This Episode’s Executive Producer: Sir Steven Pelsmakers, Sir Rene Swertz, Hugh Wilson
Associate Executive Producer: Joeseph Ransom, Stephan Springer, Lord Vir
Art by: Paul T.

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  1. Braig says:

    Tigger… love it!

  2. LouCipherr says:

    *sings the tigger song to himself*

    “The wonderful thing about oil,
    is oil’s a wonderful thing!
    we pump it out of the ground
    and nature feels the sting!”

    Couldn’t help it. 🙂

  3. deowll says:

    Now if Afghanistan had oil the song might compute…The show was pretty good.

    John why would you believe a UN study about Com trails or anything else? These people are corrupt beyond the mere ability to words to explain. They are also staggeringly incompetent.

    I hope Leo enjoys his wine. I would have bet like you.

  4. Orion314 says:

    Nicole Kidman’s greatest acting was when Billy Zane ripped her bikini bottoms off in the movie “Dead Calm”
    She had a truly fine ass.

  5. I always get a kick out of dvorak and curry on this show. BTW nice pic of Tigger.


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