Series Producer-Andrew McKinnon
This Episode’s Executive Producer: Rajdeep Dosanjh
Art by: Paul T.

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  1. Floyd says:


  2. Steve Driver says:

    I knew I should have watched the live stream today

  3. bill says:

    Is that like “verbal diarrhea?”

  4. deowll says:

    Adam had the shits. Couldn’t you tell? There was almost no insanity today. I don’t think he mentioned the earthquake machine or alien invaders even once.

    I like the beard.

    I kind of get the feeling Adam doesn’t want to run Mevio any more.

    He got divorced. Maybe he just works there like the janitor.

  5. Angry says:

    Some would call that beard a “soy catcher”. HAR!

  6. nobody says:

    Adam is full of bullshit on his Social Security contributions. Either that or he is lumping Social Security with Medicare.

    The 2010 rate for self employed is 12.4% on up to $106800. That is a maximum of $13243.20 for 2010. If Adam contributed the maximum as a self employed individual for every year since 1980, the maximum he could have contributed is $240738.

    Now if you include Medicare, he could hit a million, since there has been no limit on maximum contributions since 1994. At the self employed rate of 2.9% for Medicare, that would mean he made at least $25 Million since 1994.

    So either Adam is wrong/confused/lying or he is mad that he had to give a few (approx 4%) to Social Security and Medicare. If you make $50K per year and are self employed, you pay 15.3% for combined Social Security and Medicare.

  7. ECA says:

    READ QOS quality of service.
    This one test REAL time access thru your machine to other sites.

  8. ECA says:

    why would a group run a RAILROAD threw a residential area??

    THE RICH wont let you,
    The corps can buy LAWYERS,
    And it raises the land values SO, they cant afford it.

  9. ECA says:

    Fox eats what??
    Fox no finds such an animal..
    Fox eats what, when it cant find its FOOD source?


    Mankind has killed off at LEAST 1/2 the animals on the planet.


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