The professional jesters, who perform on the country’s bus routes, marched down San Salvador’s main street chanting “real clowns are not criminals”. The protest follows the shooting of a bus passenger on Monday by the impostors after he refused to give them money.

The man was shot five times in the face and stomach then other passengers on the bus were robbed. Police are yet to make any arrests. The protesters, dressed in oversized bow ties, tiny hats and colourful make-up, said they were aiming to entertain and educate passers-by during their march.

“We are protesting so that people know we are not killers,” said professional clown Ana Noelia Ramirez.

“The people who did this are not clowns. They unfortunately used our costume and our make-up to commit a monstrous act.” The leader of the clown union, Carlos Vasquez, has confirmed plans to issue ID to all real clowns and urged police to detain those who do not have them. The performers are a familiar sight on El Salvador’s buses and also in the streets where they juggle and do tricks at busy intersections for waiting traffic.

Coulrophobia: an abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. I think Cosmo Kramer was afflicted with this.

  1. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    “You Know” when I was a kiddie, clowns were friendly fun mates and libertarians were champions of liberty.

    What has become of this world?

  2. fulanoche says:

    money for nothing
    over-exploitation of limited resources
    avoidance of sustainable methods

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    I fully, entirely, and completely sympathize with the poem.

  4. DaveO says:

    I would have to see their act before I could criticize it. These protester “professional” clowns might just be stuck in hackney old routines that never make it in the news.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    It’s kind of interesting that clowns are so internationally recognized, when very little of anything else is. Even Santa Claws isn’t the same, all over the world. I don’t know if that speaks for how time-tested the tradition of Clowns are. Or how utterly cheap and cheesy it is to merely slap face paint and baggy clothes onto persons of minimal talents, and declare them as entertainers. They rarely ever have to sing (well), play any instruments (again, well), or perform anything other than slap stick moves.

    Of course there will always be the exceptional Clown act, of the past. But for the most part, most are not that good at anything requiring skill and talent. And extreme few Clowns have ever had any unique identity, that they couldn’t easily be subbed by someone else in their face paint and costume.

    And most young children are scared of them, until they learn that that someone dressed up like a clown, is supposed to be funny. It’s definitely an acquired appreciation. Unlike cutely dressed dogs performing tricks. I’ve never seen a kid cry the first time they saw that!

    The real problem with clowns, is that outside of Circuses, birthday parties for children, and special public events. Seeing someone dressed up as a clown, should be immediately suspect. The same thing goes for people dressed up in costume, other days than on Halloween.

  6. Craig says:

    Actually, you’re mistaken. Cosmo Kramer had a fear of blacks, not clowns.

  7. ECA says:


    “Send in the clones…”

    you are very good can we add a few?
    1. CRIME in El Salvador, is worse then NEW YEARS, in NEW YORK, IN A DARK ALLEY, being DRUNK, and RICH, in the WORSE part of NY.

    points to ponder.
    2. who has seen the machines they use to chop trees. 1 machine gets rid of 5-10 jobs.
    3. WORK? what WORK?
    4. Its a TOURIST TRAP. NEVEr leave the tourist areas.
    5. 6 million people(500,000 in the last year, WOW) over 8100 sq miles..740 people PER SQ MILE.
    6. driving force? CORPS. look it up..Its a port city.

  8. Nugget Coombs says:

    This clown is just about as believable as the clowns in the Vatican.

  9. sargasso_c says:

    “Why so sad?”

  10. Rob Leather says:

    Funny isn’t it.

    For the Americans, in the 1970/80’s clowns were a fun thing to have around for kids party.

    While, over here in the UK, with the help of Hammer Films, Doctor Who and “Tales of the Unexpected” – Clowns are……

  11. Eric Indiana says:

    There seems to be a wold-wide phenomenon of clowns confronting police I have compiled evidence of this conspiracy!


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