Cripes, there must something in that Arizona water. :)
Senator Gorman has previously graced our pages in a story about a legislation that was seen as a first step towards banning legal abortions, brought to you by Uncle Dave.
Video – Pamela Gorman, Candidate For Congress And Rated 100% by the NRA?
By Gasparrini Friday July 2, 2010
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WTF was that?
I think that illegal aliens and illegal abortions should be made illegal.
What you didn’t see were the Mexicans and atheists she was aiming at.
The ad certainly covers most of the right wing-nut bases so two thumbs up!
An improvement is to wrap her in a flag and maybe kiss a white baby.
“The Fun Little Gun Video that has the Left all Stirred Up”
Something the left loons will never have, a sense of humor.
And yet, for some reason, I find this hot.
#5 – Uhm… being a frequenter of left-leaning sites/news sites myself here (showing my obvious bias up front)… I haven’t seen this woman/video until today, when I find out (from her) that apparently the Left is all up in arms about her. I mean, it could well be – I’ve been busy watching The Next Generation DVDs to pay much notice to the news. But… it rings a little false to me is all. I should have seen this before if, in fact, the Left *was* “going nuts”, instead of this being some kind of false hysteria perpetuated by a woman who *wishes* she were being hated.
Well she’s holding that one rifle wrong so I wouldn’t be bragging about how good she is with guns.
Obviously, she is pro 2nd Amendment, unlike the three women on the Supreme Court. There is nothing wrong with that.
Why should a conservative woman who believes in the right to self defense not be in Congress? Is she unacceptable, while that freak Barney Frank, and the comedian from Minnesota are?
I believe Congress represents ALL THE PEOPLE, not just the “progressive” left.
Plus, she is prettier than that hog Boxer.
I, too, would rather be ruled by the first 500 people in the phone book than by the current members of Congress.
Just had to add this little Tommy Shaw ditty.
Maybe she can make it her theme!
The wacky season is definitely gearing up.
The DU lefties certainly hates them some conservatives!
Patiently awaiting campaign ads from the D’s that me and my fellow righties can ridicule.
(The one from the last election cycle that claimed that a vote for the R’s was a vote to lynch blacks is gonna be hard to top..)
When I first saw this ad on tv, I thought it was a talkeoff from the Onion or SNL. So, as a lefty, this shows an excellent sense of humor, and sadly a still lacking insight into the vacuum known as the brain of a right winger.
Guns, God, and Gays. Yes, a wonderful political platform. ((NOT as Pen Name Jack Galt would offer.))
I’m ashamed any country, much less “mine,” could produce such a political ethos. And then vote an obviously failed President from that ethos for a second term. For you ditto heads— I’m talking about Bush the Retard.
One step removed from the Brown Shirts.
Loves guns??
They HAD to add CHRISTIAN..
You know, if all I knew about her was what was in the video, without making any assumptions, she would have my vote. (Except I don’t live in AZ.) I mean she’s obviously for gun rights and against taxes. And, though I’m not one to judge, she’s reasonably hot.
But reading between the lines….she most likely hates gays, immigrants (well anyone not white), Jews, Atheists, healthcare, Catholics, and Pollacks in addition to taxes and gun grabbers.
Oh, and by the way, some on the left have terrific senses of humor. (Not Al Franken..he’s just stupid looking). Those on the right don’t know about it because they are too dim to get the jokes.
# 3 Craig said, “What you didn’t see were the Mexicans and atheists she was aiming at.”
Wouldn’t matter much. The way she was shooting, she couldn’t hit a barn at ten paces.
# 14 bobbo, to the left of Obama said, “When I first saw this ad on tv, I thought it was a talkeoff…”
I’m with you. Although I hail from AZ, I’ve not heard of this lady. I had to do a quick Google search to make sure the ad was not a put up.
“And then vote an obviously failed President from that ethos for a second term.” Which is, of course, exactly what you will be doing in the next prez election. O’Bama is in so far over his head he’d have to climb a long ladder to equal Carter.
The November elections promise to be a bloodbath for the Dems. Which is, of course, why he’s suddenly going after Immigration Reform which everyone agrees he can’t get passed in this session. He’s trying to make his failed presidency, himself and the rest of the Dems look like they care about the poor brown people. Gimme a break. The only reason Pelosi, Reid, Barak and most of the rest of the Democratic party cares about poor Mexican immigrants is that they will clean their pools and pick their lettuce – cheap! Oh, and for the votes.
#17–Animby==near your bedtime? What part of
do you not understand?
Before Obama was elected I posted I thought Bush the Retard had dug such a deep hole that anyone succeeding him would fail. Obama has done about the best job anyone could ((does ANYONE here really think McCain would do anyting better?)) yet he is failing to bring the change we on the left want. Sadly, were the teabaggers and neo-con wingnuts not so blind in their hatred for anything not of their own breed, Obama would be most correctly seen as just Bush Light. Same Repuglican platform with just a few scraps going to the people.
Argggh! No one to vote “for.” No one to the left, no one to the right. Time to pull out the phone book to find my write in candidate again this year.
Hot Damn! I’d vote for her if I lived in Arizona. She’s HOT! 🙂
I say we should arm all or our representatives and let them shoot it out. Let’s have some REALLY divisive politics.
A whole new take on “Spray and Pray.”
It is very kind of the producers that they did not show what she was missing with those shots.
Sigh… this is what the standards for our leaders has degenerated down to?
Accomplishments, leadership, intelligence, experience… no need for that elitist bullshit… she can shoot a gun, she be a Christian lady and she be against mo’ taxes… that be good ‘nough fer me to vote fer her. Yeeehaaa.
#18 – Bobbo. Yes, it was past my bedtime. Sorry I forgot your mantra of voting all incumbents out of office. A sentiment I sort of agree with. I favor term limits (two for Congress). After all, the Founding Fathers envisioned a Congress that would come, serve for a term then return to their farm or business. Instead, we have career senators and reps who fight for their benefits and prestige instead of the people.
McCain. Don’t like the man. Never have. Didn’t vote for him. Wish I had. He simply could not have done worse than BO. You know it’s a shame that the Dems will not replace their own candidate in 2012. I don’t know who the Repubs will run against him. I hope it’s someone good (Palin? God help us) because I suspect BO will be a one termer.
#23: If the Repubs run Palin for the Presidency, that will assure that the next President will be a Democrat, whether Obama or the Man In the Moon. Palin is a flake, and everyone knows it.
Term limits? I think that requires a constitutional amendment.
WIPE OUT washington…
I don’t know about this ad getting the left “all stirred up” or “going nuts.” Keith Olbermann showed part of it on his “Countdown” program (8 PM EDT weekdays on MSNBC), but I don’t think he spent more than about thirty seconds on it.
I notice at the end of the video, she solicits contributions and links to an “” site. Odd that a conservative would do business with Libya… (Note: .ly domain is Libya — this is why I never use .)
I hope she has a Class III dealer’s license for that Thompson Submachine gun.
This reminds me so much of the Osama Bin Laden promotional video. Seems Osama isn’t a very good shot, and at the time had no actual Al Qaeda supporters. He borrowed a few hooded guys from Islamic Jihad, was loaned an AK-47 and made an iconic video.
Driving the left nuts? Everyone is aware that Handgun Control Inc/The Brady Campaign was a project of Reagan press secretary James Brady and his wife Sarah, right?
I’m on the left. I’m as liberal as it gets. And I am a staunch proponent of the 2A and the individual right to keep and bear arms. And know what? I am far from alone.
Gun grabbers wear all kinds of political stripes. It doesn’t have to do with left or right. It has to do with being an authoritarian. Besides that, there is no left to speak of in this country. The Democratic Party is nearly as far right and nearly as corrupt as the Republicans. The Democrats can’t run away from us actual liberals fast enough.
Anyway…there are a LOT of liberals who believe in the fundamental right to keep and bear arms. And a LOT of Republicans who don’t. Let’s not make it a partisan issue, cause it ain’t.