The George W. Bush’s speech writer’s latest theory:

Think about it. Soccer is the only sport in the world where you cannot use the one tool that distinguishes man from beast: opposable thumbs. “No hands” is a rule only a European statist could love. (In fact, with the web of high taxes and regulations that tie the hands of European entrepreneurs, “no hands” kind of describes their economic theories as well.)

Soccer is also the only sport in the world that has “hooligans”—proletarian mobs that trash private property whenever their team loses.

Soccer is collectivist. At this year’s World Cup, the French national team actually went on strike in the middle of the tournament on the eve of an elimination match. (Yes, capitalist sports have experienced labor disputes, but can you imagine a Major League Baseball team going on strike in the middle of the World Series?)

I love how these neocon Republicans pretend they’re for free-market capitalism when most of them voted for TARP and the expansion of literally state-run healthcare (Medicare).

  1. judgen says:

    1. so opposable thumbs is the only thing that makes us different from other mammals or even lizards.. lol
    2. You have not been to Sweden i see, hooligans is common in all major sports here (only one with media coverage Hockey though) But i am sure when the Lakers lost sometime ago there were even riots.. is that different somehow?
    4. No hands policy.. that is the opposite unless i live in opposite land? But yeah the taxes are high but the earnings are based thereafter and what the hell does that have to do with football?

    5 the NHLPA was on strike that cost more than the french team could ever dream of per capita.. so no point again.

    6. And no the “world” series is a national championship of the US as no one want to watch that boring sport outside of Kentucky. Excepting drunkards, and people that also like nascar ofcourse.

    Yes i am an American, but i as in my last posts still work in Sweden, and will return in 3 months


  2. judgen says:

    You can blame my parents for the name… they are orthodox jews. and Dan means judge more or less in hebrew.

  3. bobbo, the lesson in Ode to a Gregcian Urn is too often lost says:

    Sports is like art. It is worthwhile only in what you do yourself. All else is targeted consumerism with displaced jingoism and the endless search for heroes.

    Read a book, make a line drawing, bake a croissant.

  4. ± says:

    Sheesh. The word “neocon” is just a pejorative term for conservative. 90% of the definitions don’t match each other. No one really knows what the term means except that when you use it, it is meant as an insult to conservatives.

    Galt (or anyone) detracts from any valid point they may be making when they use it (neoncon). In this case the referenced anti-soccer nut job deserves to be censured, but what, other than the posters own personal politics (read, religion or set of beliefs not subject to correction by the presentation of facts) makes this an issue about conservatives?

  5. qb says:

    Not only is soccer gayer than a Dutch bassoon. Soccer is gayer than Marc Thiessen. And I didn’t think that was possible.

  6. brm says:

    this is obviously a humor piece. lighten up.

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    It’s 2010. “Neocon” is soooo 8 years ago. Try to keep up.

  8. Urotsukidoji says:

    Marc Thiessen is nothing more than a pumpkinhead.

  9. chris says:

    #8 “Neo-Conservative”, like “Neo-Liberal,” points to specific differences from the main line of each basic political philosophy. The label’s are necessary because a willingness to change and abandon rules based on executive whim is anathema to standard Conservatism. The same way as a willingness to abandon the working classes in exchange for corporate payoffs is not traditionally Liberal.

    You find it objectionable to label an entire political movement as a dirty word? You really must get out more and not cast the first stone.

    In regards to soccer, I have had a fan tell me same thing in different words. He said that soccer is most different from football and basketball in the amount of control the coach exercises. In those sports “teamwork” means running the direction the coach says when they say to do it. In soccer the size of the field and lack of real time outs make the coach almost a spectator. He sets the lines and makes few subs, but that is essentially it.

  10. What says:

    Wow. Lighten up in-deeeeed. Amazing how some people see everything as partisan politics.
    Tell me. Is Diet Coke leftist or rightist????

  11. Animby says:

    Galt – is this going to be your style? Take any story and throw in a nasty comment about conservatives whether it be called for or not?

    This was obviously a tongue-in-cheek piece by a conservative author and nothing at all to do with general conservative sentiments and certainly nothing to to with TAARP or the (non)stimulous bill.

    Start a thoughtful thread like why Obama has nominated two sexually ambiguous women in a row for the SCOTUS. Is it so they can keep each company in chambers? And where is Janet Reno these days?

    Oh, by the way, since you obviously can’t tell, that last paragraph was tongue-in-cheek. That means I wasn’t serious.

  12. ray says:

    the only point this nut has is the fact that hooligans and lower class idiots riot the streets whenever their team wins or loses (*cough* LA Lakers riot *cough*). Soccer is even worse.

  13. Buzz says:

    Where are all the armless athletes?

  14. Jim in Seattle says:

    Soccer is only really popular worldwide because it only requires a ball and two nets. No pads, equipment, and all the other stuff that’s required in the other major sports. And again, why is this blog so intent on bashing Republicans?

  15. brm says:


    “the first forms of soccer were developed so that people of varying ages and sizes could play something together”

    Interesting, because every pro soccer player appears to have the exact same body.

    Contrast that with gridiron, where you *need* fast little guys, big fat dudes, and everyone in between.

  16. Nugget Coombs says:

    # 18 Buzz said, on July 1st, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    Where are all the armless athletes?
    In Irish Pubs! Haven’t you seen “Riverdance”?

    “Soccer fans are excited by an egalitarian 0-0 tie.” What an absolute joke of a game! I’d rather watch Australian Rules Football any day its a lot more exiting than this load of Crap. From what I’ve seen of this “SPORT” there seems to be more actors (Fall-Guys) than Hollywood and Bollywood combined.

  17. Jack Galt says:

    #14, a neoconservative typically support the maintenance of welfare programs, traditional values and a hawkish foreign policy. A conservative is supposed to want to slash the welfare state down.

  18. moondawg says:

    #11, FTW. If this guy had suggested eating babies, would you have taken him just as seriously?

    (yes, this is a test)

  19. Improbus says:

    We used to have intellectual conservatives like William F. Buckley. Now we have the crew of Faux News and talk radio as the standard bearers of conservatism. Quite sad really.

  20. Rich says:

    I consider myself a Conservative, but certainly not a NeoCon. It seems to me the NeoCons were once Conservatives who were exposed to nuclear radiation and changed into hideous mutants, or better yet, Conservatives lobotomized, continuously high on meth, and wearing all the Insane Clown Possie gear.

  21. smartalix says:

    Every time a neocon opens their mouth they amply demonstrate their chauvanism and ignorance.

  22. Well,i am some what agree with this article. As I don’t like soccer game and not much played also. I had read this and find it really very impressive. Reading this blog became informative too.

  23. Winston says:

    No, soccer is just excruciatingly boring.

  24. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #34–Hyphen==no self awareness at all is there?

    Spot the critical error: “Neoconservatives are socially conservative, not necessarily fiscal conservatives and believe in using the military.” /// Yes, how can bankrupting our country by illegally and unilaterally invading countries 7000 miles away possibly be bad for our country? I wonder what it is you think Cheney and the Meat Puppet did? Not cut taxes enough I presume.

  25. jbellies says:

    They say: soccer is rouge.

    They should like chess. The opposable thumb is used on every move. It’s an individual game: every man for him- (or her-) self. And a player (such as Viktor Kortchnoi) who is long past the mandated expiration date, can still play competitively at a high level. Or is that scary for pundits? That in chess, brain power beats strutting? But, in fact, among the G-whatever nations, only one has more pitiful support for chess than the USA: Canada.

    I say: listen, that’s not the roar of vuvuzela, it is the drone of those who like to spent other people’s money, speaking through their nether orifi.

  26. Glass Half Full says:


    Wingnuts, GOTTA love the crazy! The Earth is 6,000 years old, evolution isn’t true, science isn’t valid but magic is real. I LOVE these guys!

  27. Improbus says:


    You just described a fascist. That doesn’t sound as good as neoconservative though. To much baggage from WWII.

  28. Bernard_Marx says:

    I think this guy sums it up best.


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