This horror was found on NeatoGeek

  1. farbauti says:

    Waiting for the DLC riot pack,
    available once SA has been eliminated.

  2. Benjamin says:

    What? How? It only looks like it plays one note. Or can you adjust the tone like on a bugle?

  3. WTF?! Did I miss something here?

    Looks like a weird version of “Guitar Hero” re-skinned. But I still fail to see what is so shocking and/or macabre that make it a “horror.”

    Perhaps the “horror” is that it’s anticipated to not sell well or that it violates some sort of copyright or trademark?

    Heck! If you want “horror” try looking at the American shores in the Gulf of Mexico or anything that the Washington elite have done recently. The true horror hasn’t even started!

  4. fuzzysaurus says:

    not to be confused with dvorak hero –

  5. some dood says:

    #4 not to be confused with John C.

  6. Esteban says:

    #2 Benjamin.

    The Vuvuzela only plays one note (Bâ™­). That’s what makes it so annoying.

    Makes me glad I don’t like soccer.



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