With the support of Sen. Chris Dodd, D.-Conn., the federal government has awarded $54 million to Connecticut’s politically well-connected Mohegan Indian tribe, which operates one of the highest grossing casinos in the U.S. The tribe runs the sprawling Mohegan Sun casino, halfway between New York City and Boston, which earned more than $1.3 billion in gross revenues in 2009. Each tribe member receives a cut of the profits, a number a tribal official said was “less than $30,000” per capita per year. The stimulus money is a loan from a U.S. Department of Agriculture rural development program that is meant to help communities of less than 20,000 people that have been “unable to obtain other credit at reasonable rates and terms and are unable to finance the proposed project from their own resources.”

Lynn Malerba, chairwoman of the Mohegan Tribal Council, defended the award of the stimulus loan to the tribe, and said that every member of Connecticut’s seven-member Congressional delegation except one had provided assistance in securing the funds. “The whole Connecticut delegation, I think aside from [Rep.] Jim Himes, who was traveling, sent a letter in support.”

I think the answer to this is to raise taxes…yes, we definitely we need higher taxes.

  1. Anon says:

    While gross, this is but one example (out of hundreds) of the insanity to be found in the Dem Porkulus bill.

  2. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    “You Know” the more corrupt issue here that goes without notice anymore is the fact that there are any indian tribes in the USA.

    A silly outdated artifact of history that should be done away with. Just like Anonsense avoiding the bipartisan aspects of pork.

    And maybe thirdly: Should Congresscreeps even be allowed to vote on spending bills when they are lame duck?


  3. Anon says:

    Some that are delusional think that a total of 3 votes for the porkulus bill by one party, equals “bipartisan”. Drugs do terrible things to the brain…

  4. MikeN says:

    What does R’s on board mean? I see Connecticut has 5 Democrats in the House, and no Republicans. Are you referring to the State House, Governor, the rest of Congress?

  5. yankinwaoz says:

    Wait… do the tribes even pay federal taxes? Aren’t they considered sovereign nations?

  6. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #3–Anonsense==that would be a fair comment if R’s did not engage in the same conduct. When both parties do the same thing, thats bi-partisanship and bipartisan corruption is killing the USA. When shills like YOU want to chop it up and blame one party or the other, YOU are part of the problem, and not part of the solution.


  7. Anon says:

    ROFLMAO! Libs trying to pin porkulus bill insanity on Repubs. Gotta catch my breath, laughing too hard.

  8. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    I won’t waste my time.

    Anonsense–you are an idiot, or just dishonest, the distinction not worth the inquiry.

  9. Anon says:

    After being caught trying to rewrite recent history, lib resorts to only tool in belt, Ad Hom…

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #7 as a Rebublican I still have to agree with Bobbi on this. When control of Congress was in R’s hands the pork train kept rolling along.Not to mention the pork distributed by targeted tax cuts to specific industries and even to specific companies.

  11. McCullough says:

    Yep, I misread the article. My apologies to all the Republican shills on DU. I am confident the R’s would never be involved in any shennanigans. Pure as the driven snow, you are.

    Do you guys really want to go there? It would take me about 5 minutes to blow you away.

  12. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Heh, heh, heh. I say heh!!

    Anon–you are an idiot and I suspect dishonest as well. Of course, when someone posts almost nothing but unsupported personal opinion (no analysis, few links) then the CHARACTER of the poster is completely relevant.

    Over time, its interesting to note that the whine of “thats ad hominem” is more likely the dumber one is. Paradoxically, that falls off as a low level of intelligence is necessary to recognize that calling ad hominem on someone is supposed to be a defense of some kind. Monkey see, monkey do.

    Anon–you are an idiot or dishonest, more likely both. A valid character assessment of your character driven posts. Man up.

  13. chuck says:

    Put it all on Black 23.
    Let it ride!

  14. Anon says:

    McCullough said, “Yep, I misread the article.”

    What did you misread in the article? The word “republican” isn’t in the article at all…

  15. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #10–Morning Cap’n, Good Morning to you……==I’ve never considered myself a republican===nor a democrat. I’m too much opposed to either. A social liberal and a fiscal conservative. Problem is becoming that neither party is fiscally conservative anymore. That makes me “look like” more of a liberal/dem by default, and yes, I’m more liberal than Obama on any social policy I can think of.

    So, why/how/for what purpose do you still proclaim the label of “Republican” and how do you ever find a party/person to actually vote FOR instead of merely voting against the opposition?

    Do you ever actually vote straight party?

  16. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    I was going to go over the “R’s” issue but I can’t find it above. Was the original post modified without showing the edit????

    Assuming, but not knowing that to be the case, that really is bad form.

    Its good to recognize a mistake, or change one’s mind. It shows balance, maturity, honesty. But to make the changes without showing them clearly as an edit is just the opposite.

    Think about it McCullough. Stand up for the truth and for responsibility. It doesn’t hurt.

  17. LotsaLuck says:

    ># 13 chuck said,

    >Put it all on Black 23


  18. MikeN says:

    McCullough you are right that you could come up with lots of examples. But you didn’t have it here, and sought to make it so, probably by assumption. I think the Governor is a Republican and probably supports it, so you are probably on safe ground, and the stimulus package got some Republican votes didn’t it?

  19. chuck says:

    #17 – As Wesley Snipes says “Always bet on black!”


  20. RSweeney says:

    Interesting how income gets “redistributed” isn’t it kids?

    This is how people like Dodd and Obama reward their friends… with what, once, was YOUR money.

  21. DaveO says:

    It’s simple. The only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat, and vice versa.

  22. Guyver says:

    Another interesting tidbit over how Americans are getting fleeced: http://tinyurl.com/2aa2zzo

  23. Agenda Bobbo says:

    I’ve been exposed!

  24. GregAllen says:

    Why do you conservatives hate America? And the troops?

    Obviously you want the terrorists to win.

    (hey! This tactic worked for getting all YOUR pork when Bush was in office!)

  25. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #22–Guyver==a shocking video. Thanks???

    Just a quibble: I don’t know why the shortseller would ever sign a promissory note for $75,000 unless it was some kind of really stupid side deal to keep his credit rating?

    How corrupt can a country get before it really does “deserve” to fail like a Plastic Jesus smote from above?

    Sadly, I think the answer is in play and like global warming, just playing out slower than our senses allow us to perceive, but thats a different thread.

  26. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #15 Bobbo I still consider myself Republican more for what the party represented in the past. There have been several good/excellent Republicans to have served in Congress and Governor of NC. Unfortunately, a most have fallen victim to the social conservatives/Jesse Helms side of the state party.

    At times, I consider changing my registration to Independent, but keep holding out hope that enough of us more moderate can bring the party from the edge.

    I do not ever remember voting straight party line. Somehow, I consider that the equivalent of saying “Mega Dittos” on the R Limbash show (i.e. agree with everything R.L. says because they find it to hard to think for themselves).

  27. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    #26–Cap’n==Keep the faith. We can both hope for the better times that you can only recall now. I don’t expect the Republican Party to shake itself loose from the monster(s) it created. Hence the power of bad ideas.

    The political animal becomes what it thinks.

  28. GregAllen says:

    … when a conservative cites a story, 90% of the time it is spun crap.

    Spun crap in this story:

    The headline says it goes to a _casino_ — the article says it goes to a _tribe_.

    The headline insinuates it is a grant — the article clearly says it is a loan.

    Lastly, it’s never mentioned anywhere that stimulus money is not bailout or welfare money.

    If this loan creates jobs, then I would support it.
    (If it makes rich people richer, I assume conservatives will enthusiastically support it.)

    The article isn’t clear about what the loan is going to — which is the real issue, right?

  29. McCullough says:

    #18. I’m liking you more every day. We have to stop fighting each other, and turn our attention to “them”, the corrupt on either side.

  30. BobCat7 says:

    I have to agree with #28. I would rather loan money to someone who can pay it back with interest (hey the tribe is making over $1b/year) Than just give it away. So what is the big problem?

    Seems to me that is the way it should work.


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