The “Science Channel” is running a show called “Morgan Freeman’s “Through the Wormhole” that is basically creationist propaganda. I’m extremely disappointed. I sent them this letter. I wonder if they will reply.

Morgan Freeman’s “Through the Wormhole” is NOT SCIENCE and should not be on a “Science Channel”. If you want to assert that a deity exists then use the same scientific standards that are used to prove that black holes exist. I don’t know who got to you on creationism but I no longer respect your channel.

Maybe we should get the Mythbusters to make a final call on the existence of God?

You think I’m a skeptic? Prove it!

  1. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    I watched the first show about Black Holes and stopped about half way thru. I never got to the idea it was pushing creationist idiocy, I just thought it was aimed at 8th graders and not interesting. Now, I’ll have to watch it some more to get the Creationist Angle.

    You know, I actually enjoy how our two ideas are consistent: 8th Grande = Creationism.

    I haven’t watched “Is there a God” but I recall having a slight thought about “whats this doing on a science channel?”

    Yes, the forces of darkness will not rest. Let there be light.

    I think your letter will do nothing along with the other first 100,000 letters of the same concern. Over 100K?==maybe they would recognize they are losing their way. OTOH, if they got paid to run the show, and its only one show every 2-3 years, minimal harm. Just Greed. That has to be expected or forgiven as any good christian would.

  2. nicktherat says:

    well, hes not sticking to one god. maybe the neo is in the wormhole… maybe the 0 is. i see what you are getting at (he does say god and creator a lot), but its not all about religion from the videos im watching … its showing other thoughts as well (ie the computer simulation theory and how much computing power would be needed to simulate life)…. but um… yeah, stick it to the man! 😛

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    There was one segment on the show that said that the “religious experiences” that many religious leaders have had and based their religions on (like Lutherans) were basically a brainstorm in their mind, likely caused by external stimulus (i.e. head trauma, lightning strikes, etc) They were able to re-create these experiences with electromagnets zapping some collage girls brain.

    I didn’t sense any “Creationists” bullshit at all in this show. They didn’t talk about dinosaurs existing with man or anything, but they didn’t dismiss that there isn’t a gawd. At another point in the show they suggest that if Gawd does exist, perhaps he doesn’t give a shit anymore?

    However science’s job isn’t to disprove if there is a gawd. Science and religion aren’t enemies. People just MAKE IT that way, for the same reasons we have religions at war with each other in this world. So don’t be a douchebag and promote that notion, okay Marc?

    I really think you’re dreaming this shit up Marc. Did you watch the entire show, or did you run over to your PC to write this letter to Morgan Freeman before you finished watching it?

  4. nicktherat says:

    i agree with #3

    i wonder where you frag a lot? 😛

    i <3 morgan freeman, id buy anything he sold me…. id go religious for him. his voice is dreamy….ahhhhh

    i think marc might be jumping the gun a lil bit here as well.

    imagine if god could telefrag you? O___O

  5. Gildersleeve says:

    Try sending them links to a few of those Penn and Teller “Bullshit” programs. I understand they got that god stuff all sewn up.

    A shame the Science Channel won’t be cranking out any more PhD’s or general research scientists with this recent change in programming. We’ll have to redirect the pressure for this to our overburdened colleges and universities. Boy imagine how those religious institutions like Loyola, or Notre Dame (there are dozens at least) must have felt when they started having to teach stuff like mathematics and physics. Those really must have been tough calls. Oh, and how about all those hospitals with “Saint” in their names? They’ve never cured anything or anybody; I mean, how could they?

    Funny how a for-profit organization decides to get a little religion, and all the nihilists come out of the wood work having hissy fits. (snicker)

  6. brm says:

    Dude, you’re getting your science from the TV. You don’t have my sympathy.

  7. Cephus says:

    That’s ridiculous, as anyone who actually did a bit of research would know. Freeman isn’t a Christian, he’s gone on record saying so. He might be one of those namby-pamby non-religious spiritualist people, which personally I don’t care for, but they’re better than religious retards.

    According to the Charlie Rose interview done with Freeman, he said:

    Morgan Freeman: Oh yes! Everybody has a faith in something. Mine runs deep, but I won’t tell them what it’s about.

    Charlie Rose: Why not?

    Morgan Freeman: It’s very arrogant

    Charlie Rose: Just tell us.

    Morgan Freeman: I believe in me.

    Charlie Rose: That isn’t arrogant

    Morgan Freeman: Yes it is. People ask me if I believe in God. I say, “Absolutely”. I am God.

    The episode in question addressed various questions, from “are we in the Matrix” to “is there a creator”. That’s what this show was touted as, him asking questions. Whether or not he’s an atheist is irrelevant, whatever he personally accepts is irrelevant, there was nothing in the first episode that demonstrated that Science Channel supported any of those conclusions.

    Besides, the “god of the gaps” is a perfectly valid belief if you choose to go there, the only problem with said belief is those gaps keep getting smaller and smaller and eventually, there will be no more gaps to hide a god in. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to these believers when that happens.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    In just a few sentences this post manages to be wrong in multiple ways.

    1)the episode in question was called, “Is there a creator?” Not, “there is a God and he’s the Christian one.” It was all about if there is a creator or not and was all about quantum physics, explaining gravity, are we in The Matrix, and an experiment about manipulating the brain to give people the sense of interacting with spirits. It was far from a straight out assertion that there is a creator. Hell, they even went through a many worlds theory that attempted to debunk the argument that the universe is tuned just correct for existence so it couldn’t be an accident by saying that there might be lots of other universes out there with different laws of physics.

    2)creationism does not equal believing in a creator. There are millions of people who believe in a creator but don’t believe in creationism.

    It wasn’t the greatest 42 minutes of television ever. In fact, it seemed to me to digress quite far from the alleged topic at times. It didn’t come out and say, “No, there is no creator.” but it did talk to at least one person who thinks there isn’t if I recall. It wasn’t perfect but it is a lot better than History channel airing a series about how aliens came to earth in the past as if it were a fact or something.

  9. Marc Perkel says:

    Next they are going to replace astronomy with astrology.

  10. nicktherat says:

    whatchu talkin bout marc! he didnt say there was no big bang, and we came from the mud

  11. rectagon says:

    Oh oh. Our paranoid labels might not be accurate. Creationism is a LOGICAL conclusion to the anthropic principle. Antony Flew came to the same conclusion.

  12. SquirrelNut says:

    Dvorak must be letting anyone post to his blog. Sorry Squirrel Man, I realized the cheese fell off your cracker a long time ago.

  13. rectagon says:

    ….and now downloading to share with all my friends and neighbors. I’ll tell them I found it on ! 🙂

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    The Science Channel has not been much about science long ago.

    The History Channel has not been much about history long ago.

    They HAVE been about ratings.

    Ratings = Money.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Long ago there was a phrase for this.

    Consider the Source.

    It applies to both sides of the issue in this case.


  16. Idiocracy says:

    How comically you embody the zealous nature of the fanatic creationists you loath.

  17. ghm101 says:

    What #16 said

  18. DavidtheDuke says:

    Wanna know why religion is always going to stick around? I think it’s because religiously inclined people tend to have more babies. Natural selection, ironically enough.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    Slowly but surely, every channel tries to become Spike.

    For non USA-ans out there, Spike is a cable channel that used to be The Nashville Network (Country & Western music theme), then TNN, now Spike, which plays lots and lots and lots of “wrestling” and CSI Miami.

  20. Uncle Patso says:

    Slowly but surely, all TV programming is being aimed at 15-year-old boys.

  21. Floyd says:

    #18: I always thought religion sticks around because it’s very profitable. Follow the money…

  22. Personality says:

    #18 is sort of right. Catholic churches almost force their members to shit out a lot of kids.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    Our cable provider doesn’t carry the Science Channel. We do have TLC and Discovery Channels. TLC is a waste of electrons while Discovery does have some decent programs, Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs, and the When Dinosaurs Walked series.

  24. jescott418 says:

    Not able to watch the show. But who is the producer? I thought science was based from fact and this show sounds like more theory or some sort of fictitious story line. I agree that its not really something to be on a Science channel.

  25. Jeff little from Troy Ohio says:

    Funny you should say Myth Busters:

    “For me it was pretty simple. I’m actually the fourth generation in my family to have no practical use for the church, or God, or religion. My children continue this trend.”

    Adam Savage
    Food for the Eagle

  26. SparkyOne says:

    Why of earth do any of you people even watch TV?

  27. Guyver says:

    So what created the cosmic egg?

  28. Glass Half Full says:

    Magic is the explanation for everything for those with small minds. It’s the lazy “caveman” explanation for everything. Lightning? Thor. Sun coming up every morning? Apollo. Evolution? No, Jehovah. Lazy stupid cavemen.

  29. Buzz says:

    I saw it too. It’s a refutation of Creationism, Marc.

    You frankly didn’t get it.

    At all.

    #1, Bobbo. The Black Hole show runs for the first time this Thursday, June 17 at 10PM EDT. How did you “watch… the first show about Black Holes and stop about half way thru”?

  30. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes Dogma says:

    Buzz, did I get it wrong? Right from the start I thought it was all glitz. Very nice “sounding” narration (Kudo’s to Freeman), good color graphics, but I very rapidly found the subject matter of the presentation to be utterly puerile, so, I really didn’t pay that much attention while I multi-tasked away on something else. I think its the first “major series” on the Science Channel that I have not taped and don’t plan to watch the remainder of.

    As I read the comments here, I thought I might have it wrong and my impression is that Morgan/The Show wasn’t advancing creationism or religion, it was just presenting a lot of ideas or pop culture without much facts. I like facts.

    Along those lines, about every 4-5 years, I watch Mechanical Universe. History, Science, excellent graphics and a great presenter, and near the end, its fun to appreciate that I really don’t understand what the professor is saying, maybe next time?

    I apologize for shooting off the cuff. Reviews of tv programs should be accurate. I’m sure Marc Perkel agrees.


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