On the night of Sunday, May 30, showing a terrifying disregard for human life, Israeli naval forces surrounded and boarded ships sailing to bring humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip. On the largest ship, the Mavi Marmara, Israeli commandos opened fire on civilian passengers, killing at least 9 passengers and wounding dozens more. Others are still missing. The final death toll is yet to be determined. Cultures of Resistance director Iara Lee was aboard the besieged ship and has since returned home safely.

Despite the Israeli government’s thorough efforts to confiscate all footage taken during the attack, Iara Lee was able to retain some of her recordings. Above is 15 minutes of footage from the moments leading up to and during the Israeli commandos’ assault on the Mavi Marmara.

  1. ethanol says:

    @qb(#55 and #65),
    Egypt and Turkey are now alienated and Syria is stupidly getting out of control and moving even closer to Iran.

    Turkey had nuclear “negotiations” with Iran the week before the flotilla. Turkey sponsored the flotilla. The day after the flotilla, when the world was all in a tizzy over the big, bad, Israelis, the world press ignored the IAEA report declaring that Iran now had enough nuclear fuel for two bombs. You think the Islamist Erdogan now serving the Ayatollah played a little part in this? Just a little?

  2. qb says:

    ethanol, that’s quite a ways to come from 2007 when Shimon Peres visited Ankara and addressed the Turkish General Assembly, isn’t it?

  3. dazzlezak says:

    If Kennedy had responded like Turkey, we would have had Nukes pointed at the US in Cuba since 1963.

  4. ethanol says:


    I will infer from your comment that you blame Israel. Interesting that you don’t think the radicalizing of his Islamic leadership style came about from the Constitutional Court ruling that Abdullah Gul couldn’t become president in May 2007. Remember that Ataturk created the country of Turkey in 1923 as a secular, democratic state to stop Islam, Fascism, and Communism. And also remember that Erdogan was imprisoned for threatening the Kemalist nature of Turkey. His true Islamist colors had to come out eventually.

  5. qb says:

    Blaming Israel? I love black and white attitudes. The world is so easy that way.

    It’s the god damn position they are currently in. It’s horrible. People are dying on both sides. They have to fix it. That’s life. They can’t expect Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Syrians to fix it for them, can they?

    Alienating friends, driving out the UN, and making it bloody impossible for the US and NATO to support them won’t fix it. They are going to have to change course and get smarter. Their biggest obstacle is probably the far right and religious conservatives in Jerusalem

    To win, you have to be better than your enemies. The allies didn’t defeat the Nazis by sinking to their level.

  6. bobbo, sex warrior from the year one says:

    qb–really! you are getting silly. All criticism and no recommendation.

    Any idiot can criticize any given situation. Rubber meets the road when you have to decide what to actually do, to take a position.

    Man up.

  7. LDA says:

    #54 Lamron

    Good point, I tend to agree.

  8. MikeN says:

    The entire purpose of trying to run this blockade was to get reactions like this in the media. They are fighting for propaganda form useful idiots around the world.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Bobbo,

    I stopped reading when I got to this as it reqires an immediate response.

    I commented that starting any argument from the position that the Israeli blockade was illegal, or piracy, or inhumane revealed a bias so deep and erroneous that the source has voluntarily removed himself from serious consideration. Such as this thread here.

    That is a one sided argument where you either agree with me or you’re wrong. You have just removed any acceptance of another side of an argument.

    That means you FAILED.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, Bobbo,

    Well, another 50 posts and you certainly haven’t disappointed my observation in #74.

    qb–really! you are getting silly. All criticism and no recommendation.

    Any idiot can criticize any given situation. Rubber meets the road when you have to decide what to actually do, to take a position.

    Man up.

    Qb is taking a middle course. Yet you still criticize him because he isn’t in favor of wholesale slaughter.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, Benny,

    I cannot believe people on this thread are in support of Hamas and the terrorists who lob rockets at Israelis. It’s like it’s a Bizzro World or something.

    When the Germans confined the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, the world was appalled. Now when the Israelis do it, somehow this became acceptable.

    Israel has a right to exist. That is indisputable. Yet, their right to exist does not give them any right to imprison others, steal their land, and deny basic human rights.

    The right to defend yourself does not include the right to preemptively attack a people. Although it is interesting that those most in favor of the American Second Amendment justify the use of Israeli tanks against civilians on the presumption they might have rifles.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #58, Benny,

    So your position is that Israel should stand by while missiles are being lobbed against their civilian population centers?

    Yeah right. You are advocating pacifism to the point of suicide

    But you want the Palestinians to be slowly starved to death. If you lived in Gaza, would you allow yourself to be humiliated and abused as the Palestinians are? Now, tell us again why you support the Second Amendment?


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