Drudge links to this Business Week report:

Russia wants the ruble to be one of the world’s reserve currencies as President Dmitry Medvedev renews his push to reduce the dollar’s dominance and make Moscow a global financial hub.

“Only three, five years ago it seemed like a fantasy” to create a new reserve currency, Medvedev said yesterday in a speech in St. Petersburg, Russia. “Now we are seriously discussing it.”

The Financial Times has the NWO quote:

“What had seemed untouchable has collapsed. The bubbles that created the illusion of flourishing economies have burst,” Mr Medvedev said. “For Russia this situation is a challenge and an opportunity. We are living in a unique time. And we should use it to build a modern, flourishing and strong Russia … which will be a co-founder of the new world economic order and a full participant in the collective political leadership of the post-crisis world.”

  1. canamrotax says:

    Next thing they will be suggesting is the Lada become the standard automobile of the world.

  2. Father says:

    How many years have we been working and killing for the privledge of having shells, and beads, and feathers, and paper, and gold which has the icon of someone attached?

  3. TheCommodore says:

    Keep saying it, comrade, and you eventually will start believing it yourself.

  4. Larry Budd says:

    That’s what we need, a global currency controlled by a bunch of mobsters. Third world thieves and thugs, thats all they are.

  5. LDA says:

    They have been calling for ‘new world economic orders’ for years. What you need to look out for is calls for a ‘New World Order’ (capitalised), that is a specific thing, ‘new world order’ is just a phrase like ‘economic recovery’. I do not see ‘New World Order’ quotes much anymore (maybe ‘they’ know we’re on to them).

  6. Special Ed says:

    What he’s trying to say there is one of Nancy Grace’s butt cheeks is this big.

  7. yankinwaoz says:

    Right dude. I know that bashing the US is a popular worldwide sport. But seriously, it doesn’t mean that people trust YOU with their money.

  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Well, from the quote given all Medvedev wants to do is build his economy up so that it will qualify to become the reserve currency.

    Seems to me the USA should do the same thing?

  9. sargasso_c says:

    That is an terrible hand gesture for any politician to make on camera. And, the Russian language translates badly. Don’t misunderstand me, it is a language full of poetry, drama, love, passion and humour, but when translated into English (in particular) the speaker almost always sounds like a, “Russian”. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt.

  10. gquaglia says:

    I’m sure Barry and Hillary will think its a good idea.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    So he wants his currency to be a big player like the way the US wanted the dollar to be so after the British empire started to slide into obscurity and we replaced the Pound Sterling as the standard.

    The smegging chinese want the same.

    It is nationalist zeal again. Good for them. Who cares really? There will always be something to swap as currency. No one wants to run around with 10k chickens to barter with for a new car. Well except that dimbulb who can somehow pay for healthcare with chickens.


  12. deowll says:

    The planet wide economy has a major problem. They need a currency everyone has confidence in. Since about WW II people were confident that the dollar was solid even if their own or their customers currency wasn’t so they could do business using dollars.

    Now it’s obvious that the people voted in by “we the people” to run the Federal government are completely irresponsible wastrel nut case on the take sleaze bags that expect the tooth fairy to pay the bills when they can no longer borrow the money to cover the interest on what we have borrowed and the sensible thing to do is to drop the dollar as the world standard.

    The problem is every other nation of any size is just about as bad if not worse. No major player has a solid currency anyone has any real confidence in.

    This is going to make it hard to transact business because nobody wants to get stuck holding toilet paper.

    #2 The only alternative to a currency is barter. You want to haul a sack of rice or wheat or maybe a suit to the garage and try and make a deal the next time you need your oil changed?

    If not kindly drop the pseudo-intellectual holier than thou babel because the bottom line is you didn’t even see the problem much less have a solution.

  13. Mist says:

    Is it just me or is that suit really messed up? Not sure I want the new world order run by a guy that buys off the rack…

  14. MikeN says:

    Would be easier if wealthy people didn’t get all their money taken by the state, or given to other billionaires.

  15. ZZman says:

    World already got the new currency 2010.1.1 called Wocu. Now there just needs to be (created) more problems with the other currencies and Wocu will be adapted for everyday transactions between individuals.

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    In Soviet Russia, suit wears you!

    The only Rubles I care for are Barney and Betty. Hmmm, there’s an idea: mint/print up a bunch of Rubles with pictures of Barney, Betty, Fred, Wilma, Pebbles, Bam-bam and Dino!

  17. ECA says:

    HOW much to make a good person Corrupt?
    What promises do you need to make?
    How much money is enough to make you LOOK the other way?

  18. Camacho says:

    Medvedev wants US dollar to be replaced with a basket of currencies including the Russian Rouble, Chinese Renimimbi, and the IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR).

    IMF also wants to end the US dollar and wants it to be replaced with SDR alone – no national currencies. In other words, no sovereign control, as “supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination”.

    The guys running the Federal Reserve will then walk across the street and take up new jobs at the IMF.

    The rest of you can go to hell.

  19. RTaylor says:

    The USSR’s real threat was China, and they knew it. They know it today also. Let the Russians have their pride, they deserve it. If you look around the US is slowly being relieved from being the worlds policeman. That’s fine with me, I’m tired of paying for it.


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