1. wisd0m says:

    These are great, please post more old pics John.

    You did pick an odd site to host the pics.

  2. J says:

    My last Comdex was 1993. Even then it seemed dull.

  3. GregAllen says:

    Wasn’t 1996 about when people started throwing millions of dollars at any 20-something who had even a vague idea about a dot.com company?

    Yet, the Newton failed. I remember how some tech pundits mocked the Newton but time has vindicated it.

    Apple shared some of the blame by being obsessed with natural handwriting recognition before the hardware was up for it. Soon after, Palm proved that users would easily learn a simplified script — something the people at Apple where sure never would happen.

    … at least that’s how I remember it.

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    Where’s the OS/2 booth?

  5. smartalix says:

    Geez, John. What memories. I thought shit was happening insanely fast back then, and we weren’t even living in real-time yet.

    Steven Seagal used a Newton in Under Siege 2, Dark Country, didn’t he? Cutting-edge tech is always fun to see in retrospect. We almost forget that when it was new it was the shiznit. I’ve got an old Edison Gem phonograph, and I can imagine the original owner chatting up a lady: “I have a phonograph machine in my apartment and several songs for it!”

  6. #4 right on the money.

    #6 yeah, looks like sloooow motion. Maybe I’ll open the archives and republish more of these old trade show pics. I’m glad I have that shot of the crazy lion that used to be the door into the MGM. What an eyesore.

  7. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Slide #1 – IBM, Motorola and the PowerPC. I remember a book about the PowerPC published about 1996. John C. Dvorak was quoted on the front cover. It went something like – the PowerPC revolution has begun … crank up the volume!

    Slide #3 – Try to identify the logo on the dish antenna. Maybe, it was for the new satellite networks and phones like Iridium or Kyocera.


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