- iPhone aftermath. In one day the company sold 1.5 million phones. The company admits there are antenna issues.
- Looks like .xxx domain getting approved.
- Salesforce suing Microsoft. Microsoft suing Salesforce.
- Actor Jason Bateman boo’d for cutting in line for iPhone.
- Cool eclipse coming up tomorrow.
- Nintendo wins the E3 show.
- Facebook going after Google in search.
- Will Steve Jobs testify before Congress?
- Win 7 SP1 in the wild.
- Nokia loses Symbian guy.
- Wait until you hear the stats on YouTube. Wow.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
The person that rushes right out and buys the latest tech toy before they get the bugs ironed out is an idiot and even most of the people doing it know it and will tell you so.
About the only exception to that in years was windows 7 because it was just Vista after a heavy polish job and a slight face lift to justify the name change. Since the only things of substance done to make the product different was the polish job it pretty much ran clean from the beta version. Of course my copy of Vista was about as stable as a pet rock long before Win 7 came out.
My bad they did add the XP feature to Win 7 if you want to down load it. Few to no home users do.
Turn on safe search and don’t look for porn and you most likely won’t see anything worse than the stuff you hear on buzz out loud, no agenda, or some of the twit network.
If you turn off safe search and claim you found porn what are you complaining about?
Steve Jobs is stuck in his own reality distortion field.
After making the new case/antenna an integral part of his key-note introducing the iPhone4, he can’t admit that it doesn’t work.
Of course 1.5 million iPhone fanboys will all start holding their phones in a funny way, claiming it’s more ergonomic. 6 months later they all have chronic wrist injuries.
BTW Jason Bateman didn’t cut the line. He was waiting in line with everyone else. Some Apple employees came out of the store and escorted him inside.
Yeah and if Bateman had even an ounce of class he would have refused the special service.
I love how Dvorak complains about the iPhone getting too much ink when he’s the one giving it out on every podcast. There’s a word for that. Like Leporte & Limbaugh one must remember they are entertainers first and foremost.
You think iPhone/Apple has problems, at least it’s not Sprint. Dude, it’s June 25th and there are still no HTC Evo’s in Seattle. Let me repeat, it’s NOT that they’re getting them in and selling them out and can’t keep them on the shelves, no, that would be great. There just aren’t any. You know what the gross sales of HTC Evo’s in Seattle has been in the last 9 days? $0.00. Right as the iPhone comes out. No store (Sprint or Radio Shack, and Best Buy doesn’t carry Sprint in Washington State) has had a SINGLE delivery, not 1,000, not 100, not 1, in the last week and half. There are simply none for sale, you can’t pre-order either. You’re just told sorry, they don’t have any phones, don’t know when they’re ever get another order, don’t call us we’ll call you. Is Sprint TRYING to go out of business? I can go to University Village and buy an iPhone 4 tomorrow (they have a few left). But the HTC Evo? None…nor any idea when they’ll ever get another shipment. All those national ads, posters in the bus tunnel, and the net sales in the 2 million strong Seattle city area for 8 days is $0.00 of HTC Evo’s sold. Pathetic. I WANT to buy this more than the iPhone, but the attitude of the Sprint store sales staff and the inability to actually produce even a few THOUSANDS a week worries the crap out of me.