Police Tasered an 86-year-old disabled grandma in her bed and stepped on her oxygen hose until she couldn’t breathe, after her grandson called 911 seeking medical assistance, the woman and her grandson claim in Oklahoma City Federal Court. Though the grandson said, “Don’t Taze my granny!” an El Reno police officer told another cop to “Taser her!” and wrote in his police report that he did so because the old woman “took a more aggressive posture in her bed,” according to the complaint.

Lonnie Tinsley claims that he called 911 after he went to check on his grandmother, whom he found in her bed, “connected to a portable oxygen concentrator with a long hose.” She is “in marginal health, [and] takes several prescribed medications daily,” and “was unable to tell him exactly when she had taken her meds,” so, Tinsley says, he called 911 “to ask for an emergency medical technician to come to her apartment to evaluate her.” In response, “as many as ten El Reno police” officers “pushed their way through the door,” according to the complaint. The grandma, Lona Varner, “told them to get out of her apartment.”

The remarkable complaint continues: “Instead, the apparent leader of the police [defendant Thomas Duran] instructed another policeman to ‘Taser her!’ He stated in his report that the 86 year-old plaintiff ‘took a more aggressive posture in her bed,’ and that he was fearful for his safety and the safety of others. “Lonnie Tinsley told them, ‘Don’t taze my Granny!’ to which they responded that they would Taser him; instead, they pulled him out of her apartment, took him down to the floor, handcuffed him and placed him in the back of a police car.
“The police then proceeded to approach Ms. Varner in her bed and stepped on her oxygen hose until she began to suffer oxygen deprivation.

“The police then fired a Taser at her and only one wire struck her, in the left arm; the police then fired a second Taser, striking her to the right and left of the midline of her upper chest and applied high voltage, causing burns to her chest, extreme pain and to pass out. “The police then grabbed Ms. Varner by her forearms and jerked hands together, causing her soft flesh to tear and bleed on her bed; they then handcuffed her.

We need to put these guys on TV so we can all point and make fun of them.

  1. Improbus says:

    I think this is worthy of a bad cop banner. Don’t you? FTP!

  2. dont look at me says:

    They all need to be outed as do the people who train and administer these dangerously stupid and ineffectual clods.
    Branded on the for head with “bloody idiot” works

  3. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Just an observation: women are like dog turds – the older they get, the easier they are to pick up.

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    what the fuck? When he called 911 did the 911 operator fuck up and sent the police over to the apartment, rather than paramedics?

    So the police assumed it was some sort of domestic violence call and came in with tazers blazing. But even then COMMON FUCKING SENSE should have be apparent. But noooooo… not in this police state with red tape.

  5. bobbo, wtf? says:

    McCullough==you gotta stop making this stuff up. I know cops are bad, but they can’t possibly be this bad. More credible==all your links are belong to us.

    Truly incomprehensible. Whats “left out?”

  6. BrimstoneAshe says:

    this just can’t be real…

  7. RTaylor says:

    Read the local paper and you’ll find she was swinging a big knife and been threatening suicide. They were trying to disarm her before she cut herself, or one of them. But just pick up the facts on another website without research.
    Stop reposting from Fark and HuffPo dammit.

  8. bobbo, wtf? says:

    RTaylor–thank goodness. Which local paper is that?

    My Mom isn’t that old and I think I could still take a knife away from her no matter how much supplemental oxygen she was on.

    Taser: to be used instead of a gun.
    Taser: Not to be used instead of talking/patience.

  9. brm says:


    RTaylor, you suck.

  10. McCullough says:

    #7. Probably the cops version..even so, an 86 year old disabled granny on oxygen, 10 cops…count em’ TEN COPS, oooohhhh I’m peeing my pants.

  11. The_Tick says:

    We need to give these tards assault rifles,,,,leaving all these witnesses is making them look bad.

    On a side note, Hey Dvorak, read any good articles on newspapers retracting Climate gate claims lately?

  12. diane says:

    if you go to the local news article is gets WORSE…

    Police have admitted using a Taser to incapacitate the suicidal woman Dec. 22. Officer Duran wrote in a police report she pulled a kitchen knife from under her pillow and threatened to kill him. “I tried talking to Varner and calm her down but nothing would work,” he reported.

    The officer reported she took “a more aggressive posture on the bed” when other officers arrived. He reported she raised the knife above her head and said, “If you come any closer, you’re getting the knife.” He reported he feared she would injure someone.

    Police went to the apartment Dec. 22 after her grandson called 911 for a paramedic to check on her. “She says … her life is over. She wants to end it. … She’s taken some medicine. I don’t know what she’s taken,” Tinsley said in the 911 call. “I can’t get her to tell me what she took. … She’s kind of upset and everything else.”

    Varner’s attorney, Brian Dell of Oklahoma City, said police acted inappropriately and could have killed her with the Taser shock. He said she was never charged.

    He said Varner has had a series of health problems, including strokes. She uses an oxygen machine to help her breathing and can barely walk by herself. She uses an electric cart to get around and can see out of only one eye.

    He said she was in a hospital-type bed when she was shocked.

    “Even if you reasonably believe someone’s going to commit suicide, do you Taser them?” the attorney asked.

    He said police ripped the skin of her arms when they grabbed her. “She’s an old lady,” he said. “Her skin is like tissue paper.”

    Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-granny-gets-shocked-by-taser-sues-el-reno-police/article/3471297?custom_click=headlines_widget#ixzz0ruEcu0Zi

  13. Father says:

    Never involve the government if you can avoid it.

    Heard tell doctors would make house calls to look after these types of cases, in the olden days.

  14. Skeptic says:

    There is only one absolute truth to this story… justice won’t be served.

  15. deowll says:

    I know for a fact that you can’t get rough with these people or they bleed and you may break bones. Using a taser is not a good idea either even if they have a knife. Hand cuffs aren’t really a smart idea.

    I think I might have tried a couple of thick blankets or quilts first but don’t be stupid about how dangerous that knife is either.

    I suppose they called in the cops because of the weapons and the cops looked at their play book and came up stupid.

    Not a surprise. Every body transported in a cop car in Tennessee must be handcuffed by law even if they are simply elderly stroke victims suffering from dementia who can’t even walk and only have the use of one arm and the car is just being used to transport them to another version of senior care.

    Been there and almost had to live with that one with my father.

  16. Jay says:

    Yeah there are some more articles that point to her having a knife but why did the officers feel that they couldn’t restrain her without a taser…


  17. UncDon says:

    These aren’t cops.

    They are inmates with badges.

  18. bobbo, wtf? says:

    #15–do-ill===hah, ha. You never fail. Yes, we will leaving the being stupid to you as that is your demonstrated expertise.

    OTOH–you came so close what with the heavy blankets idea, but you came up stupid as well.

    Just what swat team do you serve on?

  19. Bob Hamilton in Chicago says:

    Maybe she could have kicked all 10 of those officers asses at the same time, who knows? By Chicago standards the local police showed restraint as it was not alleged that she was struck multiple times nor was she shot at or kicked. In reality, officers should have enough sense to know when to run out of a house as fast as possible. If I had been the sergeant at the scene, my men would have been trying to keep up with me as we disappeared over the horizon with kitchen knives flying behind us.

  20. dg says:

    If this is true, then these bastards deserve jail time, nothing less.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    No suprise to me. Having lived in Oklahoma for some time, the police are a bunch of racist violent jerks who beat their wives when they’re drunk and steal pot from evidence rooms.

    Oklahoma has a steady stream of police brutality complaints, its a scumbag state and there’s a reason why its 49th in the nation in everything, except maybe for teen pregnancy, methamphetamine use, theft.

  22. scadragon says:

    I call bullshit on this one

  23. Animby says:

    Look at the bright side: with the lawsuit pending and a probably big payout coming, she now has a new reason to live!

    BTW, we need more backstory. She killed Japs in the war? I see a Spielberg/Hanks miniseries on HBO coming…

  24. JPD says:

    It’s from PrisonPlanet.com for cripes sake.It must be true.;-)

  25. tbeale says:

    #24. WTF does that have to do with anything….?

    Having said that, you could just look above at some of the links, but I don’t expect an idiot like yourself to do anything constructive.

  26. fargonaz says:

    Sorry, Bullhsit!

  27. Steve S says:

    If this is even remotely true, the police department should add another qualification to the minimum height and maximum weight requirments for joining the force.
    Applicant must not be a big fu@king pu$$y!

  28. Bobkat says:

    My question is what would the police done if tasers were not available? Would they have shot her because it seems to me that tasering an 86 year old woman with severe health problems could have easily turned into a homicide.

  29. B, Dog says:

    Ah yes, memories. I remember a very elderly bed-ridden woman. Her daughter said the old lady wanted a knife. I can understand that: Who wants to feel completely defenseless? I gave her a long double edged dagger with a nicely colored exotic wood handle and some very nasty looking saw-tooth cuts on part of the blade near the hilt. She liked it, and the comfort that it gave her may have helped prolong her fragile life for years.

  30. robman says:

    Need to execute theses fing rabid dogs.


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