1. jim says:


  2. bobbo, the limitations of dull wits should not hinder progress says:

    Unbelievable. Poor ignorant fish sellers in Indonesia letting their kiddie smoke just like they do. Why don’t the save the cigarette money for a college education?

    It was instructive to hear the fatalism in their world view. Is that a product of religion, politics, or just circumstances? Or maybe lack of tv?

  3. bobbo, the rich and the poor are different from you and me says:

    In a cross cultural story to the same point, here’s whats happening in Florida: its not child abuse to raise a kiddie without water or electricity. Yea, verily!


    What are the odds these kiddies will get to college either? Ha, ha. In your face!!

  4. Maricopa says:

    So now we know where our beloved leader picked up the habit.

  5. Bastian says:

    The first thing that she could do is stop buying her child cigarettes.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    yeah it’s crazy but why should i give a shit?

  7. Lou says:

    The butt Nazis must hate this.

  8. denacron says:

    Poor kid. No ash tray. 🙁

  9. ray says:

    good research to see how smoking affects a baby’s body. him and he pingping should sit down together and have smoke, talk about life.

  10. ray says:


    he has a huge ashtray. its called indonesia.

  11. jman says:

    good for him

  12. Maricopa says:

    # 9 ray said, good research to see how smoking affects a baby’s body.

    Obviously it makes them mean and fat.

  13. DeeHexi says:

    #4 – you’re an idiot

    And if I listen to the video…”It was his own free will” – so what? So if it his own free will to shoot somebody it makes it ok? He would have gotten his ass beat so bad, he wouldn’t even look at a cigarette again…


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