This Episode’s Executive Producer: Konstantin Rakitin
Associate Executive Producer: Peet Sneekes
Knighthood: Sir Barrie Wilson
Art by: Unknown Artist from

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  1. deowll says:

    Not much reason to think the Salmon are anything other than Salmon and about as safe to eat as any other Salmon. The only real issue is what happens if they escape and go wild? Do they fail like most domestic animals that go wild or do their genes take over?

    So John is unhappy because it isn’t hot enough for him?

    Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It is known to last for a duration of approximately 6 weeks before subsiding. The disease derives its name from the “whoop” sound made from the inspiration of air after a cough. …

    A lot of nasty and sometimes fatal child hood diseases have almost vanished in the US due to vaccination. Of course some kids have side effects to vaccinations so many parents have stopped vaccinating.

    Once enough such kids are in the populations you start to have out breaks and parents start screaming because their kid died or suffered permanent disability. You examine the facts and bet your kid’s life just like always and the ones that bet wrong get a copy of their genes deleted from the population. Its called natural selection.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Wow John, never thought you’d be so idiotic. The spraying of anything for any reason in the air is classified as a chemtrail. We’ve been doing it for decades. Maybe try educating yourself from the official governments documents. The History channel even covered it when USAF tried cloud seeding during the Vietnam War.

    The TV channel ‘Planet Green’ even did it in some stupid show. “Let’s spray this in the clouds, maybe it’ll help stop global warming”. They did it on TV. Guess what you moron? That’s a chemtrail.

  3. Word is the word says:

    Have your say about the show or anything else you like @

    It’s a great group of people with lots to say about all kinds of things.

  4. green says:

    See what happens when you don’t vote for the prime ministers party in the last election.

    Harper cut public transit funding, then gives a resounding FU to the countrys most important city. “we have borrowed money, but you can’t have any”

  5. Kingston says:

    Here is a taste of the show from the first 5 minutes so you can decide if you like listening to Adam Curry.

    what a douche bag

  6. Laurie says:

    More anti-teacher retoric from Adam. I always stop listening at that point. I’m certainly not going to donate money to a podcast that tells me that I’m incompitent based entirely on my profession. Where’s the value for value there?

    It’s also kind of funny. For someone who picks on memes all the time, he’s sure embraced this one. Might this not have been part of the dumbing down of the educational system? If you disempower teachers and parents, it’s much easier to make changes for the worse. John’s sharp, but Adam’s not the brightest lightbulb in the package some days.


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