
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA’s orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    I bet you can tie unemployment checks to enhancing space travel just as easily.

  2. Brian says:

    Not going to work with PIGGGGSSSS INNNN SPACCCCCEEEE already there.

  3. RSweeney says:

    Bolden’s not an idiot, but he does work for one.

    I find myself hoping for change.
    And fast.

  4. ummmm... says:


  5. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Reported by Faux Spews so it must be a fair report of what he said, but I wonder if “he” embellished it. “Foremost” sounds like over-emphasis among his other duties especially when it is meant to supercede teaching our kiddies about science? Heh, heh. Yes, the Muslim contrabution to science must continue. I wonder if that is diplo-speak for funding our Moon Mission with petro dollars?

  6. Mextli says:

    I think it will work after all Cap & Trade is sure cleaning up the oil in the gulf.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Maybe he’s going to blast them all into orbit?

    “I know where all your 72 virgins are! Just step inside this huge phallic symbol and we will blast you there in a jiffy!”

    “Bon Voyage!”

  8. Skeptic says:

    Join the OPIUM Space Program now!

    I just got back down with my Muslim friends. What a ride!

  9. Milo says:

    He says “third and perhaps foremost” and then qualifies the hell out of it: video, at about 1:20.

  10. Nor says:

    So, he gets interviewed on a pro-muslin channel and panders to the by saying that muslins are important etc etc.. By doing he is sending out a positive pro-science, pan-continental message. He is not being an idiot, NASA has always been a lot more opened armed with its message to the rest of the world and it has been a good thing in my opinion. We need a new perspective. You cannot just uses sticks to weld the world in pro-American world and a little bit of positive message is certainly welcome. I would rather see Muslims re-embrass science than radical Islamism… *he* is an idiot? No,I do not think so. He is just being a pro-science, pro-technology person.

  11. Cypress says:

    Doesn’t it seem that the President is getting stupider and stupider?

  12. sargasso_c says:

    No, the headline does not square with his actual comments in the AlJaz interview. NASA has a public education program, which Bolden is keen to see used in Islamic nations as well and efficiently as it is used in the USA and the west. My guess is, an Arabic language version of NASA TV.

  13. Buzz says:

    It’s the OIL!

  14. dusanmal says:

    @#10 Are you out of your mind? NASA mission is exploration of space and science. Neither is even remotely related to any religion or group of people, including Muslims. This is the worst pandering to Muslim world ever seen on this planet.

    Proper answer to AlJazeera? NASA is not interested in any religion or particular group of people. NASA does not care for Muslims or any other religious group as that classification is not relevant for its mission. When Muslim world wakes up and smells 21st century, please call us with any relevant scientific or engineering contribution you may have, those are relevant.

  15. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #15–doill, who never disappoints==Onward Christian Soldiers. I’m sure some diplomatic rebuke for no discernible reason at all will get them to see the light.


  16. Special Ed says:

    NASA may have a point. If you tie enough of these nutballs together with explosives strapped to them you could probably launch some shit.

  17. TooManyPuppies says:

    Fits in with the same line from too many to count Science Fiction books about space colonies.

  18. fargonaz says:


    Please use a spell checker.


  19. chuck says:

    It doesn’t matter. After 2011 NASA will be out of the manned-space business.

    All flights to the space station will go out of Russia, so we’re effectively giving them the space station.

    The good news is, SpaceX might have a man-capable launch vehicle ready in a few years.

  20. bill says:

    “Al Jazeera go build your ‘own’ space program.”

    Or ‘anything’ usefull to the planet.

    We dare you.

  21. Boolez says:

    There might have been something lost in translation. NASA could be used in an attempt to bring Islam to a more secular outlook with a proper education in the sciences. This might be a worthy endeavor on the face of it but I suspect President Obama is more then a little naive. The attacks on 9/11 had several terrorists that had advanced degrees from western universities. A well-rounded, educated person can still hold to a radicalized faith tradition. Even if we don’t buy into their religious outlook, we would still need to send both scientists and theologians to be of any use to us both in a diplomatic and scientific way.

  22. Father says:

    If Islam had heros that were going into space, rather than heros who died trying to kill Jews and Christians, that would be a step in the right direction.

    However, I’m not sure the effect Obama has on little black children. Hopefully he inspires them to work as hard as possible in school.

  23. Father says:

    Actually, if Northern Ireland had people going into space in the 70s, I don’t think that would have done anything to disarm the IRA.

  24. steve807 says:

    Hey, what’s wrong with encouraging and supporting some Muslim science ? They have had a slow couple thousand years.

  25. Awake says:

    So talk of improving relations with Muslims makes him an idiot? What an idiot.

  26. roddy6667 says:

    Good luck with that Muslims in Space gadget. They freak out because they can’t figger out which is facing Mecca so they can flop around on the floor of the space station four times a day. And that Space Toilet is no good. They can’t wipe their butt with their bare left hand like Mohammed wants them to.

  27. overtemp says:

    No surprise that the Man-Bear-Pigs have infiltrated NASA.

  28. GF says:

    Maybe just maybe NASA wants to get it’s hands on the Black Stone of Mecca. After all it’s a meteorite with strange properties. Nearly a billion people face it everyday for no real purpose. Some of these same people even commit suicide in spectacular fashion or act in completely irrational ways like flying planes into buildings. We need to study this strange rock and see how and why it effects all those people in such adverse ways.

  29. veto says:

    actually there is a lot of rare ressources much needed for space travel still laying untouched in the muslim world, much like there are in afgahnistan, which is of course the main reason for the western UN to be deployed there in continuous combat activity. To ensure a much “needed” surplus of extremly rare metals and minerals, giving up the opportunity to push the mining industries directly resulting in lower prices for exclusive crude material. which of course is in the interest of nasa and their tech-suppliers. because an increase in supplies also directly affects the manufacturing industries, in terms of reducing the prices in production. since there is more of that e. g. lithium you don’t need to be as diligent processing it, thus enhancing the profit span once more,
    so as you see, life is not about faith, but about reinventing your ambient free world and modifying it in accord with your lively imagination.

    heads up,
    bavaria, europe.

  30. I cant understand this one.
    How is it possible ?


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