And true, most of the major TV outlets are completely in the bag for the Pentagon, with two of them (NBC/GE and Logan’s own CBS, until recently owned by Westinghouse, one of the world’s largest nuclear weapons manufacturers) having operated for years as leaders in both the broadcast media and weapons-making businesses.

But is that enough to guarantee a level playing field? Can a general really feel safe that Americans will get the right message when the only tools he has at his disposal are a $5 billion P.R. budget and the near-total acquiescence of all the major media companies, some of whom happen to be the Pentagon’s biggest contractors?

Does the fact that the country is basically barred from seeing dead bodies on TV, or the fact that an embedded reporter in a war zone literally cannot take a shit without a military attaché at his side (I’m not joking: while embedded at Camp Liberty in Iraq, I had to be escorted from my bunk to the latrine) really provide the working general with the security and peace of mind he needs to do his job effectively?

Apparently not, according to Lara Logan. Apparently in addition to all of this, reporters must also help out these poor public relations underdogs in the Pentagon by adhering to an “unspoken agreement” not to embarrass the brass

Good zingers in this article. It is apparent that pretty Lara is a shill for the government. A shame.

Lara’s nicy-nice approach explained here.

Found by Chris Clark.

  1. Micromike says:

    Are you implying there is somebody on TV that is not a Government stooge. They quit even trying to report the News while Bush was president and have only gotten worse under Obama.

    Get your news overseas and get it from more than one source. You still won’t know what is going on but you won’t be as uninformed as you would just listening to American media.

  2. deowll says:

    How is this different from the White house press core? Obama called the lame media my friends though at the moment some of them seem to be interested in tearing his throat out.

  3. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    “It is apparent that pretty Lara is a shill for the government. A shame.” //// Gee, if this isn’t APPARENT to you regarding everybody in the media most of the time, and too many all of the time, then your CRITICAL FUNCTIONS are in standby mode.

    News is used to wrap garbage in and throw out, to line bird cages with, to soak up bacon grease.

    What’s a SHAME is this seems to be noteworthy to you. I do assume you read this blog? What gets reported here over and over and over again?

    Yes, its a shame that pretty (Lovely?) Lara is representative of her class/function. I’m sure thats what you meant?

  4. Yes..that’s exactly what I meant.

  5. bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I am on a budget says:

    You agree? First time since I started here. Ha, ha. Should we talk about what you meant by her sucking? I almost did, but thought it might earn me my first censored contribution. One of the very few times I have self censored what I was actually thinking==and its actually even relevant.

    But I do love her soft silky voice…………..

  6. KMFIX says:

    For an older lady, I’d still hit it…

  7. What says:

    The main thing is that she is pretty, isn’t it?

    “I don’t believe the Liberal Media”

    And I am part of it.

  8. What says:

    And John, perhaps the comment, “you suck”, is subconsciously wishful.

    She is, however, easier on the eyes than most of the liberal shits.

  9. Taibbi is one of the last real reporters out there. He and Greg Palast prove that Mencken style journalists can still pitch a fit with some semblance of professionalism. The problem I have is that the general anger and malaise most people feel is directly because people like Logan and her ilk make people feel that the entire country is a rigged game, and they’re the marks. Sadly it’s likely the truth.

  10. Milo says:

    “When you’re with the troops… sleeping together”

    The truth always comes out!

  11. rctaylor says:

    McChrystal will retire a four star General with a 6 figure pension, write a book, go on the lecture circuit, and go on the board of several defense contractors. Boohoo.

    I’m beginning to think he may have set this up to head into the arms of the Republican party and run for office. It is possible he was undone by his own arrogance, it’s a hard call at this point.

    John we are witnessing a shrinking empire. America probably peaked around 1960. Strange things are ahead.

  12. Me-Mongo says:

    The idea that McChrystal set the whole scandal up was posited on the “No Agenda” podcast this past weekend by John C. Dvorak’s co-host, Adam Curry.

  13. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    I accept the notion that McChrystal planned this as as likely as Bush is really intelligent in person and only chokes when he goes on camera.

    Every idiot refusing to see their heroes with clay feet. But I agree, being incompetent and a frat boy will go far in the Repuglican party.

    I would pay money ((yes, thats how serious I am)) to see a direct response from Lovely Lara to Matt Taibi. In the video, she does a good job of coming back nearer to a defensible position except she reveals her Lame Media Status Quodum by the premise that if you want to uncover/report on anything meaningful that you do that by “interviewing” the brass to begin with. “Thats your problem right there!”

    And thats the problem in general with the LSM. No investigative reporting, more stenography than reporting. No effort.

    Beyond that is a bit of deliciousness: should a reporter really report something that is meaningless when knowing that the meaningless is acted upon while whats important remains unaddressed from start to finish.

    Why are we in (still in?) Afghanistan?
    Whats the likely outcome?
    What would be needed to achieve certain different outcomes?

    Does this story or the original Rolling Stone article do any of this? No. Its about as important as reporting on the latest insult exchanged on the Jersey Shore except that the Middle East Disaster is the soap opera that our dear leaders are involved with and they take it as seriously as our brain damaged kiddies. As McCain would say: “Quite the Situation.”

    And the war rolls on with little serious critique.

  14. Mextli says:

    I can tell Matt Taibbi is an ace reporter/blogger because he sounds hip and cusses a lot. That means he’s real.

  15. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Mextli–at Rolling Stone, Matt is thought of as too conservative and he’s trying to keep his job. Just like Lovely Lara. Same intent, same performance. Different crowd.

    Does the downtown bus run all night?

  16. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    McChrystal set it up alright, but not for the reasons you think. He’s a political liberal. He’s now forced Obama to support an honest attempt to win the war. Barry doesn’t want America to win.

  17. Theories abound. Lara’s assertions make me lean further to the “he set it up so he could quit” scenario.

  18. yankinwaoz says:

    Ummmm…. who is Lara Logon? Serious. I’ve never heard of her.

  19. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    I’m watching Geraldo on tape from the weekend. He’s going to stroke out over this “undermining our generals in Afghanistan. (Andrea Tantaros)” His spewmates note that now the Military won’t give interviews at all. Imagine that? Yes, the military will now only allow their press releases to make the light of day.

    So, again, why are we in Afghanistan?

    If this was McChrystals mathematically precise plan to get fired ((rolling steel balls in my hand)) its about as intelligent/honest/effective as our mission in Afghanistan itself.

    Now, I’m just a pastry chef but if I were a general in the military and I wanted to quit, then I’d quit. Much better than getting fired for undermining our war effort in Afghanistan I would think?

    No chess players here? Not even checkers. What is it? Beer Pong? Yes, beer pong.

  20. envirotex says:

    Now I remember her. This is a story from 2002 titled “Marines rap busty TV girl”

  21. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Speaking of zingers from the article, I laughed at this one regarding the established media actually criticizing honest reporting. Its a bit formulaic but makes the point: “If there’s a lower form of life on the planet earth than a “reputable” journalist protecting his territory, I haven’t seen it.”

    To that end, I thought Lara did an excellent job in criticizing the US position/future in Afghanistan when she appeared on Jon Stewart. Interesting but probably irrlevant is that she has/is marrying Joe Burkett who evidently works for Blackwater. Does that color her journalistic integrity? Well, since she didn’t frag the guy and claim self defense, I think not. Not yet.

  22. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I’d hope she sucks! If she were a triple input and into water sports, she’d be my kinda girl! I’d make soup out of her dirty underwear.

  23. cgp says:

    I wonder if the soldiers will soon be given blanks.

  24. Maricopa says:

    #12 Me-Mongo – The idea that McChrystal set the whole scandal up was posited on the “No Agenda” podcast

    Well. You can be fairly certain he didn’t, then.

  25. sargasso_c says:

    Under McCrystal, Afghanistan has become a cowboy town of military contractors, mercenaries and arms/drug smugglers. In some cases individuals engaging in all three. The new broom is unlikely to allow this to continue. Logan’s husband is a high level contractor in Afghanistan.

  26. Animby says:

    I met Lara at Bagram Air Base in (?) 2005. I was with a group from USAID and we had lunch at one of the base chow halls. (BTW: The mess halls are a lot different than when I was in the Army – you have the usual cafeteria steam line but also a fry station where you can get a burger and fries, or chicken nuggets, etc., a frigging salad bar and, as you leave, pick up an MRE for later!) Anyway, she joined us and immediately ignored the rest of us and sidled up to the boss. I wouldn’t say she flirted but there were a lot of laughing smiles and her eyes locked on his. I don’t remember who she was working for at the time. A couple of years later, I saw her on CBS and they called her their “chief foreign correspondent” I was shocked! Had CBS lost all their experienced reporters? Then I figured it was a typo: they meant foreigner.

    In any case, she IS a cutie, and that light S African accent just makes her adorable. But, let’s face it: she toes the CBS line which is pro-left and rabid anti-right.

    #24 Sargasso: When is the last time you were in Afghanistan? I thought so…

  27. qb says:

    So let me get this straight. She’s not criticizing Michael Hastings for accuracy in reporting, she’s criticizing him for not asking for permission to report the story.

  28. nicktherat says:

    wonder if she knew all the questions he was going to ask her. keep up the good work at exposing these humans

  29. Bob's Bar says:

    # 21 Dirk Thundernuts said,

    >>I’d hope she sucks! If she were a triple input and into water sports, she’d be my kinda girl! I’d make soup out of her dirty underwear.

    Geez, I wouldn’t do her with your d**k. Shill? No brainer.

  30. Mr Diesel says:

    Bobbo, a pastry chef. That’s my kind of job. I wish I could do half of what I see them do on TV.

    As for Lara, my goodness I hope she sucks. Dirk has it right and she is very doable.


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