What is this all about?
Poster found in the Holborn Tubes station in London by Matthew Wittering
By John C Dvorak Monday June 14, 2010
What is this all about?
Poster found in the Holborn Tubes station in London by Matthew Wittering
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Don’t be a traffic zombie, use the train.
So.. What if I WANT to be a zombie??
Snarky advert from Virgin for the hip young snarky-alert generation, yo
Trains good. Planes bad.
Wouldn’t riding a train be more a zombie activity, than driving a car? Zombies could accidentally shuffle inside an open train and end up in Liverpool, but I doubt they could drive a stick.
hhhm i bet they came from new zealand
Virgin does trains? Any way we can get them to come to the U.S.?
Sometimes a train is just a train..and a Zombie is just a rum drink.
They’re not zombies. British Rail second class carriage passengers.
Boring answer:
“MCBD has unveiled a new integrated campaign for Virgin Trains featuring a series of graphic novel illustrations.
The comic book images feature zombie commuters and demonise other forms of transport. It encourages commuters to travel with Virgin Trains instead.
The campaign will run across outdoor, press, radio and online.”
Personal view: What a load of crap.
Trains good. Planes bad. Woo Woo!