Let’s have a contest. Who can think of the most creative way this could go wrong?

As electronic highway billboards flashing neon advertisements become more prevalent, the next frontier in distracted driving is already approaching — ad-blaring license plates.

The California Legislature is considering a bill that would allow the state to begin researching the use of electronic license plates for vehicles. The move is intended as a moneymaker for a state facing a $19 billion deficit.

The device would mimic a standard license plate when the vehicle is in motion but would switch to digital ads or other messages when it is stopped for more than four seconds, whether in traffic or at a red light. The license plate number would remain visible at all times in some section of the screen.
“We’re just trying to find creative ways of generating additional revenues,” he said. “It’s an exciting marriage of technology with need, and an opportunity to keep California in the forefront.”

  1. T. J. says:

    If you are wondering what will power these new license plates, you may not be aware that there already laws requiring that there be a light to illuminate your CURRENT plates (on a vehicle with 4 wheels or more, that is). So the power requirements are ALREADY THERE!

    But what I want to know is how to report an aggressive or drunk driver when all I can see is a billboard telling me how great it is to be in the state I am already in?

    —(…And now some soap boxing…)—

    And another thing! Why hasn’t SOMEONE ever challenged the government for instituting all these restrictions with plates, licenses and taxes in the first place? After all, our constitutional RIGHTS already tell us that no one (including the government) should be given the authority to obstruct or interfere with anyone else form the ability to freely travel any roadway, highway or waterway within the United States of America. And yet, the government interferes every day by requiring all kinds of licenses which are then taxed to do exactly that!

    Doesn’t anyone KNOW their RIGHTS? Or give a damn?

    Now, you might want to jump in and point out drunk drivers. DON’T! Think about it. We should punish the ACT a person does. And when punishing someone for a homicide only then should we take into account mitigating circumstances such whether or not they were drunk. Not the other way around! After all, it’s no accident when someone drives drunk or picks up an ax and hacks someone to death. Therefore, we should punish the ACTS people do using the “eye for an eye” standard – which we currently DON’T DO!

  2. Rich says:

    “The California Legislature is considering a bill that would allow the state to begin researching the use of electronic license plates for vehicles. The move is intended as a moneymaker for a state facing a $19 billion deficit.”

    It never occurs to them to cut expenses, only raise revenue. This is DNA-level retardation.

  3. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    #33–TJ, the LIEBertardian==where do you find this Constitutional Right? Only in case law, the same case law that says driving is a privilege. Better argument is you have a right to walk anywhere you want to as long as you stay off public highways and private property?

    Does your right to travel include use of airplanes and rockets too, or just cars, motorcycles, segways, bicycles and soapboxes?

    Does your soapbox have wheels too? And a nice propeller cap? It should. You’ve got rights after all.

  4. Benjamin says:

    Then what will I illuminate my plates with to be in compliance with existing law? Or if I drive out of state? I think the draw on the battery will be too high to power the LCD, and the communication point to communicate with the ad servers, especially when the car is parked.

    What happens when I mangle the plates while parking close to those concrete things at the end of parking spaces? With a normal plate, I just bend it back how it normally is. An LCD would probably crack and break.

    The whole idea is stupid and unworkable. A better idea would be to issue plates with ads painted on the background, or even better: have normal license plates like normal states.

    T. J. said, on June 21st, 2010 at 10:24 am

    “If you are wondering what will power these new license plates, you may not be aware that there already laws requiring that there be a light to illuminate your CURRENT plates (on a vehicle with 4 wheels or more, that is). So the power requirements are ALREADY THERE!”

  5. highqham says:

    People are WAY WAY over-advertised to. I find myself not buying products that are over advertised, or advertised in a way I dislike (easy to do!).

    Next time you are at the store try one of the less expensive no-name brands; often they are as good or better. Sure, sometimes they are terrible, but often not.

    Product ads that blink and flash at me on the computer screen really get on my list fast!


  6. Benjamin says:

    #37 “I find myself not buying products that are over advertised”

    How do you take the time to sort what is and isn’t advertised. I just tune out the ads. If I had to review ad to make it a point to not buy products from them, I would get nothing else done.

  7. David says:

    I don’t think this would holdup in a court of law. Since when can somebody convert you personal property for personal (the state) gain. Won’t holdup. This is al BS.

  8. Buzz says:

    1. Do the plates send money to my Google AdSense account?

    2. How much of my registration fees do the plates eventually pay?

    3. Can I put my kids’ pictures on them instead? Pets? Favorite superhero?

    4. Will I be able to use the plate’s WiFi connection while driving?

    5. Can anything go wronnnggggggg,ggg,g,,gnnnn,gggggg

  9. Craig says:

    I don’t understand why they don’t do “nostalgia” plates.

    Lots of people would love to have reproduction plates that are modeled after plates of the past. Especially out here in California. I’d love to buy some black plates or blue and yellow plates for my ride.

    Why not release “throwback” plates like that for a premium?

  10. chris says:

    I don’t know about requiring people to rewire their license plate lights. That isn’t a high amp circuit and it ends in a light (which already has a purpose).

    There would be durability concerns. A screen being exposed to the elements years on end just isn’t going to last.

    These would cost more than a regular plate. Individuals would be required to pay this cost themselves presumably. Say it would cost $100 each. An internet source says CA has 23M registered cars. So to outfit all of those would be $2.3B.

    There is a guy in my community’s HOA that suggested hiring a spy satellite to solve a spate of car break-ins.

    This plate idea isn’t quite that dumb, but it went to the same school.

  11. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I want the junkyard ad that says, “you think our prices are too high? Bring your wife in and we’ll dicker.”

  12. soundwash says:

    /conspiracy #149 in a series..

    It’ll be interesting to see if there is an embedded pulse repetition rate in these “Ads”. Think in reference of the subliminal ads used in movie theaters and of course..on tv

    you’d be surprised at what a light flashing at a particular frequency can do or suggest, to a human..


  13. pedro's confused donkey says:

    Hardcore pr0n web sites and whiskey ads, ok with me. Anything with babys or female hygine, forget it

    What’s wrong with feminine hygiene? Aren’t you the least bit fussy where you eat?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    How do you get the wing nuts excited?

    Start thinking about a problem. They will immediately accuse you of conspiracies to take their god given Constitutional rights.

    It is just an exploratory idea. Things such as when and where they would display ads or how they would update them are all matters to be investigated. If this can’t be done for whatever reason, I don’t think it will be pursued.

    I do see useful uses for this technology though. Things like expired plates, no insurance,or if the plate doesn’t belong on that car would flash a warning or something.

    Just thinking there folks.


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