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  1. Animby says:

    “We know it makes … telephones ring…”

    Now I’m confused. I thought someone calling me made the phone ring!

    To paraphrase Arthur Clarke: Even basic technology will appear like magic to a cretin.

  2. Thompson Hunter says:

    Can probably substitute God for electricity and it would read perfectly well.

  3. Len says:

    Sigh. “We” know how to manipulate electricity and have the electron theory and hole theory (holes flow on way and the electrons the other way). But they are theory. When you use an electron microscope and zoom in in the atom the closer you get the fuzzier the picture. At an atomic level we don’t really understand it fully. Science is still a work in progress and we are still learning. Unless you know it all. Sigh.

  4. ECA says:

    Lets see..
    I have to ask a question here…
    HAS ANY STATE ignitated a INTELLIGENCE TEST of public employees, BASED on living experience and GENERAL intelligence?

    Can they program the VCR/DVR and know the price of MILK??

  5. shockvalue says:

    Yes you can feel electricity. A few years ago I was unplugging a night-light and my fingers slipped down on the metal contacts. OUCH!

  6. Matto says:

    I’m old enough to remember a religous pamphlet back in the early 70’s that was almost word for word identical to this textbook extract. It had lots of cartoony psychadelic images that was typical of the hippy Jesus trend of the time. This sort of rubbish just keeps bouncing around.

  7. Benjamin says:

    I call BS on this story. I went to a private school that used some Bob Jones textbooks and they weren’t crazy like this example. I first saw a Hertz-Russell diagram in a Christian school science textbook.

    I would like to see the rest of the chapter in this book. Where are the schematics of simple circuits or the discussion of how batteries and generators work? I think we need a paragraph saying the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy and such things.

  8. brianthedog says:

    Is anybody else thinking “hoax”? OK, we look at their social conscience and think “oh, that is just SO 14th century”, but this doesn’t even _look_ like a textbook. Besides the existence of electricity isn’t a threat to evangelical dogma, so there’s no reason for them to censor the science of it. This is a bit of subtle satire by prankster or prankst0x0rz unknown.


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