I think I’ve got a couple of spare reciprocation dingle-arms laying around somewhere.

  1. SparkyOne says:

    Climate science

  2. McCullough says:

    What’s the saying? “if you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with bullshit”.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    How many takes did they go through before he could do it with a straight face?


  4. Uncle Dave says:

    “I’m a doctor, not a mechanic!”
    -Dr. McCoy

  5. Ecap1952 says:

    I have using this to get things started in my diesel technician classes, since I first saw it in the later 1980’s!

  6. shiftingears says:

    The drawing behind him is a car manual transmission.

  7. Sigma says:

    Remind anyone else of Scott Bakula?

  8. suntan says:

    I still like this one better.

  9. Samantha says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  10. RSweeney says:

    Of course, the tragedy is that based on the sheer scientific power and competence shown in this film, this man became head of engineering for Chrysler and was personally responsible for the patented self-stalling engine of the 70’s.

  11. Awake says:

    Now that it has been explained, this latest BP plan to plug the well makes perfect sense. I expect Palin and the rest of the Tea Party to tweeet this as reference material at any moment now… after all, an oil company executive said it, hence it must be both true and good for America.

  12. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    “Confabulator”–is a dead giveaway. I wonder when it was first used?

    Shazaaaam! Its a real word, but nicely, still a dead giveaway but much more clever in its use of presentations of this kind.

    confabulate [kənˈfæbjʊˌleɪt]
    vb (intr)
    1. to talk together; converse; chat
    2. (Psychiatry) Psychiatry to replace the gaps left by a disorder of the memory with imaginary remembered experiences consistently believed to be true See also paramnesia

  13. Animby says:

    # 6 shiftingears said, “…behind him is a car manual transmission.”

    Are you sure? I’ve never seen a transmission in my car manual!

  14. tom says:

    This has been around in various forms for a LONG time but is still very funny!

  15. Tom says:

    Here’s one of the originals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXW0bx_Ooq4

    And the even older Rockwell version:



  16. Another example of great science:

  17. Winston says:

    Please note that there were a number of technical errors in that original video which have since been discorencipated. And we paid far less than $750,000,000 for that invention. We only paid $6.5e9.

    Congressional Budgetation Office

  18. The0ne says:

    Note to science buffs,

    Futurama is back on! 🙂

  19. Doc says:

    This is all wrong. Wrong I tell you. But I have no time to explain. I have places to go,like 1927 to be exact.

    Has anyone told you about my new Flux Capacitor Version 4 ? It’s working great but has some antenna issues. See ya – DOC

  20. dcphill says:

    I have laughed at this since the 1962 GE spec. sheet was released for their “Turbo-Encabulator. Actually is has been around since
    December 1944. Wonderful piece of gobbledegook.

    [Ed. See #24 below]

  21. MWD78 says:

    this is better than Vogon poetry!

  22. RobLeather says:

    You realise this is EXACTLY how the IPCC sold the idea of climate change.

    The science is in!


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