1. Runyadownusa says:

    Move! here I come..MOVE I said!

  2. DWY says:

    I can’t believe those guys can’t see that UPS truck sneaking up on them

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    Today is my wedding day, and my best man happens to work for UPS (it’s a union job you know) and he got me this little sewing machine as a wedding gift. I though it sucked and trashed his delivery truck.

  4. Floyd says:

    UPS is issuing snazzier uniforms to their delivery guides, but they haven’t taught them how to drive.

  5. Shawnx86 says:

    Brown delivered the new replacement bobbin just in time to allow me to mend my tux. Boy is my bride lucky.

  6. Mac Guy says:

    That’ll teach him to chock his truck with such a fine specimen of high-quality sewing machinery.

  7. Li says:

    A stitch in time saves nine. But the tenth one ends up in the river.

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    When is absolutely has to be there overnight…


    UPS’ introduction of it’s new “black tie” service isn’t going to well…

  9. Personality says:

    The kid has something different in his hand every time I see this “photo”.

  10. Faxon says:

    [Deleted for being a stupid comment. — ed.]

  11. deowll says:

    Having seen more than a few sewing machines his hand is where the spool of thread should be and I think the picture is photoshoped

  12. bill says:

    ‘Stuff’ really does happen!

  13. Ren says:

    @Personality: The original is the sewing machine, I saw this pic for years before reading that it was a college kid that saw the wreck and decided it reminded him of a Seinfeld episode, he was apparently doing a homage to that.

  14. overtemp says:

    A Man-Bear-Pig shows off a plundered Amazon order, a first step in their quest to dominate mankind.

  15. Winston says:

    Sew what’s UPS?

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    Attack of the gay Mafia.

  17. wirelessg says:

    Troubles arise shortly after UPS installs the Singer dashboard GPS tracking system on its Teamster-driven trucks.

  18. KMFIX says:

    all i wanted was a pepsi, but i got this awesome sewing machine!

  19. seetheblacksun says:

    Cops stand idly by as UPS truck attempts to plow over Rachel Maddow.

  20. The Pirate says:

    Since all Muslims have a small penis, Dr. Singer will sew them a longer one.

  21. admfubar says:

    where’s the atomic cat when you need them!

  22. Uncle Dave says:

    The plan was simple. UPS workers Jim and Julie wanted a UPS themed wedding to act as a front for their bank heist the day before. They’d stashed the cash in a UPS van they’d borrowed to use as a limo, then drive off with a great wedding present. Unfortunately, Jim’s limo driver buddy Steve had too much to drink at the reception and…

    At least Jim recovered one of the wedding presents.

  23. billwayne says:

    +1 to #20

  24. pjcamp says:

    “Yeah, I parked it. Sew what?”

  25. TripHamer says:

    Add a guy spinning pizza dough in the middle and you’ll have a pretty good picture there.

  26. hhopper says:

    #2 Cracked me up!

  27. BubbaRay says:

    He monogrammed his signature for the package. He is the most interesting man in the world.

  28. Danl_A says:

    The reason the “Singer” was late for the wedding.

  29. Rob Leather says:

    Another armoured truck robbery case sewn up by special agent Doogie Tuxedo.

  30. Fixxette says:

    Singer Ups the prom.


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