One of the best trailers I have ever seen!
DU Review of the Soon To Be Classic Film, “Java 4-ever”
By Uncle Dave Wednesday June 30, 2010
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My 18 year old kid was walking from the refrigerator and stopped and watched it over my shoulder just now. It is rare to find something I am watching on the Net that he finds as amusing as I do..
Pretty funny. And not at all aggravating as is the political crap going on all the time….
Plus, even Bobbo won’t whine about this one.
Or, will he????
I like Java. Good libraries, and it isn’t an ugly language.
I want to go see Javatar!
What a steaming pile of dung. Not funny, not insigthful, not creative, not educational, not moving, not entertaining.
Perfect match for an incredibly dumb, burdensome, overrated programming language.
Luc, tell us what you really think about the video.
Novell Mono C# is a better language. Also, Novell’s .NET platform is portable.
Microsoft’s implementation of .NET sucks, but .NET is in general superior to Java in almost every respect.
Here’s to hoping a Mono C# JIT is included in all newer browsers, replacing JavaScript (gag).
So… using SOAP with java is considered sacrilege? Just curious.
Now I’d watch if the trailer was more about connecting and extending .Net and Java together instead of bitching about how one is better than the other. But it’s easier to demonize alternate tech instead of admitting everything can be useful.
Funny how using a proprietary interface is bad, but they use a mac to program with. Eye-Ron-Eee.
That’s awesome. My daughter’s 12 years old, and learning Java, in an engineering course at our community college this summer. I’ve been a long time proponent of Linux, Java, and the Open Source / Copyleft community.
I think I want to learn Java with Scarlet Johansson. Aaaroooooo! You may keep Bill Gates and .NET.
I can’t find this on IMDB.
It’s rated R so there must be some Flash in it, too.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
Oh that poor Scala – isn’t that going to burn her back? Ouch.
#7 Just using SOAP is sacrilegious.
Java, the language, has peaked a long time ago. The JVM is looking good though…
Duverden, John C har oppdaget norsk reklamefilm! Akkurat nå – er jeg er stolt av å være norsk 🙂
🙂 #1 What said… Bobo? Good riddance.
Actually most Java developers I know look more like the dad. Normally it’s the LAMP guys who get the girls while the .NET developers, they just get the money.
#16 Craig
“Seriously: is anyone under the age of 30 actually reading this site any more?”
Elliotte Rusty Harold over at Cafe au Lait
Great video, I got an extra good chuckle out of “.not“! And, that Scala babe is God’s way of saying “Don’t be sad about being the cause of your Dad’s premature demise, Java is better.”
As for .NET, it’s a .MESS, a digital house of cards. At least there’s only one current version of Java at a time. Ever try to fix a corrupt .NET installation by attempting a complete uninstall / reinstall with updates and service packs? Yeah, talk to you in a day or two.
Who’s Eddie Larison supposed to be?
Ha! Love the Windows “shut down” audio they play during the confessional scene when his uncle snorts.
Just Java? Seriously? Write once, run like crap everywhere? They should have called it LCD.
I agree, .NET is a pain in the ass, and has some quirks and bugs that drive me nuts. I can’t count the number of times I’ve delved into a part of .NET only to ask myself “Who in f**k at MS wrote this shit? Don’t they check this stuff?”
I feel Java is like Communism. Sounds great in theory because of the idealist principals it is based on. But in practice, it just don’t work out for the best in the long run. You end up with apps that look and feel like they are stuck in a time warp.
Also, both miss the real trend, thin client server based apps. And to be honest, the server side is where the action is and that is where .NET and PHP rule supreme. Java only owns a sliver of this.
Who really gives a shit that your Java app can run on any platform? So can a webbrower accessing a server based app, with an industrial strength database and IT center behind it.
This is pretty cool. .Net, while easier to program in, won’t run on other platforms. I need to learn Java.
#20 yankinwaoz
I like what’s running on JVM’s these days. JRuby, Jython, Scala, Groovy, etc. Lots of choices, and you can toss it onto an Amazon or Rackspace server for cheap. Life is good.
Java is five or six years older than .NET. So, why is .NET portrayed as the dad and Java as the kid? If anything, the roles should be reversed or perhaps have the creepy step-dad that is younger than his kid scenario.
#19: Eddie Larison is Larry Ellison I would guess.
There’s an app for that? Well, no, but there’s a web page.
If .NET won’t run on other platforms, how are they using a Mac?
MikeN, most hard core .NET devs I know use a Mac.
The funniest trailer ever. It’s fun even for non-programmers 🙂
Where is that music @2:05 from? I have definitely heard it before but I can’t place it.
What gets me is I watched it on YouTube in a separate window, and had to sign in to show I was mature enough to watch it. I can watch a chimpanzee pry open a frogs mouth and rape it with no problem.