• Facebook having more privacy issues. Meanwhile Facebook made $800 million.
  • E3 over. What came of it?
  • Read my Marketwatch column on game consoles.
  • PC World discusses overages.
  • Adults texting while driving more than teens.
  • Netbooks doomed?
  • EVO phone coming out in white — from Best Buy.
  • Motorola will keep trying MSFT on some phones.
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  1. Special Ed says:

    Nah, Microsoft is dead in mobile phones. Did you see the demand for iPhone? Maybe you missed that…

  2. Special Ed says:

    Pee, always the MS fan boy huh? I know you got an iPad…

  3. deowll says:

    “Paul Thurrott has done a nice job of separating hype from reality. He references IDC’s forecast that 45.6 million mininotebooks (aka netbooks) will be sold in 2011 and 60.3 million units in 2013.”

    I’m sorry but if I had to I can get by with just a netbook. It would be a true bleep to try and get by with just a tablet. Tablets may cut into the market but I don’t see them taking them out because a netbook is a mini notebook and notebooks are more powerful when you need to create a presentation or use a spread sheet or edit a picture or what ever.

    In fact just printing anything is the pits with an ipad and while I’m sure somebody will figure out some way to do presentations the ipad does a major fail on this for now. I’m not able to store my home videos on one nor my music collection nor my photographs. I guess I could stick all my documents on one but then that does include books and large PDFs.

    Tablets as they exist now can surf the web, do social networking, email, play low powered games, and allow you to watch video you download or listen to audio.

    In time everything might be available through a tablet but I’d give it till at least 2020.

    Last and not least if you have a full web connection in both an Ipad and an Iphone you are talking about paying AT&T about 2000 a year with a cap on what you can down load.

    For most families this can start to add up to more money than they can afford to pay very quickly and for many using a router at home is the only way they are going to get phone service and the internet at home without being even more ripped off they already are.

    As much video as I watch on line I suspect that I’d hit my cap on phone service in the first week. You want to down load and watch “Avatar” on you Ipad? That ought to max you out right there. I have maxed out/high speed DSL that all of my computers can use and I’m not about to pay the extra for a data plan for an Ipad.

    I may love to cruse the net but I have a limited supply of money. Some people seem to have an unlimited supply of money and if so their mileage will certainly vary from mine.

  4. qb says:

    Special Ed, pedro is the complete Windows licker.

    deowll, I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. I don’t think tablets will “cut into” netbook/notebook sales that much. Desktops are suffering in general and are being replaced by a broad category of untethered computing which includes smart phones and tablets. Netbook and notebook sales will probably flatten out somewhat just because those categories are maturing.

  5. Apple coming out with the Iphone 4 will really put the last nail in the coffin of the mobile fight. I think MSFT with its win 7 mobile platform is too late.


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