- White iPhone having manufacturing issues? I’ll tell you exactly what the real problem is.
- Looks like Droid X is the big winner for Motorola. And Droid gets flash!
- Apple iOS4 already hacked.
- Google being investigated in the UK for WiFi violations.
- Meanwhile, Android maps upgraded to give you transit info.
- Bing pushing entertainment. Still no match for Google.
- SF traffic messed up by Russian President.
- Firefox crashes. Who knew?
- New SanDisk WORM SD card may be a hot ticket.
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The new iPhone could be baby shit yellow for all I care, screw AT&T – I’m going to Verizon. That Droid X is looking pretty good and this is from an Apple fan (but no boy).
The color may be Steve’s “problem”, but it’s also possible that there are QC issues in the material itself (colorants change the properties of the base material).
It’s also possible that the mold design is causing local burning or other problems with the light-colored materials that aren’t visible with darker colors.
Been there…. 30+ years in the Plastics business….
John, I find your offhand Firefox bashing a bit offensive. It should be obvious, even to you why FF need “crash protection”. And if not, just go to the Mozilla website and read about it. Before making up slanderous FUD. Who are you working for, Microsoft? The protection scheme is for browser plug-ins, like Flash, that Mozilla has no control over its quality, behaving badly and crashing the whole application. Not unlike what Windows itself now does, since XP.
And while on the subject of Firefox and Windows. Why wasn’t it mentioned here that Microsoft’s 2nd Tuesday of June’s patches, included a sneaked in Bing toolbar to Firefox? Which has been removed in the newly revised patch, as of June 15, after complaints. Microsoft calls it a bug, in the original patch. But said “bug” also had the uninstall button disabled. A fairly well written “bug”. See the theregister.co.uk article.
In another month Microsoft will discontinue support for XP SP2. And probably SP3 by the end of the year. I’m to the point of growing weary about wondering whether Microsoft’s patches are doing more harm than good. And possibly deliberate “bugs” like this, only confirm my doubts. I think I’ll take my chances of not having XP patched after July, by not installing SP3 to satisfy Microsoft programmers. Who can no longer spare the time to include “SP2 only” users in their patches, because they’re too busy figuring out how to screw with Firefox. Like making it not work on the Windows Phone.
The SanDisk WORM SD card could be just the technology needed to encode movies cheaply, permanently, and tamper-free. Eventually replacing DVDs. Which will probably look more like Sony’s memory sticks, rather than a postal stamp sized SD card. So the movie titles and registered logos can fit on them and still be read. Plus their storage cases will be even larger, but smaller than present DVD cases. But at least the effects of scratches and smudges will be eliminated. So don’t buy too many BluRay DVDs before then.
Antennae problems holding the iPhone 4 with your left hand? I smell an expensive recall coming. Short Apple before opening bell…
My theory on the white iPhone delay is that they are running too hot like the old white 3G phones and are becoming discolored again.