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Exorcism anyone??
Forecasting Earth quakes in Cali, is like Forecasting RAIN on Portland Oregon to Seattle Washington.
By the looks of this clip, you guys on the west coast are doomed! With or without an earthquake.
welp, since this guys says so, it must be true!
I am incredibly thankful this guy is not from my state.
Well, you can’t say he didn’t warn us.
Pffft! Never trust anyone who uses a teleprompter.
John! You cut your hair!
Was that an earthquake warning or an ad for birth control?
mwuy bwain huuwtss!!!
Wait, I have a vision, I am seeing the number 7, and the letter “S”
It’s hard to take someone seriously when they have a pole coming out the top of their head.
I concur Mr. Fusion.
the crazies have been out in thailand for a week or so now predicting a planetary alignment on june 12 would stimulate earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. good laugh. except for the 7.7 quake in the andaman sea this morn. tsunami watch in effect. no volcanoes yet. pardon no links – am working from my phone.
Call back when you have a date and time would ha?
Damn! Right out of a Stephen King novel.
i want so bad to be friends with this dude. seriously.
Maaaatt Daaaaamon
This should not be posted. It is sad.
# 11 The Stupendous Yappi said…
I salute you sir, for the aptness of your handle!
I’ve never been able to figure this out, Why do people reupload the same video over again to you tube? I looked and thought there might other videos of this kid but it’s just the same video over and over.
-too funny.. he should have done another take.. however, he’s a bit off though.
if you ask me, June 14th through 17th should produce some fireworks.
a rather interesting looking series of solar flares have fired off on the 10th, 11th and 12th..
-should be charge up the leaky capacitor “plates” of this planet rather nicely. -not to mention the comets that passing are through the area at the moment futzing with the electromagnetic balance of solar capacitor.
the piezoelectric properties of the tectonic plates should do the rest..
(John, you’ve talked a bit about this in the past before, have you not? “underground lightening”, if i recall)
hmm..maybe we should get a betting pool going.. perhaps a 6.5+ quake with a side order of volcano sprinkled with freaky weather anyone?
-that flash flood in Arkansas was a nice precursor,
-I got a dollar..any takers?
The flares: The 11th, The 12th
It’s an “Electric Universe” kids….go forth and learn the truth
#21 they want to get hits under their youtube account by re-uploading popular videos.
Actually I don’t blame him for making the recording. I suppose he wants to be a town crier or news caster or something but after watching it he should have hit delete rather than posting it.
The west coast is major earth quake country. The only question is does a big one hit where you live during your life time. Of course the New Madrid fault should break during the life time of most six year olds and I promise you that region is not prepared because what happened the last time that happened is so off the scale that even extreme efforts at preparation would be inadequate.
Living in a log house setting on steel girders on bedrock might work but you still need a tent and you don’t want to be near water on deep soil. I’ve never wanted to be buried by a sand geyser.
Eeeeeh, this guy musta taken a wrong toin at Albuquerque. He’s really not at the Coachella Carrot Festival, though he’s got the teeth for it.
John really now! lol Best part is when he chokes and coughs in the middle.
Gotta make fun of the challenged John? lol
Guess we have to give you a pass on this one, that was pretty funny.
Fantastic. How on earth did you get hold of Bill O’Reilly’s original audition tape from the 1960’s?
Didn’t that kid in “Full Metal Jacket” die?!
But seriously. Is there any point in poking fun at (obviously) retarded citizens?
There’s 1 minute 50 seconds I’ll never get back
Wow, he’s got something wrong with him, dude. Why are you making fun?