1. Anon says:

    Yep, Obie i a one termer, if even that.


  2. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    Anon–disturbing link. Thanks.

    Given both sides had legitimate concerns, I think the CoastGuard should have allowed the barges WHILE they ran their safety checks.

    Its the way of all bureaucracies.

  3. Anon says:

    It isn’t REALLY O’s fault. It is DHS’s fault. He needs to fire the head of that Cabinet Dept. VERY publicly.

  4. GregAllen says:

    I know this has created a stir but notice that even Rachael Maddow says speeches like this disqualify her from being president.

  5. fargonaz says:

    Bobbo you fucktard.

    no better or worse than 99 percent of your worthless ad-hominem attacks.

  6. Adam Carolla says:

    Bobbo is an a-hole who makes really stupid “jokes”.

    Obama is weak because he shied away from responding sooner. In the beginning of this crap. he went on vacation and spent more time on the golf course than time in Louisiana.

    Can he SOLVE the problem? Maybe, maybe not but at least LOOK like you give a damn…

  7. Lou says:

    # 15 – I agree. She is annoying.

  8. cgp says:

    Nuclear is the miracle technology the your country invented. You have the enriched material sitting on worst than useless mass murder weapons. Them there are 20%U235 5x needed for fuel rods. They will make long lasting rods ~ 25years use (liek the Nsubs) before recycling versus 1 year for 4 per cent.

    You need to build the most massive nuke complexes on sea coast sites with massive cooling pipes that draw cold mid ocean water and releases it in coastal regions with zero thermal difference.

    Picture fourth generation fail safe (any overheating due to coolant system disruption has negative coefficient effect) units each the size of the entire US current system. And then place ten of them in a row.

    No more nuke waste LIES. It may cost a bit, but the so called waste problem can be eliminated. The greenie fascist liars never told the truth, and you nation of fools believed them.

    I am a big fan of solar and wind generation, but you cannot run a continent on it. Just go and view an idle wind farm out west.

  9. MikeN says:

    >4. Immediate 15 cent per gallon alt energy tax on oil to increase 5 cents per year for ever.

    Any oil tax should go down with time.
    The alternative energies should be able to compete on their own, not have their competitors be taxed so they can make more profits, especially when the alt energy companies will probably be the same as the competitors. So maybe a tax to spur innovation, but it shouldn’t stay high. You also don’t want to cripple the economy with a tax that is too high.

    >5. No nukes unless they consume their own waste products.

    Spent fuel reprocessing like other countries do would reduce the amount of waste considerably.

    >6. No ocean drilling until MikeN approves of the safety regulations which will also require use of tested effective acoustic shut off valves.

    How do you test such a well, unless you dig a huge well and have a blowout? It is not clear that this item would have prevented what happened here. The tests have been computer simulations.

  10. MikeN says:

    >Mextli==I look forward to seeing your text when you favor us with it.

    LOL I was wondering about that.

    >Then, for the last week or so he’s been uncharacteristically neutral. I try to encourage

    Perhaps you are attributing someone else’s comments to me, or your own opinions have changed

  11. Shubee says:

    President Obama should have said that the environmentalists were right and he also should have confessed that all his science advisers overlooked the obvious strategy of detonating some powerful explosive device to collapse the sea floor around the well site.

  12. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #69–Mike==taxation policy is social policy oft times with the revenue raised a very secondary function.

    Our society needs to make the judgment that burning carbon is bad and get off it asap. Nothing better than an increasing tax to do that. Of course “forever” means until changed by future legislation.

    I would start with a one dollar tax or 5 dollar tax, but started low to give everyone fair notice.

    Raise your hands: who here doesn’t think we would be off oil now if such a tax had been instituted by Pres Carter?

  13. Norman Speight says:

    I would support this business (BP) being renamed “American Petroleum”. This would accurately reflect the ownership of the business in the same way it did when we Brits owned it as ‘BP’ (more accurately it was our government which owned most of it).
    We have been gradually losing ownership of BP since the original Persian kicking out their Shah and replacing him with a certain Mossadeq man. This, I believe, to be a well documented event organised by the CIA. Following Mossadeq’s displacement (you might remember he was famous for coming out on to his balcony in his pajamas), the Americans invited the British back in for a half-share of that which they formerlyowned all of.
    Long past the time that this US gesture of friendship was recognised by renaming the business into AP I think. Well, it pays the US taxes most doesn’t it?
    Oh. By the way. I almost forgot.
    The CIA replaced Mossadeq (eventually) with a returning Shah – only to organise him being kicked out later – which, leads us (eventually) to the introduction of friend Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and a great mate he is – isn’t he?.
    So. The CIA motto seemingly should be. If you don’t at first succeed, fail, and fail, and fail again. If that doesn’t produce the desired result, then bomb the bastards back to the stone age. John Wayne forever.
    I wouldn’t for one moment excuse the oil spilliage events in the Gulf, but we do need to look beyond the political gesturing don’t we? Being the Boss doesn’t by itself make you right. Perspective perspective perspective please.

  14. bobbo, to the left of Obama says:

    #73–Norman==your posts are normally much tighter than this one. Too tired to be cogent? First Draft Only?

    So, sincerely: what’s your point?

  15. MikeN says:

    >You said: “But as Rahm Emanuel said, ‘never let a crisis go to waste’”. /// The clear implication being you don’t think the government should respond at all when years of corrupt mismanagement is revealed?

    The implication is that Obama is using the crisis to pass an agenda he couldn’t otherwise pass, cap-and-trade bill. That is also the meaning of Rahm Emanuel’s statement. It is similar to ‘War is the health of the state’

  16. deowll says:

    Way to verbose. All she actually said is, “No oil company will ever drill of shore again.”

    If that is all she meant to say she should have said it and shut up.

    As for who benefits. Make her stop using all fossil fuels for three weeks and she if she get her hamster brain working enough to figure out she benefits.

    The woman is swimming in an ocean of energy that comes from fossil fuels. Her job doesn’t exist without it. She can’t get to work without it. The cloths she wears wouldn’t exist without it. The processed and non processed food she eats is the product of consuming large amounts of fossil fuels and was brought to her community thinks to fossil fuels. Her air conditioned home. The whole works.

    With out fossils fuels she’s a peasant digging in the earth with a hoe and living in a shack if she’s lucky.

  17. Carcarius says:

    Heh… as if these oil companies have any motivation to spend their “hard-earned” profits on safer and secure drilling exercises to prevent these disasters.

    It always takes a disaster to wake people up.

  18. MikeN says:

    With a high tax like that, we would be off oil, and the economy would be worse. Of course, other countries would be better off with cheap oil. Actually we wouldn’t be entirely off oil, since the alternatives are not particularly feasible, like the alternatives to coal.

  19. MikeN says:

    #66, what exactly should Obama have done in Louisiana? Cleaning up a duck is going to plug a leak how? Or perhaps he would have checked that boat for fire extinguishers?


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