Fox News Exclusive By Jana Winter

Wikipedia has become home base for a loose worldwide network of pedophiles who are campaigning to spin the popular online encyclopedia in their favor and are trying to lure more people into their world, an investigation by confirms.

Chat room posts show a clear effort by pedophiles to use Wikipedia, which can be accessed unfiltered in public schools across the country, to further their agenda. Message board posts often include links to specific Wikipedia articles that the participants say need to be edited to “normalize” pedophile behavior in the public eye and to recruit more pedophiles into their community.

“Pedophiles have campaigned to push their point of view that ‘pedophilia is OK and doesn’t hurt children’ on Wikipedia,” says Xavier Von Erck, director of the online pedophile watchdog organization Perverted Justice Foundation and, its offshoot project devoted to tracking pedophiles and pedophile activism on Wikipedia. “This has been a problem since Wikipedia started.”

You just can’t stop these perverts.

Found by Cináedh.

  1. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    “You Know” it is a bit tiresome to wade thru these intentionally slanted/false headlines. The article is about the pedophiles groups “desire” to give Wiki a pro-pedo slant but there are no good examples of that taking place.

    As the subject is not of interest, I did see a reference to the “Child Sex Tourism” entry on Wikipedia as one success for the pedo’s.

    I read that page. Seems to me it is all objective facts/stats/legal status stuff as valuable to those who want to fight pedos as much as it might be valuable to a pedo?

    Facts are like that. I don’t know what makes anything posted on that page pro-pedo, but maybe you have to be a pedo to see it?

    You know: magical coding.

    Still one of the funniest episodes of SouthLand was on NAMBLA though. Clever how the boys pulled that off.

  2. Somebody says:

    “You just can’t stop these perverts.”

  3. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    One of the few things worse than a pedo, is a gun fetishist. Maybe the gun nuts are worse as death is worse than molestation? Close call.

  4. ECA says:

    “The article on pedophilia, in its suggestions for further reading, suggests other Wikipedia pages edited by pedophiles, including “Child Sexuality,” and “NAMBLA,” a page about the North American Man/Boy Love Association. That page links directly to NAMBLA’s website, as do 25 other Wikipedia pages.

    Wikipedia also has 32 external links to GirlChat, 14 to a Danish pro-pedophile website and 12 to BoyChat. also found hundreds of posts on BoyChat linking to Wikipedia pages, including “Child Sex Tourism,” which provides detailed information on the different laws regarding child prostitution in countries around the world, and which links to newspaper articles that highlight “hotspots” like a section of Mexico City where child exploitation is rampant and unchecked by law enforcement. Other recent links were to Wikipedia pages named “Sexual Objectification,” “Child Erotica” and “Simulated Child Pornography.””

    its NOT this site.
    This site is showing the Idiocracy of WHAT is happening on OTHER SITES

    If you read our POST and goto Fox news, I posted THEIR COMMENT..
    Out of MILLIONS of pages of WIKI.. you have LESS THAN 30? that give INFORMATION about Pedo.
    If you want to edit this, you might as well EDIT the REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC PAGES.

    OK, lets EDIT it out of ALL dictionaries..

    Something strange has started happening Since they ENTRAPPED wikileaks.

  5. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #4–ECA==your post reads contradictorily to me. It starts with a seeming defense that wiki has been taken over by Pedo’s but ends with the notion their success is limited to 30 pages out of millions.

    Pedo disgusts me so I’m not going to track the issue down. Still, it does remain an interesting challenge to the limits of free speech and association.

    I am surprised its only 30 pages? NAMBLA being a legal organization ((some nice legal questions there)) it “should have” links to its site from Wiki just as the Sierra Club does on issues of conservation.

    Whenever I hear/read “NAMBLA” I do chuckle because of Cartman thinking it was related to Marlon Brando. I wonder what other people might think of my little smile?

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey bobbo,

    How about giving the gun fetishist nuts the addresses of all the pedophiles!

    Two birds with one stone?

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    This is my kind of gun nut.

  8. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Ah Yea==well, you have offered a “poser.” I can’t recommend that===but you know, what happens, happens. Actually, if the gun nut gets arrested and thrown in jail, then the two bird solution would be found.

  9. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #7–Ah Yea==I have to admit, it took me a while to get used to it, but Angelina ((maybe absent the tatoos and blood vials?)) is hard to beat.

  10. Larry Budd says:

    Fox News: “There are dozens of pages on Wikipedia discrediting us! And as soon as we edit in our favor it’s changed back again!”

    Roger Ailes: “Connect them with pedophiles and run it every fifteen minutes”

  11. ECA says:

    >90% of the crap we are seeing, in the news…
    is BS/Passing the buck/BLAMING OTHERS/JUST STUPID observations..
    They apply NO SOLUTION. THEY dont want to.
    They are trying to Keep us PRE-OCCUPIED. They dont want us to see the real problems OR real solutions.

    In families, which does best for kids?
    Single income 1 Parent(no one to raise kid)
    Single income 2 parents(1 at home helping kids)
    Double income 2 parents(no one at home helping kids)

    Look at Gov workers. NO just the ELECTED.
    Think about where they live, and how they keep their jobs.,8783.0.html
    Old comic, and the name mentioned?
    MOSt of these folks have been working the Hill, Far to long. They live in a Closed LOOP of a group. They FEED on themselves, and NEVER see the World(without blinders).
    WE USED to have a solution to this. Our representatives were paid on a STIPEND(room, board, travel, ONLY). Then sent HOME TO WORK.
    Working with/for the government was a HONOR. NOT a way to RIP THE USA OFF. (I would LOVE to vote myself a raise). But over the YEARS they have cut all the regulatory systems, as an expedient to CUTTING the budget..ONLY to raise their OWN salaries and FAVOR certain businesses(they cut out the bid system).
    Then you have fun and HIDE what is happening under TONS of BS.

    With NO ONE at home to help/answer questions and problems for the kids, WHO do they look to?
    Ages 0-4, DAYCARE.
    5-8, ???(I know there is something)
    After age 8(preteen) who is taking care of your child?
    WHO has taken the time to teach your child RESPECT? WHO has taught your CHILD to be ADULT? WHO has taught your kid about WORK and EARNING money to get WHAT HE WANTS.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Next thing you will tell me that creationists and Truthers and Birthers are trying to get their crazy ideas on wikipedia.

  13. ECA says:

    1% THIS
    1% THAT
    1% IDIOTS
    1% bATS
    1% dont care
    1% complaining
    1% Itching
    1% …
    1% ..
    100% that dont KNOW..

  14. Glenn E. says:

    Oh let’s face it. Rupert Murdock hates Wikipedia because he can’t own it, and bend it to his will (aka political bias). So I’d highly suspect anything Fox News has to say about this story. Or any paid sources that Murdock probably has in his pocket. Besides, this is the “pot calling the kettle black”. Wikipedia isn’t perfect and 100% wholesome and family friendly. But Fox News IS?!!! Give me a break.

  15. Asshole says:

    You have to be suspect of ANYTHING Fox News says about any topic.

  16. Purpler says:

    Fox news telling us to look over there for pedophiles. Who has any doubt about Rupert’s motives? An open source encyclopedia is an intolerable blasphemy to the high priests of THE truth!
    I find the Wikipedia actually quite useful and mostly accurate in very highly technical domains. Criticisms of it I have found trivial. It is what it is, a “WIKI”-encyclodia, a very handy concept.
    But, I was a kid who was lucky and geeky enough to have two, that’s TWO (used) sets of encyclopedias to get lost in as a kid. Matter of fact, I think I quit Sunday school about the same time I began reading encyclopedias for entertainment. And neither the pedo priests nor the pedoencyclopediaists got me!


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