• People waiting in bread line to get an iPhone 4. The phone has apparent strange connection problems. Is the white one resolved?
  • Apple iOS4 getting too much ink.
  • Twitter gives in to the FTC over breaches.
  • RIM making more money, may do buy-back.
  • Android 2.2 coming fast to Droids.
  • Zune needs re-introduction.
  • Developers looking at Android.
  • Google deletes apps on your phone?
  • HP going to take on the iPhone. I laugh at that.
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  1. Rufus says:

    In the USA, waiting in line is new story.

    In USSR, waiting in line was never making news.


  2. deowll says:

    John find out why they removed the apts then bleep about it. It might have been malware in which case more power to them.

  3. jsdailey says:

    HP does stand a chance. Don’t doubt that. They’ve had bad luck in the past, which has overshadowed their achievements (such as inventing memristors and pioneering nanotube technology). Fiorina was a psycho to be sure, but buying compaq has worked to HPs advantage, so I am sure the acquisition of Palm will work out even better due to the IP surrounding WebOS.


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