MONROE, Ohio – An artist who designed an Ohio church’s giant statue of Jesus that was destroyed by lightning this week says he’s willing to help replace it.

Brad Coriell of Nashville, Tenn., says he has not been in contact with the Solid Rock Church but would be honored to be involved.

Co-pastor Darlene Bishop at the church along an interstate north of Cincinnati says Coriell could be among the artists who will submit designs and cost estimates for a new statue. Church officials say it’s likely to look different from the original six-story “King of Kings.”

A lightning strike Monday sparked a fire that burned down the plastic foam and fiberglass statue that was nicknamed Touchdown Jesus because of the way the arms were raised.

This can’t be good.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Hopefully the Solid Rock Church will get this Jesus statue replaced without delay. It would be a real shame if those folks took the time to think and decided that the money would be better spent feeding hungry families and helping the sick who can’t afford health care.

    By the way, the old statue that was destroyed looked nothing like the real Jesus, who actually bore a striking resemblance to Frodo, right down to his hairy feet.

  2. clancys_daddy says:

    Karma is a lady dog.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Touchdown Jesus didn’t catch the fireball gawd threw him.

  4. cgp says:

    An act of cloud!

  5. Nugget Coombs says:

    # 33 Gary, the dangerous infidel said, on June 18th, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    “By the way, the old statue that was destroyed looked nothing like the real Jesus, who actually bore a striking resemblance to Frodo, right down to his hairy feet.”

    What is the ‘Real Jesus’? A figment of someone’s imagination.

  6. Paul Camp says:

    Time to start worshiping Zeus?

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #35 “Touchdown Jesus didn’t catch the fireball gawd threw him.”

    And the late-news teaser would be…
    “Touchdown Jesus fumbles “Hail Mary” pass and bursts into flames, film at 11:00.”

  8. The Keeper says:

    As one who has driven by a bunch of times the way it was sitting in the pond I always called it the ‘drowning Jesus’.


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