- Too many boring stories about Apple iOS4.
- E-readers drop below $200.
- Summer at Stonehenge.
- Xbox Kinect looks to be a winner, for the short term. Xbox has become a cult machine.
- IPhone 4 orders canceled.
- Toshiba back on the Libretto track.
- Google music search?
- Dell going Chrome.
- Motorola Droid phone going gangbusters.
- The Space Shuttle should stay flying says astronaut.
- New Xbox cools itself better.
- Stop the presses. Verizon FiOS month-by-month.
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I have been to Stonehenge, in mid winter. Hiked to nearby Avesbury, they have a great old pub and another neolithic stone circle in the village. Surreal.
sargasso_c: The Red Lion? Drank a cask ale there once.
some quite good news here in this post.
I don’t know if John Glenn knows much about engineering. Or if he was just a Navy flyboy, before becoming a famous astronaut. But you think even he’d know that you can’t keep flying these same Space Shuttles indefinitely. Before failure rates start to become a serious problem. IOW they wear out and go boom. And building new shuttles would probably take years and more than the 3 billion dollars it use to cost per copy.
Besides all that. The current Space Shuttles were designed over capacity, to accommodate the size of military satellites, that were on the drawing boards at the time. Back when Pentium chips didn’t exist. The Russians actually had a version made of the of the original space shuttle design. Before its cargo bay was tripled in size. With all the electronics shrinking in size. The shuttle fleet need to be redesigned to a more practical size and functional use. Less of a Freight Truck to low earth orbit. And more of an RV to the Space Station and beyond.