul was twisting what Steele said to be an apologist for him (Steele). I made no excused for Lemon, in fact, I criticised him for being bitchy and whiney. “Let me get a question in here Sen Paul.” Amateur time. But I like his attitutde. IT IS THE PRESS FOR CHRIST’S SAKE that needs to tell politicians they aren’t telling the truth==not the other way around.

    4. “Sometimes you have to take what someone means, not what they say. Not everyone is a master of words.” /// Children, retards, and upset women?==Yes. Politicians and LIEbertards?==No.

    DA–you are childlike in your dyslexic association of words and ideas. But I sense a kind nature. Post ON!!

  27. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #24–clowne==DA didn’t say what you posted so I assume that is some garbled up response to me?

    I am not for Cuba. I am for the maximum freedom and good life for the most possible. Social Liberal and Economic Conservative.

    More just blow it out your ass word association/bumper sticker non-think instead of analysis. But I sense a kind nature. You too may enter the house of learning. We can all learn from each other if you drop the stupid act.

  28. e? says:

    Anyone else notice CNN is now producing shows the same way as TWiT and Adam Curry – via Skype!

  29. bobbo, speaking of intelligent right wingnuts says:

    #21–fargonads==Didn’t you criticize me for not spell checking? Yes, I’m multitasking with a sticking keyboard and too often my fingers have a mind of their own. I rarely correct as I assume most people can get my drift. I will correct when I think the puzzle is too hidden.

    Amusing though. Doddo or dodo. Did you misspell or just not know the difference?

  30. Ruan says:

    Bobbo – the DU troll. We read you loud and clear, every time, every day, every post… many times and always… your vitriol is crystal clear, year in year out. For Gods sake, next please!
    [Note that Bobbo enters under many names and shapes, like the Lord, in mysterious ways…]


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