Dunno. Seems drunk.

found by Kevin Miner

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Drunk or not, assault is assault.

  2. Anon says:

    Should be arrested. The wheels are definitely coming off the lib wagon..

    The “lady” doth protest too much, methinks.

  3. Killer Duck says:

    Assault? Really? I guess you could consider that assault technically. But the only way you can honestly call that an assault is if you are pussy.

    – Libertarian living in NC and I don’t really like Ethridge.

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    drunk or high.. but you’d think his staff wouldn’t leave him alone walking the streets when he’s stung out on something.

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    oops “strung” i meant.. not stung.

  6. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    Assault: threatening to touch someone without permission.

    Battery: doing the unpermitted touching.

    Clear Assault and Battery caught on film.

    Drunk or not, our leaders should know not to attack their boss, the public.

    I think the Congress person should be censored by his group and the reporter free to press charges or not.

  7. David says:

    Judge Judy says that when a person places their hands on you you have the right to protect yourself. He should have clobbered him. Judge Judy would have a blast trying this case.

    What right? Were in the Constitution does it say you have the right to know who I am?

  8. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Oh yeah, that’s Congressman Drunk Fuck.

  9. Anon says:

    “Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member.”

    If the House members have ANY integrity and guts, this is what they should do…

  10. UncDon says:


    The kid could be a Cylon. The congressman was just being cautious.

  11. Gamer says:

    I would of broke that bastards hand.

  12. longdong says:

    He (the ‘rep’) surely doesn’t know the power of Youtube.

  13. jim says:

    “The wheels are definitely coming off the lib wagon..”

    The wheels have come off the two party dictatorship. Left or Right, makes no difference.

    [How true. – ed.]

  14. RSweeney says:

    The arrogance of power, here for all to see.

    Simple question too… do you support the Obama agenda.

    I think his answer is “yes” and he KNOWS it’s the wrong answer, but cares more for his party and power than he cares about the nation and liberty.

  15. Special Ed says:

    The kid is lucky he didn’t get a UFIA.

  16. Gilgamesh says:

    These little fucks don’t deserve to be anonymous if they are going to create these personal confrontations. That is the point the congressman is making. Some of these right-wing ding-a-lings are so worried about tyranny from named persons that they forget the tyranny of the mob and abdication of responsibility in anonymity. These cocksuckers with their little cameras who capitalize on the identities of others without exposing their own are terrorist girls in burkas as far as I’m concerned. These morons are creating a culture of rudeness that is actually incentivizing public figures to *never* commingle with the public. Good job. Good job.

  17. not a lawyer, but... says:

    Are you implying that Congress could possibly have a lower approval rating if they were all drunk?

  18. swat45 says:

    #16 You are the MORON…..since when does asking an elected official a question give that official the right to put his/her hands on the asker in any manner?????

    The elected official should have just said “No Comment” and kept on walking.

    A police officer should have investigated him for public drunkeness at a minimum and perhaps for assault if the student wanted to press charges.

    Just goes to show that a good share of elected officials should be voted out of office.

    I hope this guy gets what he (the elected official) deserves, but I wouldn’t bet money on it.

    If the student had tried to defend himself, I would have bet money he would be sitting in jail right now.

  19. denacron says:

    “Who are you?”
    “We are just here for a project.”
    “I never heard of a place like that.”


    I guess…. 🙁

  20. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    #16–Gligamesh: lets see if every little thing you said was wrong or not?

    1. These little fucks don’t deserve to be anonymous if they are going to create these personal confrontations. /// How do you know the size of his genitals? Thats worrying. I didn’t see any confrontation. Are we watching the same clip?

    2. That is the point the congressman is making. /// How’s that? He changes his answers depending on who’s asking? No comment if you don’t want to talk. The truth if you do.

    3. Some of these right-wing ding-a-lings are so worried about tyranny from named persons that they forget the tyranny of the mob and abdication of responsibility in anonymity. /// One guy with a camera is a mob? What exactly is this responsibility that was abdicated in anonymity? Be specific.

    4. These cocksuckers with their little cameras who capitalize on the identities of others without exposing their own are terrorist girls in burkas as far as I’m concerned. /// Ahhh, cocksucker. I see you do know this reporter. Well, I guess you can abdicate your own sexual prowess by posting here anonymously.

    5. These morons are creating a culture of rudeness that is actually incentivizing public figures to *never* commingle with the public. /// You think he was rude? You don’t know rude. Yes, blame the media whenever your overlords are caught lacking.

    ANT THE TOTAL IS: Zero out of Five. As you say: Good job. Good job.

  21. McCullough says:


    “Etheridge: “I would say to young people, get involved with a specific opportunity, something that’s really happening in your community, that you care about. It may be children, it may be a park, it may be a health department, you know, a lot of things…”

    What a tool.

  22. gquaglia says:

    Congress has lost touch with the fact that they represent the people. This guy is typical of what is wrong in Washington these days.

  23. WmDE says:

    So, why is the the students face blurred? We still don’t know who he is.

  24. LDA says:

    It’s just good to know we won the War on Terror and congressmen can walk the streets alone (drunk) again.

  25. Gilgamesh says:

    I agree. Let’s vote these guys out of office, so people like you can be in office.

    All the little bobo’s and the arm-chair quarterbacks. Let’s go!

    Geniuses of text. I’m sure you’ll all do great in moving pictures. All you need to be is smart, right? And I know you’re all that.

  26. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    #25–Gildamush==lets see if every little thing you said was wrong or not?

    1. I agree. Let’s vote these guys out of office, //// failing in his basic duites of officholding, I agree, he should be voted out if not pushed out by his colleagues.

    2. so people like you can be in office. // vague as to whom you are talking but some anonymous bloggers as elected representatives? Couldn’t be any worse.

    3. All the little bobo’s and the arm-chair quarterbacks. Let’s go! /// Yea team bobo, whoever he is.

    4. Geniuses of text. I’m sure you’ll all do great in moving pictures. All you need to be is smart, right? And I know you’re all that. /// huh?

    AND THE GRAND TOTAL IS: 3 right and 1 private reverie. Well, what have we learned today? Sharp criticism and half a mind not to look like a complete retard has its beneficial effects.

    Well done mush. Progress. The slime trail has little sparklies in it.

  27. Buzz says:

    If a policeman can legally insist on your disclosing your name, why can’t a congressman (a law MAKER) get traction on the same request without running into an evasive person who may have a hidden or illegal agenda?

    I believe the congressman can assume that a non-accredited individual behaving this way is perpetrating an assault with potentially (if not probabilistically) lethal consequences.

    Without disclosing, truthfully, something like:

    …I’m a reporter for XYZ.

    …I’m one of your constituents.

    …I’m Joe Jones.

    …I’m a process server.

    …I’m an undercover officer.

    The accosting individual is deepening his unwelcome, unresolved disruption, solving nothing with his tirade and refusal to answer cogently and may be summarily arrested for assault and possibly battery.

    Since there are two of them, any reasonable man may conclude that it’s an organized, premeditated assault, and possible assassination attempt.

    Ambush politics is a risky business. If the congressman were armed, and the offending citizen showed a twitch of aggression or a move to a pocket, this could have been a much bigger story than it is now.

    Ambushing the congressman in any state of mind (even inebriated) has wide-ranging consequences, especially when the ambusher is aggressive in any degree. As he is here.

  28. spsffan says:

    The Congressman reminds me of a certain hookah smoking caterpillar….

    And, yes, he appears to have committed assault and battery. I was on a jury a few years ago where the terms were explained quite clearly.

    We need to reintroduce the stocks in public squares. Until then, the Congressman should be charged or at least ridiculed in Congress.

  29. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    #27—buuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz==yes I see the resemblance. Ain’t humor a bitch?

  30. BubbaRay says:


    Without disclosing, truthfully, something like:
    …I’m a reporter for XYZ.
    …I’m one of your constituents.
    …I’m Joe Jones.
    …I’m a process server.
    …I’m an undercover officer.

    The most important answer: “I’m a voter!”


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