Click pic to place the spill over your town

BTW, what did you think of Obama’s speech last night?

  1. Somebody says:

    Now, if they could get the location right….

  2. Somebody says:

    Actually, I’m surprised that the papers aren’t including it on the weather maps.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    What do I think of Obama’s speech? Although this article doesn’t directly address the speech, it does address his demeanor in general.

  4. Dallas says:

    #3 Good article by conservative magazine, American Stinker to see how conservatives measure the demeanor of someone they despise.

    The publication name is very catchy too.

  5. jescott418 says:

    I never listen to political propaganda from our President which is obviously what he is doing. If he had any better answers as to what to do with the spill he should have ordered them done by now. This is obviously a terrible tragedy yet I think it was never planned on by anyone including anyone in Government or the oil companies. Protesting BP by driving your big SUV to a gas station is not going to help anything. BP does not even own the BP stations anymore. Maybe we should not drill when we do not have a sound response to a major accident which is what this is. Maybe Obama would be better off offering other solutions then trying to place the blame somewhere else then himself and the Government.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    #4 Dallas – you should check out the commentary by the media lapdogs on MSNBC. Even Matthews and Olby were hurling negative comments at the President’s speech.

    After the speech… “If I’ve lost Olbermann, I’ve lost liberal America”

  7. Mextli says:

    #6 The letters to the editor and editorial page of the new Orleans Times Picayune were uncomplimentary to say the least.

    I believe every one down here thinks he does not appreciate how much the state depends upon the oil industry and the damage a prolonged moratorium on drilling will do.

    NO, this is not an apology or plea for the oil industry.

  8. MikeN says:

    In the end the important solution was to push for a bill endorsed by BP.

  9. madtruckman says:

    i just love how people complain about how the gov’t isnt responding properly to this situation. what do you think obama does, sit in the oval office just wondering how to handle the ‘next’ crisis? crisis management has NEVER been a strong point for government. when you have something at your workplace that has never happened before, do you handle it very quickly? or do you think about the problem in different ways since it has never happened to you before? im not making excuses for political purposes. heck i could say the same thing with bush. did he sit in oval office wondering how to handle 3 hijacked planes running into buildings in major US cities? dont think so. yes, this is a tragic situation, and i think the gulf coast cities should own BP for the next 50 years at least, but this oil line break isnt a simple quick fix….

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Mextli #7,

    Remember this?


  11. Special Ed says:

    #12 – Why the fuck would you vote for Steve Jobs?

  12. The0ne says:

    The size is half as large as the egos of the DU members here. It needs to gush more to match.

  13. jbellies says:

    #10. Wasn’t the government response to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire quick and as effective as it could be? In 1906 they were thinking “How can I fix this crisis?” In the 21st century, it’s more like “How can I cover my ace?” / “How can I protect my empire?” C. Northcote Parkinson had it right all those many years ago.

    Not only should heads of departments be eminently fireable (in case of failure, naturally), but entire departments should be on the block. Such-and-such a department failed? Fire them all, send their resources back to general accounting, annul any enabling legislation and start over.

    On your tax return, you should be able to vote for a department you’d like to eliminate. A bit like Ostracism in Ancient Athens. The department with the most votes gets liquidated. The main problem, where to cast your ballot? Soooo many good choices! Here in Canada, too.

    Weeks ago a local newspaper did a map showing the spill overlaid onto a map of SW British Columbia. At that time, it stretched from Vancouver to Kamloops.

    Here’s a fun geography exercise: every day, overlay that day’s spill map so as to maximize the number of NHL / MLB / NBA / NFL / … Soccer Premiership … franchises / pop. centres over 1 million gooped. I’ll call it the Oily Map Problem.

  14. BubbaRay says:

    Let’s see, this was such an overwhelming crisis that Odumba went to see Paul McCartney and played golf 8 times. Sounds real crisis-like to me.

  15. Buzz says:

    Missed Albany by that much!

  16. Winston says:

    Chart of worst accidental oil spills in history:

    The Gulf War spill was BY FAR the biggest, but it was intentional, so it’s not included.

  17. deowll says:

    Obama is in BS mode. Of course telling the truth and trying to act like a responsible adult wouldn’t work either.

    Some people did cut some safety corners and caused the blow out. Now its costing well over 20,020,000,000 and that is just the crap money can cover. Oh yeah, it killed 11 people. Let’s not forget that.


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