
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA’s orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. extension-developer says:

    Don’t know why he is going to stick with piggy guys..Bolden is going stupider and stupider…

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Saw this headline on Fox “News” .com yesterday. It makes no sense whatsoever, but hooboy the wingnuts are commenting their asses off deriding the president about it. (bte, that site’s comments are a riot of idiocy)

    Maybe we’ll eventually get the entire story about this non-story, or maybe not, but in either case the Fox universe already has their own version of the “truth” and they’re sticking to it, by god.

  3. Derek says:

    So I guess soon we will get to discover the effects suicide bombers have in space?

  4. deowll says:

    Yep the US of A is getting out of space. We are no longer going to have a launch vehicle able to send a man to the space station or large objects into space. In a lot of ways that’s a total shut down. We outsourced our industry and now we are rapidly ceasing to be a tech leader. We are rapidly heading toward just another debtor nation status.

    Maybe China will take over. When one super power falls there’s normally another waiting to take over as top dog. Just the interest we have to pay them in one month would more than cover a shuttle program.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    OT a bit, but plays into the same idea: The political right believes whatever they’re told to believe.

  6. wamalamadingdong says:

    foremost job for this assbyte.
    hit the road jack!

  7. User7 says:

    Pretty soon you will have to take off your shoes to board a space ship.

  8. Lets blame it all to Obama! No really lets do it. Haha … But really, what the hell was he thinking?

  9. Nor says:

    @ #15: you do not seem to know what NASA is or does… neither do you seem to know what a Muslim is.
    NASA has an OUTREACH program, this is what we are talking about it.
    If you think science is not related to religion, watch the news a little more: there is plenty of evidence that religious zeolots, either muslim, christian, or jewish know very little about science and it role in the modern world (as in post-middle age…).
    There are some very good reasons for NASA to have an outreach department, if only to bootstraps the more ignorant and uneducated into realizing what is around in the Universe into which they live… We need more science outreach not just is in the US (and trust me, WE DO!), but also abroad.

  10. Nor says:

    #15: you do not seem to know what NASA is or does… neither do you seem to know what a Muslim is.
    NASA has an OUTREACH program, this is what we are talking about it.
    If you think science is not related to religion, watch the news a little more: there is plenty of evidence that religious zeolots, either muslim, christian, or jewish know very little about science and it role in the modern world (as in post-middle age…).
    There are some very good reasons for NASA to have an outreach department, if only to bootstraps the more ignorant and uneducated into realizing what is around in the Universe into which they live… We need more science outreach not just is in the US (and trust me, WE DO!), but also abroad.

  11. jihazabel says:

    Maybe he could tell them that Mars is only a stone’s throw away.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    pedro, you disappoint again. In the center and on the left you’ll find a rather diverse set of ideas and opinions. On the right, nearly everybody believes what Rush and Roger Ailes tell them to believe. Those on the right are oblivious to this reality, but anyone who follows the right-wing press closely sees it happen daily. This story is yet another example of mountains from molehills. Vast conspiracies made out of poorly-worded statements. Fake News SOP.

  13. incident_man says:

    Let’s not forget, folks, that while Europe was too busy chasing dragons and Crusading to kill all non-Christians and take their land, the Muslim world made a number of key scientific discoveries:

    Don’t forget that they knew about the true heliocentric nature of the solar system long before Copernicus. Unfortunately, these days, Islam has made somewhat of a bad name for itself because of the actions of a very few. However, it is completely misguided to count them out completely.

  14. Orion314 says:

    someone should tell bolden and obamaha ya just can’t play african roundball in zero-gee

  15. gypkap says:

    Can we just launch the cretins in Iran who plan to stone that woman to death? Without oxygen, preferably…

  16. Tom says:

    And attempt at peace is better than not trying for peace at all. Classifying him as an idiot is ignorant. It is no wonder mainstream media is going down the toilet. All this discrimination and ignorance as cited by

  17. jerry says:

    maybe they’ll switch to magic carpets and turbans instead of rockets and space helmets.

  18. jihazabel says:

    I don’t have any desire to attack the Muslims, but the bottom line is that it is completely inappropriate for Obama to direct an American agency, whose very reason for existence is space exploration, with inspiring Muslims in other countries. That is simply absurd. We have spent too much time, energy, and money, worrying about the rest of the world, and far too little taking care of the US. That’s a big part of what’s been wrong with us for the past 30 years – globalism. Globalism needs a big ugly stake driven through its corporate heart.

  19. Wretched Gnu says:

    John, once again, please think before you type.

    There are two conflicting strategies in place to de-radicalize the small portion of the world’s Musilm’s who need it:

    1) Bring more violence into their world; the endgame apparently being total military domination — or elimination — of billions of people all over the world, or:

    2) Draw the recalcitrants into the fold of modernity. Give them a sense that they have a stake in it. And let them know that *we* know that if it weren’t for the monumental achievements of Arab mathematicians in the past, the achievements of modernity would not be possible. If they know that we know that, they know they can join a modernity that is not holding above their heads a cloud of condescension.

    Which strategy makes more sense to you, John?

  20. Mark T. says:

    Maybe NASA can build a “B Ark”, ala Douglas Adams, and send them all to another planet.

  21. MySecrets says:

    I dont know how NASA became a political agency? maybe he missed the memo or something. And really is it his job to foster good relationships with religious groups? let alone muslim world? What a moron.


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