Drug hysteria hits a new high. (pun accidental)

  1. Alf says:

    Cake doughnuts AKA fry cakes are a source of nutmeg and cinnamon. Add cup of coffee and you have a dangerous problem.

  2. JPD says:

    Thank God, No nutmeg overdoses.

    Next thing you know we’ll have to show our drivers licences and sign some kind of form to buy nutmeg.

  3. JPD says:

    Next thing you know they’ll be telling us that kids like to spin around in circles to make themselves dizzy. Shocking!!!!

  4. esoterroriffik says:

    Certainly better than huffing the mousse can. Back in cooking school me and the guys use to stand around the spice rack, and you know, dabble in a little nutmeg.

  5. Cursor_ says:


    This has been around since the 60s. Every year the news “rediscovers” things like huffing, spices, plant concoctions, etc.

    I remember as a kid the hash oil toothpicks and the elusive 20 year old morning glory seeds. Foxglove and angels’ trumpet. There is more myristicin in parsley seeds than nutmeg. And making an essential oil from nutmeg or parsley seed is even stronger.

    Why you can even make sangria from fruit, sugar and rendered hand sanitiser if you buy the kind with ethyl alcohol.

    Face it almost anything can get you high or dead if you want it to.


  6. Smee says:

    Wait till they find out about poppy seeds! Bagel and hard roll sales will go through the roof.

  7. chuck says:

    OMG! There’s a store just down the street from me (actually there are about 30 of them) which sell hot drinks with caffeine in them, and they actually give you free sugar too!

    There are some other stores which sell liquids with alcohol in them! And alcohol has been proven to be highly addictive. In fact, if you drink too much alcohol you could die!

    Won’t somebody, please, think of the children!

  8. TThor says:

    “They call me yellow mellow…”… go smoke a banana!

  9. mentor972 says:

    This has been around forever. Further back than my high school days 15 years ago for sure. They’re just now hearing about this? What a crock!

  10. Skeptic says:

    One spice makes you larger
    And one spice makes you small
    And the ones that mother gives you
    Don’t do anything at all
    Go ask Alice
    When she’s ten feet tall

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    Lemon-pepper will mess you up.

  12. roddy says:

    Young people were taking nutmeg to get high in 1968. It makes you violently nauseous if you take enough to trip.

  13. Steve says:

    When I was a boy we took little tabs of Orange Sunshine to spice up the afternoon.

  14. Bucky says:

    I get the impression the presenter is waiting for a Candid Camera moment at the end.

  15. RSweeney says:

    Certainly the Budweisser crisis intervention center could arrange to get these needy kids a few emergency cases of beer to save them.

  16. KMFIX says:

    Ban it! Save the children!

  17. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Pure nutmeg seems to be fairly harmless, but it can become quite dangerous when it’s “cut” with ingredients like flour, sugar, and eggs, to name a few of the more common ones. That’s when it becomes especially addictive. I’ve seen a few people who were apparently unable to kick their unhealthy habit, taking increasingly higher doses until they had a heart attack.

  18. admfubar says:

    ah fox 8 here is now reaching the same level of reporting as woio 19 here.. 😛

    at least dick goddard hasnt retired yet…after he does fox 8 will have reached a new level of mediocrity.

  19. NelsonOH says:

    Certainly some stimulus money could be earmarked for saving our youth from this bane to society. Perhaps our officials could produce an eighteen million dollar website to heighten awareness and encourage teens to “Just say no” to nutmeg. And holiday eggnog. It’s laced with the stuff.

  20. bobbo, sobriety is for those who can't deal with alternate realities says:

    I thought the new big thing was licking cat assholes? I know just thinking about it puts me into another reality.

    At the post office yesterday, some kid in line had a big splash of yellow paint all over his face. Everyonoe dealt with him as if everything was normal.

    Ha, ha. They all treated me the same too except for one lady with a dog.

  21. kwils123 says:

    Baron Harkonnen the flow of the spice must not be interrupted.

  22. UncDon says:

    The internet is dangerously addictive too. We need to restrict access to those who are properly trained and licensed.

  23. RobLeather says:

    Actually, nutmeg is actually toxic and can kill…. but you’d have to eat a s**t load of nutmeg. By which point you’ll be the spiciest corpse in the morgue. 🙂

  24. Animby says:

    I have a nutmeg grater in my kitchen. Can I get busted for drug paraphernalia?

  25. cgp says:

    Nutmeg leads to fruitcakes.

    There will always be a proportion of the pop who deselect themselves and we are truly greatful to those who sacrifice themselves to the greater id.

    This is just laimstream media getting ever more streamlined.

  26. Jess Hurchist says:

    Can’t find the reference as the book (Bird Lives I think) is packed away but Charlie Parker was using nutmeg in the 40’s

  27. nilum says:

    You can get high off of pretty much anything if you take it properly… though mostly off huffing fumes which is just another way of asphyxiating yourself.

    Nutmeg is a stupid way to get high and it’s why we should legalize pot. These kids are only doing nutmeg because it’s a legal way to get high. There are no restrictions on it, and like many other things if you take it in large quantities you get a buzz. It’s a pretty mild buzz, but you might also get nauseated.

    If marijuana was legal they would probably be doing it as well, but with the added benefit of not getting sick, and less chance for a bad trip (if any). The only time I did nutmeg, I had a very bad trip and never touched it again. I’ve never hallucinated while high on marijuana. Not saying these kids should be doing any drugs, but I’d much rather my kid smoke some pot and get a buzz, rather than down a bottle of nutmeg to get an inferior effect (not to mention nausea, headache, and a bad trip).

    I’d also much rather my kids be doing nutmeg than alcohol. Seriously, if this kid was drinking this would have never made it on the news. So sad and pathetic how our media works.

    Next time kids will start huffing the fumes off burning tires… I’m sure tires will be banned, or at least have a label stating that they are not to be used improperly 😛

    You heard it here first kids.


  28. Slatts says:

    The horror!
    What next?

  29. lynn says:

    #8 TThor: “They call me yellow mellow…”…

    Quite right, Jack.

  30. lynn says:

    Won’t somebody please think of the gingerbread men?


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