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the last clip is great, but everyone is sitting there stone-still. can you walk around without changing the channel?
total crap. i don’t see this thing selling more than 10 units.
They are making these units for three reasons – to forestal future government action on lazy video gamers by saying they have a full slate of ‘healthy physically active’ video game options, a way to convince an anti-video game mother that they encourage physical activity, and because Nintendo did it and they don’t want to be caught out.
I guess that is really 2 reasons – since you are selling Mom and the Government on the same thing but with a slight change in theme.
I just do not want any ‘connected computing device’ to be watching me with a camera in my living room or bedroom. And yes, I have a sticker over the built in webcam on my iMac.
Where’s the doggie style clip?
Those parents running and jumping was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen……
I tried this system first hand at a games development company I know and it is astonishingly bad.
Mark my words: EPIC FAIL.
Microsoft Kin. Kine… Kinect. Is it compatible with the new phones??
Don’t forget to smile!
Amusing – to me at least – the awkwardness/silliness of the reality of playing the game and the unreality of the on screen persona. For some reason this looks dramatically more sillier than Wii. All they need now are the 3d glasses – and then we are complete. Or perhaps not, as microsoft introduces Smelletic – a clowns nose like peripheral that induces exciting smell reality. And so on…
Microsoft seems to make just about the most embarrassing promotional videos. Ever.
laxdude is either on the money, or frighteningly close.
Many things aren’t that great but millions buy them anyway because they don’t want to know any better.
Microsoft loses so many obvious advertising opportunities… big duh to Microsoft for not using girls in bikinis doing the jumping around, bending over, etc.
Hmmm… I just had an idea for a Kinect based game… is there some kind of ‘feedback’ port available as part of the system?
Game includes instructional CPR video…
Wow, and I thought voice recognition was lame. This has taken lame to the next level of suck.
It won’t be long before we hear about the first grandfather that has a heart attack while playing video games with the grandchildren.
I see some promise in this platform, but only if its able to surpass the gimmicky games released by the wii. Microsoft is now catering to both the casual and competitive gamer and unless they do something that above and beyond the wii, they will not be converting the throngs of people who already posses a wii
The end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…
err…on second thought, shoot me NOW.
2012 can’t get here fast enough…