- Nintendo 3DS comes in March 2011, not this Christmas.
- Father of digital images wants to make them better. How much better can they be?
- Social media up but by how much? Seems like a low number.
- Antenna patch coming from Apple. Weird. I thought there was no problem.
- Google trying another social media initiative. What about Orkut II?
- Bag of parts in the iPhone4 is $188.
- .XXX good to go, for now.
- Salesforce digs up a Microsoft enemy. Guess who!
- Google Chrome beating Apple Safari.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
The antenna patch from Apple is probably a placebo. The problem is that the antenna is small, much like a Muslim penis, and snakes around the perimeter.
What’s that noise in the background on all these podcasts? Is he cooking or something?
Shapey: It’s a lame attempt to make you think he is in a lab… I think his producer is still stuck in the 80s…
Chrome overtakes Safari… At about equal user base as IE6. Sorry but both (or all three) are irrelevant.
What is next “interesting” news… Geely overtaking Lada in US car sales?
We know Pedro… you can’t afford an iPhone. There’s no need to have a tantrum about it.
The Spot
#8, I make my own signalless turds. Want one? On a good day they have about $15 in used parts.
Windows 8 strategy. Thanks Apple.
Tons more slides from the Windows 8 leak.
Just for pedro:
“Post-micturition convulsion syndrome, also colloquially known as pee shivers is a phenomenon in which one feels a shiver running down the spine following urination. The shiver can produce a brief twitch, which is a form of myoclonus.”
(best of Wikipedia)
I’m amazed how little coverage there is over the White House push on white space spectrum. If they were successful it could be the most important tech story in the US this year.
.xxx is not going to improve anything, really. It’s not going to get any pornsites off “non-porn” TLDs and is basically just a way to line the pockets of the registrar of the TLD. No one really sees porn unless they look for it.
#14 LOL You’ve never experienced that? Syllogism:
All men with penis’ experience piss shivers
Pedro has never experienced it
Therefore, Pedro doesn’t have….well I won’t paint you a picture.
Ohh, that’s somewhat very shocking news. I love to use chrome. It’s superb web browser among all. There are number of browser available in market but very few are reliable. And Chrome and safari are good competitor.
John, where you getting your stats!! I read from several sources that Chrome overtook Safari last year.