Here is a video of the infamous Russian spy Anna Chapman, or whatever her name is. Who cares. Listen to the message she is telling Russians about America on Russian TV. How dangerous, how threatening! And – she talks about what a great place Silicon Valley is and just last month Obama took Russian president Medvedev to Silicon Valley where he Tweeted back to the Russians back home. Coincidence? I don’t think so! This Anna Chapman has influence. I feel influenced every time I see her.  Makes me want to join the KGB!

  1. Uncle Patso says:

    Who the hell is Anna Chapman, and why should I care?

    This is the oddest story in a while. I’m sure most countries have spies here, but most of them can’t afford to subsidize moles for decades on the off-chance they might learn something useful. Much more cost-effective to just send a few thousand grad students — you don’t even have to train them or pay them, they’ll scrape up the money for tuition and travel themselves just to get an education. Then you monitor their letters/phone calls/emails home and unobtrusively interview them whenever the opportunity arises. I’m sure most of them have no idea they’re being used as such. And if one of them actually moves back home, well that’s just gravy!

    You know, I could use some money coming in right now — I wonder who I could call?

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    “Hello, Tovarisch?”

  3. Rick Cain says:

    You have to ask yourself:

    Why is it that a Democratic President and Democratic controlled congress has to be in power before we catch spy networks?

    Obviously this network was running for years during the Bush Regime.

  4. RobLeather says:

    @MikeN #19
    “Why isn’t Britain complaining that these guys had fake British passports?”

    William Hague did complain… but I guess nobody noticed *sigh*

  5. robLeather says:

    Love the line about bringing New Year and Moscow together… In what way does she mean then? 🙂

  6. RTaylor says:

    Of course Russia has operatives. I would be ashamed of them if they didn’t. Israel has operatives in the US. I’m afraid to let these poor bastards go back to Russia considering their incompetence. I believe they are her just to keep an ear to the ground as to what the average American thought, to bypass State Department BS and unreliable press. There trying to understand the real culture, which isn’t a bad thing. Let them send thousands of smart young women in the US, I’ll put several up.

  7. Shakespear says:

    you are the shame of your country. the US is overfilled with such pathetic idiots. keep on blaming Russians and you shut your eyes to obviousness.


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