How much of this is reasonable to allow the cleanup to continue unimpeded and how much is to keep the public from knowing how bad it is and not tarnish BP’s image further (is that possible?)? And doesn’t a felony conviction for taking a picture seem a tad steep?

  1. The Watcher says:

    Zero wants total control of the media and the internet.

    This argument is just a little blip on the issue.

  2. Glass Half Full says:

    How is “taking a picture” interfering with cleanup?

  3. B, Dog says:

    Who are you people to say that 65 feet is close enough? Buy a camera and try taking a really good picture of a little bird.

    As a side note, did anyone look at the show notes from last Thursday’s No Agenda show? I mean the reference to the leak being unstoppable and 2.5 billion barrels of oil leaking out over the next 20 or 30 years. That one.

  4. the haunted sheep says:

    Change we can believe in

  5. deowll says:

    I kind of go with #23. The main thing the government is concerned about is covering its own rear or at least the rears of the people who stand to be criticized.

    With the right camera you can get plenty of video from a distance/65 ft. I own a couple that can do a close up from 65 ft. but it helps if you use a tripod. You might find it hard to do a interview and be in the same picture though.

    On the other hand I do think Cooper is finally starting to figure out how this government works and what its main concern is. Protecting itself from criticism and to Hades with the public’s so called right to know. The less people know the easier it is to control them.

    It’s about time Cooper and his bosses figure out they are supposed to report the news not sensor it for their buddies.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    What if they put up barricades so you can’t see what they’re doing. Then 65 feet is no better than 1000 feet. The point is they want to hide what’s happening from the public.

  7. DeepBlue says:

    Once again Big Media has failed to do it’s job, ie, where is the reporting on the constitutionality of the Commandant of the Coast Guard issuing “laws” with felony penalties?

    Seems to me that only Congress can do that (Article 1, Sections 1 & 8, US Constitution), as well as Amendment I (“make no laws…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”).

  8. Put this cheap government down,all people have choosed a wrong party …all in all is collapsed nothing is left up to people..

  9. The0ne says:

    Meh, I was sicken when BP was pulling this crap several weeks ago. There are plenty of stories to go around. As one lady being interviewed puts it,

    “My husband works in the country Sheriff department he assured us that the department is working with BP. The daughter of the chief is married to a BP representative and most of the funds are by BP. So I don’t see how the public can even win when BP is tied to so many things already.”

    Give up the good fight or use your amazing vocabulary pool, like Boobo, to fight back!


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