Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week the market goes through gyrations because of China and its currency..

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  1. missingyou says:

    Whatever you changed a few weeks ago (something with the redirect) has prevented me from downloading any of your poscasts, doubt it’s just m….

  2. deowll says:

    John, with all due respect when the lenders start saying they are down rating you to junk bond status and nobody want’s to lend you money then you can’t barrow. That is what the EU is facing with the Euro. Their medium of exchange is in danger of becoming worthless at which point in time they are back to barter to try and do business. Modern civilization does not work without some sort of medium of exchange that people trust.

    As for us. We aren’t that far behind. Yes the head of fed wants us to spend our way out but he also says that as soon as we start to get out then we have to clamp down on the money supply because guess what? There’s a zillion dollars people are setting on and if people starting spending them the inflation is going past 14%. Well actually he just sort of implied doomsday without saying that.

    Besides its one thing to give the economy more money and another to have the government to just run wildly into dept because sooner or later somebody is going to figure out there is no freaking way we are going to repay those loans other than by inflating our way out which means the lender is completely shafted as in they might as well have used their money to create a bonfire. I strongly suspect that in ten years it will take a billion dollars US to buy a cheap cigarette lighter which will be more than most Americans make on a given day.

    I would love to be wrong in a good way about this but the money is going out. The obligations exist and I don’t see any freaking way of paying for it. Congress has been and continues to act like a bunch of drunken college kids with a credit card. The American public is convinced it can get free load on somebody else.

    I may not be that smart but I’m stuck with the fact that I can at least add and subtract and the numbers are impossible.

  3. Magnus Patris says:

    Wow! That is the worst job of Photoshopping something I’ve seen i a long time!

  4. Jim says:

    Ok… you guys bitch and moan about the recovery act… then you won’t go to the damned site and look at the numbers?, and if you examine the site, they state that they’ve allocated 200 billion but only 62 billion has actually gotten to the contracts. With the other two sections (tax and entitlements) the total spent thus far is 410$ billion.

    So, yes, you are right, there’s low visibility, but it seems to be because the actual money isn’t getting out into the system as opposed to being wasted.

    Now the next question would be why is it taking so long for the funds to get moving. That could be bureaucracy, or the contractor side (some construction contractors take a long time to ramp up jobs and start charging.)

    So stop the generalized bashing and actually look at the damned numbers. There are also links on the site to the contracts and grants, so you can even scan down to see who is impacted.

    But actually doing research is so passe.

  5. brm says:

    that rollercoaster looks like a boner


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