1. fulanoche says:

    Remember, all in the Western Hemisphere are Americans, not just those living in USA.

  2. jmsiowa says:

    Grew up near there. most likely the volunteer fire dept. was in charge. Love making and shooting pyrotechnics but you got to respect them or they will snap back at you.

  3. What says:

    Fireworks are boring to me.
    Firearms are more to my liking.

  4. Grandpa says:

    #1 – You’re right. South America, Central America, and North America. But right now this 4rth of July holiday is about The United States of America, a free sovereign country with it’s own constitution and it’s own CITIZENS. This is not about what is listed on a world map as a land mass, this is about United States CITIZENS who fight and die for their freedom.

  5. fulanoche says:


    I know and I agree. People in SA, CA, and NA consider and refer to themselves as Americans (because they are).

    Headline should read–

  6. Animby says:

    # 1 fulanoche said, “…all in the Western Hemisphere are Americans, not just those living in USA.”

    Very true. I make my living in many far flung parts of the world. I was a stickler for a long time to introduce myself as from the UNited States (which is also technically wrong as the descriptor could be used for someone from Mexico).

    But many people don’t understand that answer and keep asking what and where until you finally cough up America as a response. Now when some street vendor in Tajikistan asks me where I’m from, I just cut to the meat and answer, “America.”

    Face it. Go anywhere in the world and identify yourself as an American and no body will ask you what part of Mexico you live in. Does it get really cold in Canada? Or if you live close to the Canal Zone. No one will say, “Funny, you don’t look Peruvian.” Or, “I have an uncle who emigrated to Bolivia. Maybe you know him!”

    Yes, we are all Americans but the term has become synonymous with citizens of the USA. Live with it.

  7. duh says:

    I would bet that 75% of the US americans dont even know the month id is being celebrated

  8. Grandpa says:

    #5 – NO. It’s Happy 4rth Americans. The reference is to a country. The only country that celebrates it’s independence on this date in the Americas. We’re not a land mass, we are a country of Americans.

    And Jesus is from Bethlehem, not Mexico.

  9. Bud says:

    There is a continent called North America. It’s not America. Therefore if you come from the USA or Canada and Mexico you can say I’m North American (as a geological land mass). If you want to know nationality then that is the country you are from like the USA or Canada or Mexico. I’m Canadian. I do not call myself American. I have nothing against Americans. It’s just that when some says “American” they mean an abbreviated version of United States of AMERICA.

    Happy July 4th my friends to the south!

  10. fulanoche says:

    Bethlehem—that’s in Pennsylvania, right?

  11. claydoh says:

    C’mon, I have yet to hear any Canadian or Mexican citizen refer to themselves as American. People from the US have been referred to as American for probably longer than there has been a USA., and not just by ourselves.

  12. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    Words are made up artificial constructs and mean only what people agree they mean.

    So are most other ideas.

  13. WmDE says:

    A young lady from Ecuador was working at the same company as me about 20 years ago. On the day she was sworn in a US citizen the entire staff had a party in the conference room. Cake, beverages and ribbing the now lone “furiner”, a Canadian.

    For the rest of the day the former Ecuadoran greeted every one with “Hey! I’m an American! I am not going to put up with any crap!” said with a smile.

  14. Cursor_ says:

    #4 Grandpa

    The last US citizens to fight and die for the security of the US was back in 45.

    So to them, thank you much.


  15. fulanoche says:

    Hey mom, look at the fireworks on DU–oooh aaahh

    And for fun


  16. cloewe says:

    #14 Wrong any soldier from any era that wears a uniform of the United States all deserve respect for defending our country. I’m not sure who wrote this, but it puts everything in clear terms.
    “A veteran – whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve – is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America”, for an amount of “up to and including my life.”
    Sad that some don’t understand that.

  17. UncDon says:

    No, no, no… that was a termite exterminator round that accidentally was included in the display. It’s supposed to hit the ground before exploding.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Happy 4th of July to EVERYBODY!

  19. Rabble Rouser says:

    Happy 4th of July. Just remember that Feedom isn’t free!

  20. deowll says:

    I’d like to think the lads in the Continental Congress for some good work that could have cost them their lives.

    As for the shell. If anyone was near that thing when it went off I bet that scared the crap out of them.


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