An Indiana coffin maker specializing in plus-sized orders said business is booming amid the recession because of the obesity epidemic.

Goliath Casket of Lynn, Ind., said the obesity epidemic has been keeping business strong, with the largest casket made by the company a 7-foot-by-7-foot coffin for a man in Alaska, Weight World reported Wednesday.

The company said it was set up in response to the few options available for plus-sized coffins 25 years ago and regularly produces coffins measuring 4 feet by 4 feet.

Special devices, too, for hauling these in and out of the hearse?

  1. Maricopa says:

    7 X 7 feet? Thank God they didn’t cremate him. That much grease would have released enough carbon into the atmosphere to have realized Al Gore’s total ambition!

    Who needs a coffin, anyways? When I drop dead, use whatever parts of my bod are worth anything and dump the rest naked into a shallow hole. Plant a fruit tree smack dab in the middle of the grave so that people in the future can grok my essence.

  2. Personality says:

    NO. I’m not a fat fatty.

  3. Benjamin says:

    “Special devices, too, for hauling these in and out of the hearse.”

    No, just increase the number of paul bearers.

    When I die, I hope they just use cheapest way to dispose of my Earth suit.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Sorry but no hearse is built to accommodate these caskets. And no pall bearers can lift them. It’s a forklift and a flatbed truck ride to the double wide (two) grave sight. A hearse probably follows a bit later, just for the living relatives to ride in. But not the big casket. And not every Funeral home is set up to handle these things. Some places can get a large haul truck in and out of their parking lot.

    And BTW, cremation isn’t possible either. They’d have to build them special, to handle much larger body, and its byproducts. All of this should be sufficient to scare fatties into dieting. Because the never gained all that weight, with any thought as to what would happen to them when they die. But not even most of these popular weight loss Tv shows will show this shocking truth.

  5. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Give them an enema and bury them in a shoe box.

  6. Rick Cain says:

    I hear it even costs more to cremate a fat person. You have to use a lot more natural gas to burn up the body and the ash pile is bigger, so I guess you need a huge urn.

    How embarassing to the family, receiving an urn the size of the Stanley Cup.

  7. RTaylor says:

    The amount of cremains depends on bone mass, all organics are reduced to water and CO2 in the secondary combustion chamber. It does take more fuel, and the body may need additional repositioning. They do manufacture crematoriums with larger retort chambers, but these top out at about a 500 pound load.


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