1. Carcarius says:

    You could say the same for basketball where “flopping” is as effective as a 3-pointer in changing the course of a game. The Celtics-Lakers game last night presented several examples.

  2. The0ne says:

    As one whom had played soccer when younger, doing this kind of stuff really earns you a “special” place amongst the players. Basically, you don’t become anyone that is to be special hahaha

  3. JoaoPT says:

    The European term is DIVE!

    It takes a great player to take a great DIVE.
    If the referee sees it and it’s not fooled by it the player gets a yellow card.

    Theater like this is part of a great football game also.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    I think the real problem with Soccer is that it’s not difficult enough, to play. They should figure out something else, that’s a whole lot harder and more tedious. With all kinds of complicated rules. Have a game where the “ball” can only be moved by any one player, the smallest possible distance, for the briefest of time, with contact by only one body part. Before another player has to take over, and move it in a different direction, 45 degrees or more, from before. And the ball wouldn’t be round, so it won’t roll on its own or be easy to pick up. I suggest it be pyramid shape. And dark green, to match the playing field. That’s the kind of game I what to see (not really), “Impossiball”.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    I’d rather play CALVINBALL!!

  6. tense says:

    OLD! But still relevant! The WC started well, but the last few days of matches it’s turned into a “What Crappy Call is going to be made this time” game.


    Easy Fix: Have the Matches reviewed and if there is any obvious “DIVE” then Red card the offender for the next match. Bet they will stop diving instantly.


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