Russia’s parliament on Friday voted to boost the powers of the successor to the Soviet KGB, allowing it to summon people it believes are about to commit a crime and threaten jail for those who disobey its orders.

Rights groups said the proposed regulations could be used by the FSB security service to detain opposition activists and independent journalists and undermine President Dmitry Medvedev’s promises to foster civil rights.

“It’s a step toward a police state,” said Vladimir Ulas, a member of the opposition Communist Party. “It is effectively a ban on any real opposition activity.”

The bill, which would allow the FSB to issue a legally binding summons to anyone whose actions it considers as “causing or creating the conditions for committing a crime,” was passed in the first of three required readings in the State Duma.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. bobbo, politics fail when it becomes reactionary says:

    “It’s a step toward a police state,” /// Well, at least we are all on the same page?

    “Actually” such a rule could be quite tolerable and just another approach to civil order “if” it was undertaken in good faith. but when even the US Bill of Rights is abused by our politics, this step towards a police state does not bode well for the oppressed Russian People.

    What a sad history. Was it the Vikings or the Huns who did this? Lenin or Trotsky or Stalin?
    Yea, one single person driving history for generations. Papa Joe, loved by too many even today.

  2. Awake says:

    The are thinking of calling it the “Patriot Act”.

  3. Luc says:

    Because in Soviet Russia, crime commits you.

    Sorry, inevitable joke.

  4. brm says:

    We have one of these too. DHS.

  5. noname says:

    This will be coming to the U.S. when dumb f%#k American’s in the name of safety and security elect a re-branded variant of George Bush and Neo_Cons.

  6. Steve S says:

    This sounds more like it would be a story from California’s legislature, not Russia.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    # 6 noname said, on June 12th, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    >>This will be coming to the U.S. when dumb f%#k American’s in the name of safety and security elect a re-branded variant of George Bush and Neo_Cons.

    Why wait? Looks like Obombaaa and the current demobomba Congress already have a pretty good handle on that right now.

    Did Gitmo close? Has DHS been reigned in? Still at war? How about those new wiretap bills? Net neutrality? What great ideas. If nothing else, we’ll be taxed to death and no one can afford anything.

  8. Maricopa says:

    Can you say, “National Security Letter?”

  9. e? says:

    Australia is getting this too. As well as deciding what websites we can visit, the government is going to save our internet browsing history and emails for 5 to 10 years. This is because anybody might be a terrorist. Presumably they will use it to monitor citizens for signs of thoughtcrimes so the thought police can arrest us before we commit one. I guess liberal democracy is just inadequately totalitarian for modern politicians’ tastes.

  10. deowll says:

    We elect them and they plant the flag in our back sides. Why do we continue to vote for them? Oh yeah they told us they loved us and would always take care of us and we are stupid and sell our back sides down the river.

  11. Faxon says:

    In Nazi Germany, the children reported terrorists.

  12. lynn says:

    What did anyone expect with Putin in charge? Nothing has changed in Russia. Well, one thing, I guess – that they openly publicize the regulations.

  13. noname says:

    # 8 BubbaRay

    All true, good point.

  14. Reverse Engineer says:

    “Freedom of choice is what you’ve got. Freedom from choice is what you want” – Mark Mothersbaugh and Gerald V. Casale, 1980

  15. jbellies says:

    I think that the Estate of Philip K. Dick should sue Russia for copyright pre-infringement.


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