What bothers me about this was the apparent lie delivered by the Police that the area had FAA flight restrictions when it did not.
What bothers me about this was the apparent lie delivered by the Police that the area had FAA flight restrictions when it did not.
Bad Behavior has blocked 9199 access attempts in the last 7 days.
“…blah, blah, blah, as well as tactical,” she says. Meaning 99% tactical.
Sam Houston is watching YOU!
the surprise here is not the drone (“24” comes true) but the tv station outing it. Democratic republic? What a quaint, 20th century concept. Look up “plutocracy.”
“What bothers me about this was the apparent lie delivered by the Police….”
Then enjoy:
It dawned on me when I turned off my alarm this morning that the drone will be the “mechanical hound” of our society. While In the novel “Farenheit 451” the enemy of the state is anyone that possesses books, in our world the enemy of the state is the terrorist.
These drones probably are leading to a waste of resources. The promise of a magic bullet technological solution is appealing, but the limitations of the technology in rainy Houston are doubtless being overlooked. They need to develop more emphasis and appreciation of silver bullet shooting lone ranger type folks in the Houston Police Department.
Can we say this reported will be suicided?
two to the head!
The idea of unmanned police aircraft doesn’t bother me too much.
When I lived in Fresno, the police where forever chasing people with helicopters — the noise and drama of it where extremely stressful.
One night — no kidding — a helicopter hovered outside my third floor apartment and shone its spotlight right into my window, turning my living room into blazing high noon! And the bizarre thing was, my wife I didn’t even bother to get off the couch and see what was going on.
So, a unmanned drone doesn’t seem like such a big deal. Might even save me a few tax dollars.