Here is a video of the infamous Russian spy Anna Chapman, or whatever her name is. Who cares. Listen to the message she is telling Russians about America on Russian TV. How dangerous, how threatening! And – she talks about what a great place Silicon Valley is and just last month Obama took Russian president Medvedev to Silicon Valley where he Tweeted back to the Russians back home. Coincidence? I don’t think so! This Anna Chapman has influence. I feel influenced every time I see her. Makes me want to join the KGB!
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Sorry, was she saying something? I couldn’t take my eyes off her shirt.
For you Tea Baggers, this proves Obama is really a Russian spy pretending to be a black Muslim president. Obama was really born in Moscow. It’s a conspiracy!
#1 Exactly. That are using a new sci-ops weapon they call “Hypno-tits!” Obviously a result of genetic engineering.
I think she’s a double agent for the New York tourism bureau.
When was Chapman a Russian Name?… Whats her real story?….
I worked on Real Estate projects with “Ann Foley”
in Cambridge Mass before. Scary how good she was as a broker. With all the money the Russians are pumping in to keep these guys going, we should have let them keep going! It was like a Moscow stimulus package that did not cost the US tax payers anything!
her speech obviously contains a secret code that is decoded in Moscow by her bosses. she is sending secret information about how to use risky home mortgages bundled as investments to bring wall street and the economy crashing down around us and send us into a depression.
I heard these “spys” are being charged with a crime that requires the demonstration of “harm” to the USA. Seems to me the only harm to the USA would occur if this babe was put in prison.
And thats why the law rides an ass.
Queue C Lawyer.
lets see..
Visiting USSR person, TWEETS back his location..
GPS signal gives perfect CoOrds to position of impact of missiles..
HOw easy do you want it?
I’m more worried about the Communist in the Oval Office than I am abut Russian spies.
#8 bobbo, still, they were trying to get information out of Congressional aides that had information on nuclear weapons. That is dangerous and a possible real “harm” to this country. [emphasis yours] I grew up living under the threat of nuclear annihilation. I don’t want to share that aspect of my childhood with my children.
A real dilemma here. I read that the reason they busted the group when they did was because the group finally had something of worth that they were about to transmit.
And it had nothing to do with her. She is just a brainless distraction. She is just one of a group of 10 or 11. She is the “Don’t look over here!!”
What did the others know? What secrets did they compromise? Who told them what?
I would very much like to know who leaked what to whom. Of course, we will never know. All hush, hush.
Benjamin, take heart.
The Communist in the Oval Office will be a lame duck by the end of the year.
Oh, is Castro visiting the whitehouse?
As for the Russians, they aren’t supposed to be commies anymore. They’re supposed to be our friends these days. So, why the spies?
As far as nuclear annihilation is concerned, we’re not very far out of those woods yet. And we certainly don’t need the Russians to help out. We’re got BP!
The Soviets stole the nuclear bomb design from Las Alamos with spies, serious enough for you?
It APPEARS that this group of spies was not cost effective, but Klaus Fuchs and the Rosenbergs make up for it.
Where is Pedro when his one and only insight/judgment is needed?
Its sad to see, howling like a pack of dogs whenever the “I See Commies” bumper sticker is waved in front of your dumb asses.
Yes, I realize our politicians are a generation late because their voting base is a generation late.
How does it feel being stuck in the 50’s?
I feel it too 🙂
Boobo, we don’t need Pedro when you’re around. Two is better but Pedro has a day off and we can only enjoy LMOAO with you around. Hey, it’s 4th of July, enjoy it 😀
TheONe–yea, I almost didn’t post that, but Pedro is right every once in a while. And I’m being overly harsh in saying his best quality is his donkey, in fact, I’ve never met his donkey. Actually, I enjoy Pedro’s analysis of Hugo Chavez and the South American fizzle, but for some reason Pedro has dropped that as his reason d’etre. You’d think with the Brazillians drilling in deeper water than BP, and surpassing USA in setting and succeeding in its course to be energy independent AND THEN FINDING DEEP OIL, he’d have more to say on such issues.
But he’s stuck on sheeple. But it fits, just like fireworks on the Fourth of July. I enjoy going to the local park and watching the parents abuse their kiddies. Makes me feel proud.
#13 spsffan said, “Oh, is Castro visiting the whitehouse?”
I was referring to Barack Hussein Obama as the communist in the White House.
“As for the Russians, they aren’t supposed to be commies anymore. They’re supposed to be our friends these days. So, why the spies? ”
Not sure why they spied on us unless they are not really our friends.
“As far as nuclear annihilation is concerned, we’re not very far out of those woods yet. And we certainly don’t need the Russians to help out. We’re got BP!”
BP did not cause a nuclear accident, which proves you don’t need nuclear weapons to really screw something up. We’ll be suffering from the consequences (mainly political) of the oil spill for decades.
I am more worried about a nuclear armed Iran. Iran makes the old Soviets seem warm and fuzzy or at least somewhat rational.
Why isn’t Britain complaining that these guys had fake British passports?
#19 MikeN said, “Why isn’t Britain complaining that these guys had fake British passports?”
Because they’re Russian spies, not Israelis spies. If they were, you would hear the UK complain loudly.
Benji–you are blowing Pedro’s donkey on this one. I could go line by line, but I’ll respect your attention span.
So, you think the important/most telling consequences of the BP spill will be political? I have to think then that you interpret the poisoning death of the eco-system known as the Gulf of Mexico is to be seen in “political terms?”
You mean like its a political problem to convert the American diet to soybeans and corn because there are no more fish, that kind of political problem?
I guess, in a way you are absolutely correct. It is all definitional isn’t it?
I withdraw my abuse.
Geez Benjamin.
Obama is so far from communism that it is laughable. He is a corporate lackey centrist.
And we are spying on the Russians as well be cause of what Putin has done and the Russian Mob.
Don’t even think that the US is Lilly-white.
Over the long term, I still see China as a bigger threat for industrial and military espionage involving emigrés, students, guest workers, etc.
Could it be a group in Russia that isn’t involved with the Russian government? A private concern farming out info. to the highest bidder – Governments, corporations, criminal syndicates, etc.
What is the immigration status for these individuals? U.S. citizen, resident alien, H1-B-type work visa, student, tourist, model, etc.? Just curious.
… wow, I didn’t think people on this site were THAT naive, but it appears so.
Spies, timmy, are a BAD thing. Not just for government secrets, which affects ALL of us, but also for corporate secrets, which affects profits and jobs.
They also can be injected into situations to cause trouble when needed, as a distraction to something else going on. In this case they probably seeded folks for use at opportune times, with the intent of pulling them home if their use is compromised.
I’m sure we have spies in most countries, not because I’m cynical, but because I EXPECT us to (otherwise, what is the purpose of having a CIA at all?) They are useful information gatherers, and to pipeline information and turncoats to their home country.
You all seem to be taken in with the “but the axe murderer next door said hello every day and was so nice to my dog” mentality of people who don’t NOTICE things and don’t question or examine people and things around their homes.
It’s so much easier for the sheeple to believe everyone around them has their best interests at heart. Because if they didn’t, they’d have to actually talk to and find out more about their neighbors and friends and coworkers.
There’s no reason to be paranoid in our society, but there is also no reason to ignore odd things people do or say or pretend that an obvious Russian with an “American” name seems perfectly normal.
This is bothersome (and folks don’t want to believe it) because we Americans trust that people want to come here and be American without their past baggage from their other country. Our country is great because of the people that moved here and helped it become great. When someone betrays our trust that they are who they SAY they are, it HURTS Americans.
We don’t WANT to live in a police state where you have to have your lineage back 6 generations in order to proclaim you’re American. So when things like this happen, it can get scary. The rest of the world really really don’t want us to close our borders and turn into a police state.
#21 bobbo said, “So, you think the important/most telling consequences of the BP spill will be political? I have to think then that you interpret the poisoning death of the eco-system known as the Gulf of Mexico is to be seen in “political terms?””
As bad as all that stuff is, I think the political consequences will be worse. I am not minimizing that other consequences. I am panicking over the political consequences. With a moratorium on drilling, gas prices might go up really high and be bad for the economy.
What secrets are they going to steal? How to drive an economy into the ground? How to NOT react to an ecological disaster? How to fail to provide health care for our citizens? How to lose a war they fought and lost already? How to export our manufacturing abroad? Heck, they don’t need to spy, all of our technology is built in China, the Chinese have it. The Chinese manufacture most of our goods, then they loan us the money to buy it. Seems to me that any spying is a waste of time. They were in the wrong country!
Benjamin–oh, OK. THATS an entirely different matter. You mean the loss of deep water drilling will cause a world wide oil shortage that will increases prices thru the roof==just like it has done over the past 3 months.
So, as oil has reached peak value and even now is in decline, this unavoidable consequence of the over use of any resource will get tagged to Obama and his moratorium. It won’t make any difference that Brazil, Mexico, and China will be drilling in practically the same areas–just off the continental shelf with slant drilling for 20 miles into it?
Yes, everything is political, and then its all the other guys fault. The environment and our impact on it is just the backdrop.
Well Done, Benjamin.
You won’t believe this, as I’m in shock over this whole thing.
I live across the street from the apt that this was shot from, I recognized it immanently. No kidding!!!!
All that I can say is that these people are LOADED, that appt has this nice wrap around balcony. The whole thing looks like it was decorated out of a catalog, as everything is PERFECT. These guys shelled out big bucks on this pad.
Another thing is that it’s mostly vacant. Vary rarely do we see anyone there.
Normally when there are people there, the outdoors is lit like a Christmas tree. Tonight someone is there, but the light level is WAY down.
I’m just so amazed I always wondered who had the money for such an expensive pad, to have it perfectly decorated, and yet it was hardly if ever occupied.
I don’t understand why these people are called spies. They didn’t seem to infiltrate any thing. What, the inside secrets of of a central New Jersey real estate office? What did they learn? Susan Super Saleswoman is cheating on her husband?
They were reporters. Hell, they were damn lucky reporters. They could have browsed US websites from Moscow and gotten the same info. Instead they get an extended overseas trip thanks to the Russian tax payers.
So it doesn’t look like they were much more or less than trying to lobby/buy congress without being registered.
Maybe they should have just watched them and maybe they need to be arrested. I’m just shocked the FBI managed to catch a spy.
I’m sure they have a file on me because I have a big mouth and I’ve looked at some of what the bad guys have posted on line but as for as being much good at protecting the boarders or homeland insecurity. Well they have made a few timely busts but their track record doesn’t shine.