1. Cursor_ says:

    Three words.

    Grapes of Wrath.


  2. TheCommodore says:

    The (British) Empire is striking back, eh?

  3. jim says:

    Hey, that was Adama. Cool man.

  4. TheMAXX says:

    21 years later the exxon valdez spill still has not been cleaned up.

  5. chuck says:

    BP is too big to fail.

    In the same way that large banks could not go bankrupt, despite not having enough to cover their liabilities, BP will not have to face the liabilities from this spill.

    The $20 billion slush-fund means nothing. BP made $14 billion in profits last year.

    BP employs 1000s of people world-wide, including in the Gulf states. Millions of pensioners (whether they realize it or not) have their pension funds invested in BP stock.

    One possibility is that BP will need a bail-out — from the UK government. But the UK government needs a bail-out too. Where will that come from? The IMF. Where does the IMF get it’s money from? The US, China, etc.

    So US taxpayers could end up financing a bail-out of BP so it can pay it’s liabilities and fines.

    Tony Hayward will go home, get a big severance package and maybe go skiing in France.

  6. deowll says:

    #6 Um dude you just said a year’s profits don’t matter. You want to rethink that one?

    A Major mess and I think benzine does cause cancer among other things.

  7. poindexter says:

    Better reporting than you’ll find on television.

  8. Awake says:

    What… people are surprised that BP puts on a show pretending to do a cleanup when a President (any President) is going to be in town? What rock have these people been living under?

    Regardless of the difficulty of the cleanup, it is the politics of the whole mess that is most disgusting.

    The most shocking event of this whole saga is that a US representative would be stupid and amoral enough to apologize to BP for making BP set aside money to start paying people for their lost livelihoods now, when they need it… not in some distant future when the courts have time to debate it, after all the mortgages have been foreclosed upon, after the businesses have closed because they couldn’t make it over the bad times caused by BP. Joe Barton should be denounced by every politician in the USA, removed from his post due to ethics violations, and possibly charged with treason for putting a foreign company ahead of US citizens.

  9. Awake says:

    #12 – An ass sheepdog –

    I love your closing statement:
    “except for BP who was the voluntary funding source since the first day”

    “Voluntary funding source” HA! They broke it, and we should be sooooooo thankful for them “volunteering” to pay for it.

    What a putz!

  10. ECA says:

    Can I ask you something.
    Can you Explain/describe the word BUSINESS MAN?
    Corporate Head?

    I can tell you what they are not.
    They arent the Well men.
    They are not the Builders.
    They are not the scientists.
    They are not the people that WORK on the rigs.

    They are the ones that have the MONEY to buy those that DID THE WORK, AND the work/building/discovery they have done. and use that to MAKE MONEY.

  11. Awake says:


    I hope that I am not misinterpreting your #14, but unless I am, you have a pitifully limited view of life and society.

    Business Man:

    – The independent owner of the small boat that has to make monthly payments on said boat.
    – The motel owner that runs it with his own family, daughters and sons working there for free to help make ends meet.
    – The individual franchisees of restaurants, that stand behind the counter as manager.
    – The seafood middleman selling the seafood to the restaurants.
    – Anybody that owns a ‘small’ business… which means that they work at the business themselves and have everything to lose if the business goes bad.

    It is the people that are NOT in the oil industry that are being affected the most, yet we have an a**hole like Joe Barton apologizing to the big business that is putting the small business out of business, for the crime of requiring the big business to set aside some money to reimburse the small businesses.

    I just recently realized that so-called Tea-Baggers and Neo-Conservatives don’t actually love America… they love big trans-national corporations. They are the one’s seeking a “new world order” where individual rights are irrelevant, and the big corporation is king. Look at the facts. Think about it.

  12. Micromike says:

    Walt Kelly was wrong!

    We have seen the enemy and it is the GOVERNMENT.

    Just say NO to Government, if you want things to get better.

  13. Micromike says:

    #12 is an Oil company stooge if there ever was one. BP caused this problem by bad practice and they can’t solve it because they don’t know how. They and they alone should pay for it.

    If you, #12, want to get the dick out of your mouth long enough to pay for it yourself, you are certainly welcome. But you probably live in a big mansion thousands of miles from the spill.

  14. ECA says:

    you are talking small business..
    but also..
    I do not think that most of those you listed, Built the Ship/hotel/restaurant..
    Also its the person that OWNS many business’s, not 1-2.

    “they love big trans-national corporations.”

    you just started to notice this? Iv been watching this Since the 70’s.
    I also hope you discover the TRUTH about white collar and Blue collar crime. its WONDERFUL.

    Umm. you are wrong.
    It is the ignorant Individual that has caused MOST of this to happen.
    WE..NOT THEM, must find the proper solution.
    Even if you consider that 2/3 of the nation did NOT vote. WE let them do this. WE did not see the PROGRAMMING of our lives, that THEY DID TO US.

    Who do you vote for?
    the person on TV ALL DAY LONG(lots of money for a job)
    Or the person that CANT AFFORD to pay for commercials EVERY DAY.

    How many parties are there?
    Are there only 2?
    There are 2 BIG parties. that have TONS of money to pay for There CHOICE to get a job that pays 1/10 of what they PAID for commercials.
    There are over 200 Parties.
    but the only way to get ELECTED, is to join the BIG parties. Unless you can get Over 50,000,000 to Vote for you, you dont have a chance.

    I could continue but I hope you get the Gist of this. I could go into a bunch of other tricks and Innuendo that has Shaped this country.

  15. duh365 says:

    The people in this region are so screwed and BP will come out of this with a small slap on the wrist. A few fines and class-action lawsuits that will be tied up in the courts forever. The only winners will be the lawyers.

  16. Personality says:

    That second dude had one hell of a sun tan.

  17. Roman Six says:

    First of all, learn how to use apostrophes.

    Second, BP is a corporation. Its only job is to make money, and it seems to be doing that rather well. Any reference to ethics and moral behavior, even prudence can only pertain to human beings. Non-living entities don’t have a sense of right or wrong, by definition. We have allowed them to exist, and last year we gave them the right to free speech and improved their ability to control our political system. This is not an aberration but the logical progression of our way of doing things.

  18. Somebody says:

    By the same logic that says that if we secure the border, then there will be no incentive to pass comprehensive immigration reform, if they had prevented the spill from reaching land, there would be less incentive to vote for “cap and trade”.

    And as important as it is, to “not let a serious crisis go to waste” maybe it’s also important to not let a serious crisis not happen.


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